Do not give your own fatwaa


فَتَبَارَكَ اللَّهُ أَحْسَنُ الْخَالِقِينَ
Hey you are funny... there's always a funny side to something serious hey?:SMILY303:

Dhikr Allah

New Member
too many chiefs in the kitchen........

SubhanAllah in the days of our beloved prophet saaws, the sahabah were too scared to give any answers to islamic questions for fear of being judged, but we are living in a society where any person who gains a small amount of islamic knowledge thinks they have the right to give fatawah and then show arrogance when you stop them - let's stop for a minute and think about how much do we really know? Then we would realize we know nothing........

May we unite as one ummah in peace and strength, not fight each other and take offence, we have to many against us for us to be against ourselves.


New Member

i agree with u 100%

fatwa is a subject that we should be careful to report

because it's a knowldage that 'olama are concerned to get and to give to every onewho needs fatwa.

and sorry for my bad english because i am still learning it:shymuslima1:


Junior Member
I've a question and here it is
Does a person need to post a fatwa from a scholar when the question asked might be simple eg if a non-muslim asks how many times must a muslim pray in one day? do i need to get some proof for that and do u think i maybe posting my own fatwa when i say that a muslim must pray five times a day?

So what im trying to say here is that i totally agree people should stop posting their fatwas without proof but a person does not need to have proof like for the question above when the proof already is accepted & known by the majority or by everyone. so it depends on the level of the question being asked


Junior Member


i dont believe in taking anyones fatwaa as it is based one someones opinion.

i only go by the sunnah and koran

may Allah guide me


spread the peace
saying without knowledge like driving in dark without light
who syas "I do't know" ,he already gave his openion.


Junior Member
Brother that is a good fatwa.
In the day of Judgement one Allah (SWT) asks us why did we do such and such. Then some will say such and such told us that. And then when he asks you why did you give a fatwa without any knowledge what will you say?
P.S.: This is not a hadith/It could be but this is what I think


*Fear Allah*

Jazak Allah Khair for posting. Also just to add people should not assume something is not authentic and politely ask the source and read things entirely especially when providing fatwa from a known and reputable site. Also, some people try to read and intrepret ayahs and hadiths but scholars and sheikhs have studied and know alot about Quran and Sunnah and give information based off of that and multiple opinions have been accumalated to get this answers. Also, we may read a ayah or hadith but there could be another ayah or hadith that better intrepets and we dont fully understand wereas the scholars and sheikhs do.So we just need to be careful when someone post fatwa from the scholars and sheikhs and are quick to say its not authentic. The same as be careful when providing information claiming it is authentic.

Sister Amirah80


Im Proud 2 B Me!
Asalam Alakum,

Jazak Allah Kheer.... Alhamdlillah If i aint got proof to back me up i keep my mouth shut... which is hard to do.. but be safe than sorry



Junior Member
Salam alaykoum

I think the big problem in our days, is that muslim stoped following the first message of islam: sourat al alaq verse 1

اقْرَأْ بِاسْمِ رَبِّكَ الَّذِي خَلَقَ

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Read in the name of your lord who created

This message wasnt for the prophete :saw2: directly, Or he should have learn reading, but to all muslims. A message that ask muslims to read, to learn.
And we are also a oumma ( nation ) of knowledge and logic. How many times in the koran, do we read ( Don't you think ? )
People are asked to search, to understand theire religion. Your faith cannot be strong if you believe in something just cause someone said it. Your faith is strong cause you have a conviction that it's the truth. And the conviction comes with the knowledge and the logic.

But then, when someone wants to give an opinion, it has to be with a proof.
If its his own opinion, he takes the responsability of sharing it, but also he has to explain the ( why ). And even if he takes that from some known scholars he has to understand that fully. Even scholars do not agree for many subjects.
About the hallal and haram. The prophet :saw2: said they are very known.
Al haramou bayine wa al halalou bayine. Witch means i don't need a scholar to tell me that smoking is not allowed in islam. Cause i already know that everything that harms the body is haram.
Also how can anyone know if he has a true or a false information if he doesnt share it? then people can reply telling him if they agree or not.
And we are not a nation that symbolises people. We have great scholars, but that doesnt mean that they are perfect. Ive seen many contraditions between some scholars so witch one of them shall i follow?
“Whoever was given a fatwaa with no proof, his sin will go back on the one who gave him the fatwaa.” (Saheeh; narrated by Imaam Ahmad, 2/321).
This mean you can give it but with a proof. The proof must be a hadith or a verse from the coran. So anyone who can give a proof of what he says can share his opinions. If he is wrong people can correct him, and he will learn.

Wa salam alayikoum wa rahmatou allah.


Thank you, brother. I agree 100%. Praise be to Allah for your insights.


Junior Member
So basically the point of this thread is to discourage people from simply making up Islamic rules on the fly, right off of the top of their head, without anything to back it.

It CAN'T be a thread that discourages people from reading the Qur'an/Hadith on their own to study for their own understanding.

It CAN'T be encouraging people to accept the concept of some other person being inbetween them and their Lord. There is no one inbetween me and my Lord, I don't care what his title is or what university he attended. Allah has forbid priestcraft. Although their opinions and insights are certainly appreciated, Sheiyk Such-n-Such and Master Scholar Blah-Blah-Blah were not present when Allah opened my eyes and heart to His truth, nor will they be standing to defend me on the Day of Judgment. The Worldwide Muslim Community IS a community of scholars. Each of us has the God-given responsibility to study in order to understand our faith and to teach others. ALL of us, not an elite few.

For those matters that concern us that are not mentioned in the Qur'an or Hadith, we count on our leaders' opinions to help guide our own decisions, but no man is infallible. Beware of putting too much trust in your fellow creation. Someone else's opinion is good to have, but the Law was authored by Allah. Practice critical thinking skills on your own, people. Isn't that what got you to see Islam for what it was in the first place???

Ah, what happened to the days when every Muslim was an enthusiastic super-scholar dedicating his & her mind to Allah, and who helped rescue the world from the dark ages of ignorance? PLEASE stop telling people not to study and think for themselves! Allah gave the Qur'an to ALL of mankind, not to an elite scholar class who live above the people, nor to the Tribe of Levi!


Junior Member
The Prophet is sending mu'adh to yemen,he poses the question,with what will you rule? mu'adh replies;by the book of Allah,he says if you can't find anything in there,mu'adh says by the sunnah;he says again if you can't find anything in there,mu'adh says than i'll give my opinion(ijtihad)..
learn from this hadith,opinion is not ruled out completely in islam..


Well-Known Member
Staff member
As-salaamu `alaykum.

Opinion and ijtihaad is not ruled out, but it is not for everyone. It is for the `ullemaa', they are the true mujtahidoon. As for Mu`aadh Ibn Jabal, may Allaah be pleased with him, he was from amongst the best of scholars! Also, bare in mind the hadeeth of the Prophet sall-Allaahu `alayhi regarding the signs of the hour, that knowledge will be raised from this Ummah, not being snatched away from the chests of the people, by via the death of the `ullemaa'. Then people will take ignorant ones as leaders, who will pass their judgements, they are astray, leading others astray...



Junior Member

It is best for all to speak and those who are in error corrected, than for all to remain silent but for a few.