Do these five things and then disobey Allah !

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Junior Member
salaam alaikom
if you want to disobey Allah the Almighty do these five things
and if you can do one of them then you can disoey Him

heres what you have to do
1-Dont eat from His property and dont drink from His water
arent you ashamd to drink and eat from his property and then disobey him

2-Dont live in His land
arent you ashamed to drink and eat and live from what Allah give you and then disobey Him

3-If you want to disobey Allah dont make Him see you
arentyou ashamed to disobey the one who feed you and mak you live in his land and make Him see you disobedience

4-If you want to disobey Him ask the malk al mout not to take your soul and give you some time to repent
arent you afraid that malk al mout comes to you when you are makinh disobednce and then take your soul

5-Finally if you want to disobey Allah while He is feeding you and make you drink and He is looking at you and malk al mout didnt give you a chance to repent then when the angels are preparing you for hell dont go with them

arent you ashamed dear friends that after all these things that Allah grant you and giving you chance to repent and thn you disobey Him and when you repent Allah becomes so happy that you are back to Him

you disobey and then repent and He accept our repentence
please announce your repentence and go back to His way
no one knows when his soul is going to be taking so be prepared always to meet Him

oh Allah forgive our sins and accept us all Ameen


Travelling towards my grave.

A very good reminder. JazakAllah khair sister for sharing with us. If I am not wrong, these are some answers that an 'Ulama gave when a person asked his permission to disobey Allah. What a wonderful answer.........MashaAllah.

I hope everything is going smoothly with you and everyone else now.

Finally, Xie xie for the information.:)


-brother IbnAdam-


Junior Member

A very good reminder. JazakAllah khair sister for sharing with us. If I am not wrong, these are some answers that an 'Ulama gave when a person asked his permission to disobey Allah. What a wonderful answer.........MashaAllah.

I hope everything is going smoothly with you and everyone else now.

Finally, Xie xie for the information.:)


-brother IbnAdam-

yes dear brother you are right but its not the very same here is the context but in Arabic

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

أقبل رجل إلى إبراهيم بن أدهم .. فقال : يا شيخ .. إن نفسي .. تدفعني إلى المعاصي .. فعظني موعظة ..

فقال له إبراهيم : إذا دعتك نفسك إلى معصية الله فاعصه .. ولا بأس عليك .. ولكن لي إليك خمسة شروط

قال الرجل : هاتها ..

قال إبراهيم : إذا أردت أن تعصي الله فاختبئ في مكان لا يراك الله فيه ..

فقال الرجل : سبحان الله ..كيف أختفي عنه ..وهو لا تخفى عليه خافية..

فقال إبراهيم سبحان الله .. أما تستحي أن تعصي الله وهو يراك ..

فسكت الرجل .. ثم قال :زدني ..

فقال إبراهيم : إذا أردت أن تعصي الله .. فلا تعصه فوق أرضه ..

فقال الرجل : سبحان الله .. وأين أذهب .. وكل ما في الكون له ..

فقال إبراهيم : أما تستحي أن تعصي الله .. وتسكن فوق أرضه ؟

قال الرجل : زدني ..

فقال إبراهيم: إذا أردت أن تعصي الله .. فلا تأكل من رزقه

فقال الرجل : سبحان الله ..وكيف أعيش .. وكل النعم من عنده ..

فقال إبراهيم : أما تستحي أن تعصي الله ..وهو يطعمك ويسقيك .. ويحفظ عليك قوتك ؟

قال الرجل : زدني ..

فقال إبراهيم :فإذا عصيت الله .. ثم جاءتك الملائكة لتسوقك إلى
النار .. فلا تذهب معهم ..

فقال الرجل : سبحان الله .. وهل لي قوة عليهم .. إنما يسوقونني
سوقاً ..

فقال إبراهيم : فإذا قرأت ذنوبك في صحيفتك .. فأنكر أن تكون فعلتها ..

فقال الرجل: سبحان الله .. فأين الكرام الكاتبون .. والملائكة الحافظون .. والشهود الناطقون .. ثم بكى الرجل ..
ومضى ..
وهو يقول :أين الكرام الكاتبون ..والملائكة الحافظون .. والشهود الناطقون...

i will translate this if i can inshAllah
but my thread is alittle different



i will translate this if i can inshAllah
but my thread is alittle different

i think this could be quite close a translation to the arabic but not in the same order

Ibraheem ibn Adham was approached by a man who wanted to stop his sins. He asked for advice that will help him realize the consequences of his actions. He was told:

If you want to disobey Allah, you can, in 5 cases:

1- If you want to disobey Allah, then don't eat from His rizq (provision.)
The man said: Then where am I to eat when every provision is from Allah?

Ibraheem said: O such a person! Is it honorable and good to disobey Allah, and eat from His provision?
The man said: give me the second one.

2- If you want to disobey Allah, then do not live on Allah's property.
The man said: Then where am I to live if not on Allah's property?

Ibraheem said: Is it good then, to eat from His provision, live on His property, and disobey Him?
The man said: Give me the third one.

3- If you want to disobey Allah, then disobey Him in a place where He will not see you.
The man said: How am I to do this when He not only sees what others see, but what is in the hearts?

Ibraheem said: o you such a person, how do you eat from His provision, live on His property, and disobey Him openly?
The man said: Give me the fourth one.

4- If you want to disobey Allah, when the Angel of Death comes to you, tell him to come back later, after you repent.
The man said: He will not accept this from me!

Ibraheem said: O you such a person, when you cannot delay death, how do you expect a savior?
The man said: Give me the fifth.

5- If you want to disobey Allah, then after death comes to you, on the Day of Judgement, when the Angels of Hell come to drag you into Hell, refuse to go with them.
The man said: They will not accept that from me!

Ibraheem said: Then how do you expect to be saved?
The man said: Enough! Enough! I seek forgiveness in Allah and make tawbaah! AstaghfirAllah wa i'tubuu ilayk!

He made sincere tawbaah, and left all his acts of disobedience, and he died in such a state.

the last part is not the exact translation of the arabic text. will find out soon INSHALLAH..


Staff member
assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

Jazakumullahu khayr everyone for this, I really liked reading it mashaAllah

It is very true.. i wish so much, that we can all just put our trust in Allaah and do what pleases Him the most, inshaAllaah


Junior Member
assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

Jazakumullahu khayr everyone for this, I really liked reading it mashaAllah

It is very true.. i wish so much, that we can all just put our trust in Allaah and do what pleases Him the most, inshaAllaah

jazaka Allah khyran for your reply

may Allah keep us all on the right path



daughter of Adam
u remembered us.the creation of allah do not like to disobey avoid to commit mistake.for this purpose allah save us.:tti_sister::wasalam:


Left long ago
septithol, had you ever had any logic in your heart and mind, you would have seen God everywhere. Only illogical and evil minds can't see HIM.


Junior Member
best greetings

all this logic about Allah almighty is wrong in Islam logic .

we muslims stop to do human logic when it came to Allah almighty .

we don't make parables of Allah almighty , Allah almighty is high from any parable or example or likeness. this is the logic of Islam.

the second thing is the death :

every one is this earth must taste death with justice . all peopel is justely by Allah almighty power and will and wisdom will die .
death came in a specific time , as peopel born in specific time .
even peopel die by natural or accident or murder or any oder causes . it's death , it's the time that Allah almighty prescribed for him.

Allah almighty is not playing or he forget this earth or .... in Islam , Allah almighty , don't sleep , don't forget , don't play , don't abondone , don't eat , don't miss , don't fear .

Allah almighty is more mercyful with us than our selfs ,and parrents.
llah almighty give to this whol earth a time when all will be end , as he almighty give to every one a time of life and in the end every soul will be judged justely for his deeds.

in Islam , Allah almighty can make another earth and can do as much earth as he want easely with simple words " be " and it is .
can you if you want something tell be and it is , can America if it want something to tell be and it is ? you will answer no , absolutely and logicaly no. then Ameica is not a parable of Allah almighty.

you know the president of America will not stop death from his self when the angel of death came to him , even he call for the NATO and UNO and all his allies and armies , with devils and they can not give him life or stoping death from him.
you know Ronald Regan the ex president ; he have an mentel illness in his last days , i don't know if he is steel alife or no , and Ariel Sharon too was Ill in his last days in publics . who from all this powerfull states and empires help them from a simple illness ? no one . no one will help them even they want , but it's not in the power of human or Jins or angels.

the day in the pole north is not like the day in Morocco . we need to pe atention about somethings like this in our logics.

we just need to know the powers of Allah almighty and his attributes. our purpose of life , and how to worship Allah almighty that we can have the eternal blessing of paradies .

may Allah almighty guid all of us.

jazaka Allahu khyran for this i guess he needs to read one more time
may Allah forgive us all:astag:


Well, the problem here is, that if God does not operate by any humanly comprehensible logic or morality, than by human standards, God is insane and evil. God may be sane and good by HIS standards, but unfortunately, the fact that his standards are insane and evil from the viewpoint of a human means that even though God may ultimately be sane and good HIMSELF, it would be impossible for a human being to submit themselves to God, without that human becoming evil and insane.


This's opening doors that should be kept shut. Where are the mods? is this acceptable?


Junior Member
salam alykum brothers and sisters.

greetings lady septithol.

may Allah guid all of us .

Allah almighty creat all of this around us , as sister hijab al3efah may Allah almighty reward here . when we say created , that mean all the material and immaterial cretion , the seen and inseen things . the good and evil .

the good and evil are a creation of Allah almighty , he give us almighty the way of good and the good of evil. we are free to make the choice . in the end all we will be judged for our choices . Allah almighty sent us a messengers to guid us to the right and good way of life and the way to have the eternal blessing of paradiese.
the guid of Evil is Satan " Shaytan" , if we follow him , we rae in the wrong way , the way of eternal punishment , but peopel will taste the damnation and punishment here in this life . example of Pharao , Sharon of Israely , Clinton .. and some from the Arabic leaders , all the same you know .
the evils is the evils ones where vere they are , and the good are the good ones wherever they are.

now the standards of human are differents. for example yoour standards of judgement are generaly not mine . and we can look for example a chast woman and a misguided half naked woman. the standar of one is chastety and self respect and respect for her beliefs , brothers and sisters , husband , family society , angels . and the standard of the other misguided woman is to please others and exsibit his beauty . the first woman look for a reward and mercy of Allah almighty , and walk in the way of mercy . the second misguided are walking in the way of evils .

the standards of a believers are not like a standards of a misguided or a desbelievers. i'ts a natural logic .

sanety is a phatology not a way of reasoning lady with all my respect to you .
sanety is an illness , a dysfonctionning of a braine ( those pathologies are differents) , but Allah almighty , high he is , holy is abouve any likiness , is not like us with a body and soul . he is Allah almighty , the light of the earts and skies . he need no food , no relashionsheap etc ... Allaha almighty have no blood or oxygene lady , that he can have an illness like insanity. subhanahu wa taala.

may Allah almighty guid all of us.

jazaka Allahu khyr for this
i am really annoyed because of what septithol said i hope he\she can see this and learn


Junior Member

This is are very nice thread by: hijab al3efah

jazaki Allahu Khaira

As for understanding Sepithol comment it doesn't make sense.

A reminder for all of us.

Chapter 3: Types of Heart

Just as the heart may be described in terms of being alive or dead, it may also be regarded as belonging to one of three types; these are the healthy heart, the dead heart, and the sick heart.

The Healthy Heart

On the Day of Resurrection, only those who come to Allah with a healthy heart will be saved. Allah says:

"The day on which neither wealth nor sons will be of any use, except for whoever brings to Allah a sound heart.” [26:88-89]

In defining the healthy heart, the following has been said:

"It is a heart cleansed from any passion that challenges what Allah commands, or disputes what He forbids. It is free from any impulses which contradict His good. As a result, it is safeguarded against the worship of anything other than Him, and seeks the judgement of no other except that of His Messenger (saws). Its services are exclusively reserved for Allah, willingly and lovingly, with total reliance, relating all matters to Him, in fear, hope and sincere dedication. When it loves, its love is in the way of Allah. If it detests, it detests in the light of what He detests. When it gives, it gives for Allah. If it withholds, it withholds for Allah. Nevertheless, all this will not suffice for its salvation until it is free from following, or taking as its guide, anyone other than His Messenger (saws)."
A servant with a healthy heart must dedicate it to its journey's end and not base his actions and speech on those of any other person except Allah's Messenger (saws). He must not give precedence to any other faith or words or deeds over those of Allah and His Messenger, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Allah says:

"Oh you who believe, do not put yourselves above Allah and His Messenger, but fear Allah, for Allah is Hearing, Knowing. (49:1)"

The Dead Heart

This is the opposite of the healthy heart. It does not know its Lord and does not worship Him as He commands, in the way which He likes, and with which He is pleased. It clings instead to its lusts and desires, even if these are likely to incur Allah's displeasure and wrath. It worships things other than Allah, and its loves and its hatreds, and its giving and its withholding, arise from its whims, which are of paramount importance to it and preferred above the pleasure of Allah. Its whims are its imam. Its lust is its guide. Its ignorance is its leader. Its crude impulses are its impetus. It is immersed in its concern with worldly objectives. It is drunk with its own fancies and its love for hasty, fleeting pleasures. It is called to Allah and the akhira from a distance but it does not respond to advice, and instead it follows any scheming, cunning shaytan. Life angers and pleases it, and passion makes it deaf and blind [1] to anything except what is evil.

To associate and keep company with the owner of such a heart is to tempt illness: living with him is like taking poison, and befriending him means utter destruction.

The Sick Heart

This is a heart with life in it, as well as illness. The former sustains it at one moment, the latter at another, and it follows whichever one of the two manages to dominate it. It has love for Allah, faith in Him, sincerity towards Him, and reliance upon Him, and these are what give it life. It also has a craving for lust and pleasure, and prefers them and strives to experience them. It is full of self-admiration, which can lead to its own destruction. It listens to two callers: one calling it to Allah and His Prophet (saws) and the akhira; and the other calling it to the fleeting pleasures of this world. It responds to whichever one of the two happens to have most influence over it at the time.

The first heart is alive, submitted to Allah, humble, sensitive and aware; the second is brittle and dead; the third wavers between either its safety or its ruin.


[1] It has been related on the authority of Abu'd-Darda' that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Your love for something that makes you blind and deaf." Abu Daw'ud, al-Adab, 14/38; Ahmad, al-Musnad, 5/194. The hadeeth is classified as hasan.



Subhana Allah!
Asalamu alaykum

masha Allah! it's true.the true disobedience should be one of those. may Allah almighty guide us all amiin. jazak Alllahu khayra ukhti.

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