does anyone knows....


Junior Member
salam alikoum brothers and sisters,
i knew sometimes before that drinking water while eating is not good and can cause harm to the stomach. does anyone have a scientific argument that confirms or contradicts this. or from the sunnah of our beloved prophet mohamed pbuoh.
may allah swt blessed you all.
wa salam alikoum


salam alikoum brothers and sisters,
i knew sometimes before that drinking water while eating is not good and can cause harm to the stomach. does anyone have a scientific argument that confirms or contradicts this. or from the sunnah of our beloved prophet mohamed pbuoh.
may allah swt blessed you all.
wa salam alikoum

Wa alaykumu salaam wa rahmatullah

Ameen to your du'a
I don't know if theres any Hadeeth about it.
Here's a scientific article

What is sure though is that in Sunnah, you have to sit while eating or drinking

wa salam


Junior Member

salam alikoum sister,
jazaki allaho kheiran for sharing the links, they are beneficial and contain answer to other matters too.
thank you so much,
wa salam alikoum


Drinking water while eating? Wow. Where did you hear that? :) I never came across anything like that in medical school. I can't come up with any medical reason why will this be harmful to a healthy person. In fact, doctors advice patients to drink as much as you can (just not excessively that you get to the point where you get hypervolemic hyponatremia or other electrolyte imbalances). :p At least 8 glasses a day for a healthy person. Now, if you have congestive heart failure or some end stage renal (kidney) disease or any other disease with volume overload, that's another story.


Drinking water while eating? Wow. Where did you hear that? :) I never came across anything like that in medical school. I can't come up with any medical reason why will this be harmful to a healthy person. In fact, doctors advice patients to drink as much as you can (just not excessively that you get to the point where you get hypervolemic hyponatremia or other electrolyte imbalances). :p At least 8 glasses a day for a healthy person. Now, if you have congestive heart failure or some end stage renal (kidney) disease or any other disease with volume overload, that's another story.

well thats what ive just read here
It's contradictory lol!!
I think that if we don't have any digestion problems its ok to drink a little water while eating. Though if we drink too much it expands stomach.
Wa Allahu a'lam!!


Junior Member

salam alikoum,
thanks to sister muslimah_mtl and sister shasha for their comments. yes sister muslimah_mtl the links are contradictory but the last ones seemed to me more convincing, so thanks you.
sister shasha, thank you for your comments, in fact i am not inventing things, i said i heard and i just wanted to now, you are in med school, you must be right....
jazakoum allaho kheiran
wa salam alikoum