does God exist?


Abu Maryam
Hello and Peace be upon you...

Usually, when people ask this question...i put the ball back in their court...!!
So, let me re-phrase the question and ask u... Do you have any logical/scientific explaination about the perfect creation of our own human body, the flora and fauna, the earth and the universe??


Muslim Brother

To free Thinker
Beacuse 'in' this world nothing can exist by creating itself - its impossible whilst outside this world/universe where Allah is it is possible as we have the proof the quran. Note that God is not like his creation and cannot be campared to this world, even our thoughts cannot campare Allahs greatness to this world.

May Allah bless you and show you the way.

Free Thinker

New Member
Hello and Peace be upon you...

Usually, when people ask this question...i put the ball back in their court...!!
So, let me re-phrase the question and ask u... Do you have any logical/scientific explaination about the perfect creation of our own human body, the flora and fauna, the earth and the universe??

Yes, that's easy and the answer is simple: none one of those things are perfect.

No living organisms is flawless, all are subject to weaknesses, some crippling, and all of them die.

While animals and even people are well suited for living on Earth, there are not safe from an almost infinite list of hazards and natural disasters that lead millions to their premature deaths. Earth is not a perfect environment.

And while one can marvel at the complexity of the whole universe, there's nothing stopping a comet or a giant asteroid from hitting the Earth and wiping out most life on the planet. It happened before, it will happen again. Shooting stars you see every night serve as a constant warning that space is dangerous.


To free Thinker
Beacuse 'in' this world nothing can exist by creating itself - its impossible whilst outside this world/universe where Allah is it is possible as we have the proof the quran. Note that God is not like his creation and cannot be campared to this world, even our thoughts cannot campare Allahs greatness to this world.

May Allah bless you and show you the way.

That's classic circular logic.

Allah is outside of the universe and can do anything because this book says he does. It's exactly like Jesus Christ is the only path to salvation because that other book says so, yet you choose to ignore that one.

That's hardly convincing on its own.


Junior Member
As atheist but student in sciences, I don't believe in God but I'd like to know from where comes your certainty of its existence. Especially, assuming that God exists, why should we thank him or even talk to him, perhaps is he not concentrated on human beings. I'm sincerely interested in the answers you can provide me and I am not trying to provocate faithful people.
Thank you for your answers.


I came from a non-religious Catholic household but my parents are pretty much atheists. Although I was not drawn to thinking about God's existence through Catholic school, once I studied Qur'an, it seemed so logical and yet such a miraculous book to me that I could no longer continue brushing God off as some kind of folklore. If you are a person of science, I believe the Qur'an has a lot to offer you in terms of scientific evidence. It even references that there is a small microscopic organism, invisible to the naked eye, living on the back of the mosquito/gnat. Nothing in this world came about by mere accident, everything has its place..... Look how far humans have come with technology, etc., but we could not even create a simple leaf from scratch to anything near the perfection of Allah's creations.

BTW, you asked why we should speak to God or thank Him. Please understand that Allah (God) does not need us at all, he does not need our gratitude to contine to be the everlasting Master of everything. Allah is the All-knowing and He makes no mistakes. It is we, humans, who were given intellect to seek knowledge that should lead us to be in submission to the Almighty Creator if we seek knowledge with a pure heart. All animals are naturally born "Muslims", creatures who submit to Allah. Animals do nothing that Allah did not place them on this earth to do. We have intellect to make our own choices, to worship Allah and make things right with Him in the hope that we may be rewarded with Paradise in the Hereafter, God willing. Or we can reject God's existence :astag: and continue about our daily lives caught up in this world and thinking this is it and once we croak, that's the end.

I would rather have faith that there is an Almighty Creator and worship Him alone although I know it is I that need Him and He does not need me. However, He is the Ever-Merciful and those who truly submit to Him will have an eternity of bliss. Also, when one submits completely to the Almighty Creator, one understands one's place here on this earth and it makes for humble and kind behaviour to your fellow human-beings and the rest of Allah's wonderful creations and negates ego and arrogance which was the major sin that turned Iblis, who was made from fire, into Satan, when he refused to bow in honour of Allah's creation of Adam from clay. I would not want to be an arrogant creature with an inflated ego as this would lead to ugly obnoxious behaviour in this life and an eternity of misery.

Thank you for your questions and I hope your quest will lead you to the Truth :)


Muslim Brother

to free thinker - The best way is to Read the quran, read the bible and then decide which is more consistent and logical. Thats what everybody should do. There is nothing wrong with circular arguments as long as the book and the teachings are sound. Only the individual can decide that.

Thats why i reject the bible and not the quran because of my own logic and thinking the bible does not make sound sense to me due to its context.

May Allah bless you and show you the right path.


Junior Member

Beautiful post Sister Albint_Almuslima. Jazak Allahu Khair.


Both Transcendent and Immanent

By Noor al-Deen



The universe is, in essence, a book that attests to the existence of Allah.

Of central importance to the Islamic creed is a firm belief in Allah (God)1 that accords with the precepts set in the Qur’an and Sunnah. While the majority of humanity believes in an absolute, the Islamic definition of God is precise and unique, and not subject to personal revisions. In other words, Allah is as He is, and our belief in His reality benefits no one but ourselves.

With this in mind, we have endeavored to define the Islamic understanding of Allah in a candid, albeit simple, language:

Allah is One, without any partners. He has no sharers in His essence, attributes, actions, or rulings. He is the sole Creator of all that exists, has existed, and will ever exist. Everything other than Him is His creation – that is, a contingent being that came into existence after it did not previously exist.

He alone controls all events, causes, and effects, and no power exists independently of His power. Nothing happens outside of His will, neither before He willed it, nor after He willed it, neither more than what He willed, nor less than what He willed.

There is nothing like Him, and it is impossible to imagine or conceive Him. He is not qualified by the laws of His creation. He is not encompassed by direction or distance. Allah existed as He has always been before the creation of time and space.2 He not only created time and space, but He is transcendentally beyond them, such that He cannot be “in” a place, He cannot be “everywhere,” and He cannot be “nowhere.”

Allah is the eternally-existing, necessary first cause. Unlike His creation, which is a possible existent subject to nonbeing, beginning, and ending, Allah has no beginning and He will never perish or come to an end. Scholars have also explained, “Bringing creation into existence did not add anything to His attributes that was not already there.”3

He is the Sustainer of everything, directly sustaining every instant of the existence of all things. He alone gives life and He alone gives death, and He will re-create and resurrect living rational beings for judgment and retribution just as He created them the first time. Nothing is difficult for Him.

His omnipotence encompasses all things intrinsically possible. He cannot terminate His own existence, for “the divine nature necessarily entails the divine perfections, of which being is one. It is impossible that Allah could cease to have this perfection or any other, for otherwise He would not be God.”4 Similarly, it is impossible for created things to contravene the knowledge or speech of Allah, for by being connected with either of these two divine attributes, it has become contingently necessary for any created thing to conform and submit.

His knowledge encompasses all things. It is not subject to change or increase; it is not based on time or chronology. He knew the actions and eternal abodes of all of humanity before its creation, and its actual existence and conformity to Allah’s pre-temporal knowledge neither increased nor benefited Him.

He sees all events and things in a manner wholly unlike our means of seeing things. His sight does not depend on distance, light, and appendages. Likewise, He hears all events and things with a hearing that transcends sound waves, volume, tone, and pitch.

Allah is the source of all benefit and harm. If all of humanity gathered together with the sole intention of benefiting or harming a single person, it would be absolutely powerless to do so save by the will and permission of Allah.

In a similar vein, Allah alone guides to His single, eternal truth, and He likewise leads astray. All good works done by a person are not a consequence of his own knowledge, effort, or piety, but rather they issue from a divinely-bestowed ability that Allah grants to whom He wills.

It should be noted at this point that while the masculine pronoun “He” is used in both Arabic and English to denote Allah, He is nonetheless transcendentally beyond any gender. Elucidating this phenomenon, T.J. Winter, a British academic, writes the following:

God is simply Allah, the God; never Father. The divine is referred to by the masculine pronoun: Allah is He (huwa); but the grammarians and exegetes concur that this is not even allegoric: Arabic has no neuter, and the use of the masculine is normal in Arabic for genderless nouns.5

The Signs of Allah


The first “book” that attests to the existence of Allah is creation itself. As such, a wise man has said, “Praise be to God Who has proven His existence through His creation, proven His eternality through the origination of His creation, and proven His incomparability through the uniformity of His creation.”6

The universe is, in essence, a book, though few people are truly able to read it. With a printed book, a person may become obsessed with the font style, binding, paper quality, and other superficial features, while he never learns or takes the time to read the actual message contained therein. Similarly, most people confine their attention to the externalities of the world, such as the relationship between cause and effect, and they never perceive the underlying message of creation, namely, that behind it lays a single, all-wise, all-powerful Creator.7

Regarding the manifest signs of Allah all around us, a knowledgeable British convert to Islam writes the following:

We cannot live, for instance, without daily rest; both the human body and the human mind are constructed to need it. This fact is not in itself surprising, but what is surprising is that the solar system collaborates with us in our human frailty and provides us with a day and a night exactly suited to our needs. Man cannot claim to have compelled or persuaded the solar system to do so; nor can the solar system claim to have modeled human physical and mental energy to conform to its own movements. Both man and the solar system are evidently linked in a total organization in which man is the beneficiary; the organizer of these inexplicable concordances can only be a Supreme Controller of the universe and mankind. Sweet water is a necessary condition of human existence; it is equally necessary for those plants which produce man’s staple foods, which themselves depend on each other. If sea water were to invade our rivers and wells or rain down from the sky, is there any doubt that we should all die of hunger and thirst in a few days and the whole world become an empty desert? Yet sea water is only held back by an invisible barrier over which we have no control and the sun and the clouds co-operate in order to desalinate our water for us and so give us life.8

By reflecting upon the innumerable miracles within the cosmos around us through the use of the intellect that has been gifted to us, every human being of sound mind and senses is able to attain a basic realization of the existence of a single, omnipotent God. Through His Mercy and Guidance in the form of prophets and revealed texts,9 a person’s realization may ultimately grow into gnosis of the true nature of Allah and His Oneness, a concept know in Islam as Tawheed.



An artistic rendering of ‎the word Allah.‎

In order to provide a better understanding of Islamic Tawheed, we have provided a description of Allah and some of His attributes as it appears in a famous, classical text of Islamic knowledge.The following is an original translation of excerpts from Revival of the Religious Sciences by Imam Abu Hamid al-Ghazali 10:

Allah is singular in His essence with no partner, Unique with no equivalent, Absolute, no opposite has He, Alone without peer. He is beginningless without predecessor, perpetual of being without end, singularly sustaining everything without stop. He is not victim to termination or cessation, or to the elapsing of spans or the passing of interims. Rather He is the First and the Last; the Outward and the Inward – and He has knowledge of everything.

He is not a body with form, nor is He a confined or quantifiable substance. He does not resemble bodies in quantifiably or divisibility. Rather He resembles nothing existent, nor does anything existent resemble Him. There is absolutely nothing like Him, nor is He like anything.

No measure confines Him, no space contains Him, no direction encompasses Him, nor do the heavens surround Him.

He is above everything until the farthest reaches of the stars – an above-ness that does not increase His nearness to the heavens; rather He is exalted in degree above the heavens to the same extent that He is exalted in degree above the depths of the earth. Notwithstanding, He is near to all existence, and He is nearer to the bondsman than his jugular vein. His nearness, however, no more resembles the nearness of bodies one to another than His essence resembles the essences of bodies.

He is too sublime that space should encompass Him, as He is too hallowed that time should restrict Him. Rather He was, before He created time and space, and He is now as He was always. He is separate from His creation by His attributes. He is transcendentally holier than to be subject to change and movement. Rather He remains in His qualities of absolute majesty, not subject to abating, and in His qualities of perfection with no need of increase.

He is Living, Almighty, Irresistible, Overpowering; deficiency does not affect Him nor does incapacity. “No slumber can seize Him nor sleep.”11 Extinction and death do not counteract Him. He is possessed of absolute dominion, sovereignty, and grandeur; to Him is creation and command.

He is matchless in creating and beginning, solitary in causing existence and originating. He creates all beings and their acts, decrees their sustenance and spans. Nothing possible is outside His grasp, and He is never detached from the absolute governing of all affairs. His abilities cannot be enumerated, and His knowledge is boundless.

He knows all things knowable, encompassing all that transpires between the depths of the earths to the ends of the universe. Nothing of an atom’s weight in the earth and the heavens escapes His Knowledge; rather He knows the creeping of a black ant across a soundless stone on a lightless night. He knows the movement of the particles on a windy day. He knows the hidden and what is beyond. He presides over the thoughts of the conscience, the movements of the cerebrations, and the recondite subtleties of the psyche, with a beginningless, eternal Knowledge that has been with Him forever.

He is the willer of all that exists, and He is the director of all that occurs. Nothing occurs in the seen or unseen world, be it minimal or abundant, small or large, good or evil, beneficial or harmful, of belief or disbelief, knowledge or ignorance, triumph or ruin, increase or decrease, obedience or defiance, except by His decree, foreordainment, command, and volition. What He wills is, and what He does not will is not.

A servant has no escape from disobeying Him except through His conferred success and mercy; he has no power to obey Him except through His assistance and will. If all of mankind united together to move or retard a single atom in the universe without His will and volition, they would be unable to do so.

He hears and He sees. No audible thing, however faint, escapes His hearing, and no visible thing, however minute, is hidden from His sight. Distance does not impede His hearing and darkness does not obstruct His seeing. His attributes do not resemble the attributes of the creation to the same extent that His essence does not resemble the essences of creation.

Everything other than Him is an originated thing that He created by His power from nothingness, since He existed in eternity alone and there was nothing whatsoever with Him. He originated creation thereafter as a manifestation of His power and as a realization of His preceding Will, not because He had any need of it.

He is Magnanimous in creating and in imposing obligations upon His creation; He is not compelled to do it by necessity. He is Gracious in beneficence and reform, though not through any need. Munificence and Kindness, Beneficence and Grace are His. He rewards His believing worshipers for their acts of obedience according to generosity and encouragement rather than according to their merit and obligation, for there is no obligation upon Him in any deed towards anyone. Tyranny is inconceivable in Him, for there is no right upon Him towards anyone.12

While these are the Islamic beliefs on Allah in written form, it must be noted that a person is not accountable for his intellectual understanding of them, but rather he is responsible for truly incorporating them in his heart. True conviction in Allah’s existence and in His actual relationship with every one of us comes only with His mercy and guidance. As such, Muslims ask Allah in every prayer for guidance unto His Straight Path.



Junior Member
As atheist but student in sciences, I don't believe in God but I'd like to know from where comes your certainty of its existence. Especially, assuming that God exists, why should we thank him or even talk to him, perhaps is he not concentrated on human beings. I'm sincerely interested in the answers you can provide me and I am not trying to provocate faithful people.
Thank you for your answers.

i don' think athiest can answer those questions ,

1) who created universe, all things rotating in it with time and speed ?

2) who has placed life in the living organisms ?

3) who has created the feelings of love, hatred, happiness, sorrow, agony,compassion, affection etc.

4) how has the living machine developed, thinking,writing,speaking, eating, so on..

5) how the complicated brain developed ?

6) how the beautiful eyes developed ?

7) how the beautiful human being came into existence ?

the list is unending?

so There is certainly one superpower , eternal from ever , has developed all these things. He is unique , most powerful , compassionate and all -knowing , creator of worlds - GOD.

Free Thinker

New Member

to free thinker - The best way is to Read the quran, read the bible and then decide which is more consistent and logical. Thats what everybody should do. There is nothing wrong with circular arguments as long as the book and the teachings are sound. Only the individual can decide that.

Thats why i reject the bible and not the quran because of my own logic and thinking the bible does not make sound sense to me due to its context.

May Allah bless you and show you the right path.

Did you also read the book of Mormon? It was divinely revealed well after the Koran was written and supposedly when it was supposed to be the final word of God then, just like New Testament before it claimed as much and the Torah before all of them. What about non-Abrahamic religions? Ever bothered to check them all out, just to be sure?

I have nothing with people on a spiritual quest, but for some other people, claims of divine inspiration is a farce in itself and not worthy of attention, no matter their possible side benefits. I am not quite in the latter category as I've admitted in interest in theology before so I have a dispassionate interest in most faiths/mythologies, past and present, but not to learn of God(s) and various commandments, but rather, to learn about the people making up these stories and why they choose to believe in them.

I do not wish for you to lose your faith as I've seen some people do not handle it well at all and one's beliefs are of course a personal choice. But I do hope for a world not held back by superstitions and irrational fears.


Junior Member
In summary...

1) we believe in god simply because human life, this world and the universe we live exhibits complexity, designs and follows fundemental laws, and we believe these 3 qualities is the reflection of the divine. We don't believe or agree that complexity and design comes about through random chance events. Hence we dont believe in biological evolution which brings about life, so you can say we take the position of the creationists. So this position comes from logic and reason.

2) Now after believing that there is a divine creator, ie a watcher maker behind the clock, we believe this being holds the key to the explanations we seek eg why are we here, what is our purpose, is there life after death etc. So believe that god has given every generation of humanity these answers through his prophets, ie men who he chose to communicate and pass his message onto us, and several of these messages/guidelines/instructions is what we refer to as holy book, ie god's law. And this field is the area of what we call 'religion'.

3) It is good for any free thinker to study other religions and try to obtain the truth, ie if there is a god, then which is the right religion, so i do agree to study non abrahamic religions is a good path of study. However, this is for every individual to consider. In islam, generally other ideologies and belief systems are mentioned about, this occurs in the quran, through the prophet and later early generation scholars.

I do agree with you that superstitions and irratinal fears should be eliminated, and in Islam, there is great lengths taken to remove mythological beliefs, in fact that is one of the principle reasons why we believe the prophet was sent ie to put a end to all other deviated or irrational beliefs. As for the scientific approach, we believe scientific fact and religion will always go hand in hand, ie will never be a contradition, if there is, then this is a error in the scientific approach/theories of the community.

Finally, thanks for your posts/comments in this topic, faith or disbelief (ie rejection of faith) is indeed a personal decision every individual makes, lets try respecting each other's position as we are human beings and need to get along in this small planet.


Junior Member
when I was reading a book "ALLAH"s SIGNS" of Haroon Yahya . He writes in his book that when bomb explodes it destroys the system but in case of big bang after an explosion a great balance system came into existence which leads us to think that there must be some one who has created this universe and as the QURAN says in sorah anbiya verse no 30 that

"DO not the disbelievers see that the heavens and earth were once one solid mass.Then we split them.We have made every living thing out of water.will they still not believe".
and scientists also say that most of the component present in water are also present in human body.



Junior Member
All these examples given can be debated. The main crux of the topic is that does complexity (ie life/universal governing laws/biological governing laws) occur from chance events or is this complexity+design a under current result of an intelligence at hand; hence the reflection of a all powerful being ie god.


Junior Member
Do not worry Free Thinker, you are entitled to your opinion!! I don't think anyone here believes that "atheism" is contagious..... :)

However, as I have said before (and I came from a household of intellectucal atheists) the big thing for myself, personally, is knowing my place on this earth..... Humans were put on earth for one purpose alone, to worship the Almighty and sole Creator, who Muslims call Allah. If this is adhered to, one shapes one's life to do things pleasing to Allah, which in turn leads to respecting all of Allah's creation, human and non-human. The rewards in the Hereafter are truly tremendous. One has nothing to lose by accepting Allah as the only One worthy of worship.

For some, who live as atheists, there is an air or arrogance and superiority over what they deem to be these poor fools believing in some nonsense :astag: These types would think they can work it all out and that billions of people have been fooled all these years..... I would not want any part of that group because when ego gets in the way, it clouds the vision to Truth and often leads to a life of misery with no vision of anything in the Hereafter.

If you find yourself sneering at people performing their religious duties, keep your ego in check.... I would give this advice to anyone, believer or non-believer.... no-one is better than anyone else, except in degree of piety, as our prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) explained....

Seek knowledge with an open mind and heart and knowledge will find you....

Good luck on your quest :)

When you watch millions of people in white doing the pilgrimage to Mecca and at prayer time, all submitting to the One God, Allah, the Almighty..... just to see the sea of white all prostrating in unison... Muslims of all colours, so many different cultures and languages spoken, from the poorest to the wealthiest, the most educated to the illiterate, with one purpose alone, to serve the Almighty.... It is a beautiful and miraculous thing, :ma:

Did you also read the book of Mormon? It was divinely revealed well after the Koran was written and supposedly when it was supposed to be the final word of God then, just like New Testament before it claimed as much and the Torah before all of them. What about non-Abrahamic religions? Ever bothered to check them all out, just to be sure?

I have nothing with people on a spiritual quest, but for some other people, claims of divine inspiration is a farce in itself and not worthy of attention, no matter their possible side benefits. I am not quite in the latter category as I've admitted in interest in theology before so I have a dispassionate interest in most faiths/mythologies, past and present, but not to learn of God(s) and various commandments, but rather, to learn about the people making up these stories and why they choose to believe in them.

I do not wish for you to lose your faith as I've seen some people do not handle it well at all and one's beliefs are of course a personal choice. But I do hope for a world not held back by superstitions and irrational fears.


Muslim Brother
Did you also read the book of Mormon? It was divinely revealed well after the Koran was written and supposedly when it was supposed to be the final word of God then, just like New Testament before it claimed as much and the Torah before all of them. What about non-Abrahamic religions? Ever bothered to check them all out, just to be sure?

I have nothing with people on a spiritual quest, but for some other people, claims of divine inspiration is a farce in itself and not worthy of attention, no matter their possible side benefits. I am not quite in the latter category as I've admitted in interest in theology before so I have a dispassionate interest in most faiths/mythologies, past and present, but not to learn of God(s) and various commandments, but rather, to learn about the people making up these stories and why they choose to believe in them.

I do not wish for you to lose your faith as I've seen some people do not handle it well at all and one's beliefs are of course a personal choice. But I do hope for a world not held back by superstitions and irrational fears.


I think the idea of puting religion or God in the same box of superstition and irrationality is far off or God's rules. Ultimately the main concepet of religion (Islam in this case) revolves around death and reserrecution. In islam ofcourse the belief is that we are put on this world without our choice, taken out of it without our choice and then judged and taken to Heaven and hell without our choice. The only choices we do have are in this life and with Allahs help is our deeds and our faith and thats it.

Religion and definitly Islam answers the biggest question in life why we die and why we are so limited. Of course other religions do that but not at such a consistent level in my opnion (talking about the major religions).

Part of this way is Allahs laws.

May Allah bless you and show you the way.


Junior Member
Free Thinker;222055]Yes, that's easy and the answer is simple: none one of those things are perfect.

No living organisms is flawless, all are subject to weaknesses, some crippling, and all of them die.

everything in this universe is created perfectly,you need an open eye and hearth as well to see this.but,at the same time,we are weak and needy which teaches us that The Creator is all powerfull.yes,we all die one day,but this teaches us that The Creator is immortal.

While animals and even people are well suited for living on Earth, there are not safe from an almost infinite list of hazards and natural disasters that lead millions to their premature deaths. Earth is not a perfect environment.

that is absolutely correct which means we are not created to live on earth also means that there is a place we will live forever and will use all of our abilities to their limits.and the death is a door to reach there.everybody has the feeling of living forever which is itself a proof for the hereafter.

And while one can marvel at the complexity of the whole universe, there's nothing stopping a comet or a giant asteroid from hitting the Earth and wiping out most life on the planet. It happened before, it will happen again. Shooting stars you see every night serve as a constant warning that space is dangerous.

trillions and trillions of planets,stars etc. fly in the sky without hitting each other at every moment by God's power,and when few hit others it is not without a does not mean that The Creator can manage trillions of them but can not control few.they hit wherever God wants them to.don't worry about some asteroids hitting the earth,we all will die one day and like everything the universe has an end.the day will come sooner or later.

That's classic circular logic.

Allah is outside of the universe and can do anything because this book says he does. It's exactly like Jesus Christ is the only path to salvation because that other book says so, yet you choose to ignore that one.

That's hardly convincing on its own

it is everyone's duty to search and find God,and anyone could do it by looking around. the universe is a clear and enough evidence to find The Creator.somehow,there are few who could not do it.after one believes in a Creator,it is,again, his duty to find true religion of God.that is where you should compare different religions in order to find the correct one till your hearth is 100% sure.

here is the logic.
while proving that something does exist is easy,the opposite is quite difficult.finding one example is enough for proving the existance,but,to prove the non existance you have to search everywhere.

in order to prove the non existance of God,you have to search the whole universe and actually the out of it at the same time which is impossible.and i don't think you have done that
Why do you a problem with a world which 'created itself' or 'came out of nothing' while you are probably quite comfortable with the notion that Allah is infinite and has no creator?

Let's try this logic...

The answer is quite simple....everything that is a creation has a creator. A car built is a creation, the human being was it's creator. You (creation) weren't born and "came out of nothing," you came from your mother (creator). Of course in Islam, nothing can be done without the Creator who is Allah swt (who has no physical human attributes, nor has a gender). A car can't be built without Allah giving us the brain, eyes, hands, etc. Your mother didn't appear out of the blue nor did the first human being - Allah is our Creator. To God we belong and to God we will return.

If you are curious about who created Allah then I suggest you read this:

Who Created Allah

Who created the Creator

I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed devil for thinking such a thing.

Do you think the earth just randomly sat in a perfect orbit and human beings randomly appeared in a planet that's has abundant water, oxygen, gravity, food, etc? Were you randomly blessed?

I'm curious to your answer on this question - what is the purpose of life & what happens when you die?

Just a little bit of reflection and ponder will inshallah (God willing) help you find God. The Creator does not leave his creation unanswered.

And if you claim to be a "free thinker" then shouldn't you freely think about this? or freely think about reading the Quran, if you really are a free thinker.

There is a Yusuf Estes video on TTI about athiests- you might want to watch it.