
salam alaykum

i was jz wondering which education is better Islamic or the modern day sciences education???....should we make an effort to study the Quran and sunnah more than all the other sciences or modern day subjects?

Hard Rock Moslem

I'm your brother
Under the present situation, you need both. In whatever situation, we shall not disregard Quran and Sunnah. That is our life and death.


Junior Member

who will be the most usefull for the ummah?:

a) someone who memorized Quranand has great knowledge about islamic teachings but no knowledge about modern day subjects...

b) someone who is a scientist but has no clue about Islam...

c) someone who has both and is trying to implant his gained knowledge that others can profit from it, from his teachings and job.

When we take a look at the cosmos, the nature the human body.... we can see how perfect and with such a great knowledge Allah has created everything. One name of Allah is Al- Alim. science helps us to understand the plans of The Planer and we will admire it.

also the Prophet (saw) and sahabe (ra) was men of great knowledge. some cognitions the scientist find out in our days they already knew before 1400 years!

the quran itself is a book which includes scientific knowledge...

How many muslims are there who have won a Nobel Price in something?

Quran is engoureging us to gain knowledge. without the islamic knowledge we are like a dead person, u can not expect any benefit from a dead. without worldly knowledge we are forced to be lead by others (today it is like that) but this is not what Allah wants for us Allah wants us to be "a society in the centre" (from quran surah al baqarq)


Staff member
^ Its true, the Qur'aan does contain a lot of scientific knowledge ..actually I prefer to say science contains a lot of knowledge from the Qur'aan, because the One who revealed the Qur'aan also created everything we know to be science anyway, Qur'aan got there first obviously :)

Which ones better? Qur'aan and Sunnah is definitely better, but thats not to say its not worth studying a bit of science or something else.


Staff member
wa alaykum salam,

which education is better?
Priority must be given to dedicating our entire lives to seeking Islamic knowledge!

Other subjects, science, medicine etc come second place. That does not mean we do not learn or put time in learning those things. Just, we need to have real dedication to Islam.

I remember a few months ago talking to a senior surgeon in Amman, he did not even know what that calling upon other than Allah was shirk. Yet, he felt entitled to speak about Islamic issues. Many people look at those who hold university degrees in awe. Whilst, they shamefully do not even know basic Islamic issues, or when they fall into kufr. They do not know the names of the Sahaba, of the Ulema' of past and present. Those who have Islamic knowledge, hold a Baseerah, wisdom, that is something unattainable by the common folk.

University does not last forever, it is just 3-4 years. So, try to make time for everything inshaAllah.

Our intention for studying should be for pleasing Allah and benefitting the Ummah.

The Prophet :saw: said, 'Just before the Hour, there will be days in which knowledge will disappear and ignorance will appear, and there will be much killing.' " [Ibn Majah; also narrated by al-Bukhari and Muslim, from the hadith of al-A'mash]

Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman said, "The Prophet :saw: said, 'Islam will become worn out like clothes are, until there will be no-one who knows what fasting, prayer, charity and rituals are. The Qur'an will disappear in one night, and no ayah will be left on earth. Some groups of old people will be left who will say, 'We heard our fathers saying la ilaha illa Allah, so we repeated it.' Silah asked Hudhayfah, "What will saying la ilaha illa Allah do for them when they do not know what prayer, fasting, ritual and charity are?" Hudhayfah ignored him; then Silah repeated his question three times, and each time Hudayfah ignored him. Finally he answered, "O Silah, it will save them from Hell", and said it three times. [Ibn Majah]

'Abdullah ibn 'Umar said, "The Prophet, peace be upon him, came to us and said, 'O Muhajirun, (emigrants from Makkah to al-Madinah) you may be afflicted by five things; Allah forbid that you should live to see them. If fornication should become widespread, you should realise that this has never happened without new diseases befalling the people which their forebears never suffered. If people should begin to cheat in weighing out goods, you should realise that this has never happened without drought and famine befalling the people, and their rulers oppressing them. If people should withhold zakat, you should realise that this has never happened without the rain being stopped from falling; and were it not for the animals' sake, it would never rain again. If people should break their covenant with Allah and His Messenger, you should realise that his has never happened without Allah sending an enemy against them to take some of their possessions by force. If the leaders do not govern according to the Book of Allah, you should realise that this has never happened without Allah making them into groups and making them fight one another.' " [Ibn Majah]


Pearl of Islaam
salam alaykum

i was jz wondering which education is better Islamic or the modern day sciences education???....should we make an effort to study the Quran and sunnah more than all the other sciences or modern day subjects?

Assalamu Alaicum dear brother.

Knowledge has one of the basic roles in life of each individual, it does not metter do we talk about Islamic or how you have mentioned it brother "modern education". Every human is reworded with intellect and we must use that intellect in gaining the knowledge, Allhamdullilah.

Allhamdullilah that Islamic education is on first place, becouse that is our way of life. You need to learn how to live,to know why you have been created if you wont to feel yourselfe alive.

But modern education is also importane, becouse we need experts in medicine, low, economy, science etc..and I think that our Ummah is Allhamdullilah very educated first with Islamic and then with others form of education.

Brother Mabsot has mantioned that University lasts 3 or 4 years everything depends of the University that we are atending.
The point is that atending on University lasts 3 or 4 years but knowledge and experience that we receive there "lasts forever".

I think that as long as we are willing to recive and give knowledge the answer on your question brother should not be hard Allhamdullilah.

In Holy Quran Almighty Allah sais:" Is it the same the one who knows, and the one who does not know.."

May Allah bless you all
