Evidence: Israeli Army ENCOURAGES soldiers to kill mothers with babies!


Junior Member
Evidence: Israeli Army ENCOURAGES soldiers to kill mothers with babies!


and the result during Gaza war


And our leaders closed the borders so Palestinian brothers and sisters and mothers cannot run away from the carnage at the behest of their masters America and Israel. May allah curse them and the hypocrites among us ameen.

May allah cure us from the modern day desease of wahn from our hearts ameen


Junior Member



New Member
Don't go on rumors or blindly believe the news its better to go in for some reliable source many good sources are available on internet for providing news, BBC always interests me as they gather some very nice news. People should be greatly vigilant in spreading the news because some issues are very sensitive. Uncensored News from Israel (samsonblinded.org/news) : Israeli News with a twist is a great source for Israel news many of such uncensored news stories could easily be gathered. Founding the best source from the better is considered to be the key so go in for the best option.


New Member
These is something thats not only emotional but shocking how anyone can take such an action towards babies. May Allah protects and ease the pain of all those people that are going through this hard time, and isha Allah they will enter paradise. Allah sees everything and knows everything. These guys wont escape from Allah soon there time will come to an end. As we muslims we need to pray and make a dua for all the muslims that are going through hardship.

island muslim

Junior Member
Don't go on rumors or blindly believe the news its better to go in for some reliable source many good sources are available on internet for providing news, BBC always interests me as they gather some very nice news. People should be greatly vigilant in spreading the news because some issues are very sensitive. Uncensored News from Israel (samsonblinded.org/news) : Israeli News with a twist is a great source for Israel news many of such uncensored news stories could easily be gathered. Founding the best source from the better is considered to be the key so go in for the best option.


And brothers and sisters dont go to that site cause once you do it IMMEDIATELY without asking your permission starts downloading a huge file where this Zionist argues their pathetic lies about how there never was a palestine and based on that argues that there should never be a 2 state solution. Typical zionist move where there is no courtesy to ask whether one would want to download the article. And then on the site they boast about how many downloads people already did! What a laugh..

I request the mods to kindly remove that site samson whatever...


ƒ3!RY $p!r!T
Ya'Allah help these innocent people. They have done nothing wrong...Allah knows the Best.