Father may I have a ring


Servant of Allah
Once Umar ibn Al khttab, who was the second khalifah, was notified of some vauluables that had come in to the treasury form tax collections. when he was asked what should be dome with them, Umar replied "I am busy right now, remind me about this in a few days when you see that I am free".

A few days later, Umar was reminded again, so he went to the treasury and had te gold and silver plates and ornaments brought out for counting.
When he saw all the sparkling things he recited the following ayah of the Qur,an "Men are tempted by love of women and children, of piled up treasured of gold love and silver and of fine horses, cattle and lands" then Umar said "we can't help rejoicing in something that tempts us" O lord, may we spend it rightly. "So protect us from its evil"

Just then, one of Umar's own sons, Abdulrahman, came along and asked his father if he could have a ring out of the treasure there. Umar may Allah be pleased with him remembered what he has just said and adressed his son saying, "go to your mother, she will feed you barley soup".
So Umar gave him nothing.
:ma: We need leaders like him in our muslim countries today to bring an end to the voilence and corruption.


Muslim Guy
^ Reminds me of when Umar RA was stabbed and dying, those around him asked him "Who will be the next Caliph?", Umar angrily dismissed a follower who recommended that his Umar's own son Abdullah would make a good Caliph. He recalled that there were six survivors left that were promised Jannah by the Prophet :saw and Umar asked them to choose a Caliph between them within three days.
Salam alaikum.


Strangers on earth
^ Reminds me of when Umar RA was stabbed and dying, those around him asked him "Who will be the next Caliph?", Umar angrily dismissed a follower who recommended that his Umar's own son Abdullah would make a good Caliph. He recalled that there were six survivors left that were promised Jannah by the Prophet :saw and Umar asked them to choose a Caliph between them within three days.
Salam alaikum.

:ma: this is the first time i am hearing that hadith.
mashaalah that just shows how just Sayiddna Umar r.a. was.
May Allah guide us all to the straight path. :tti_sister:


We need leaders like him in our muslim countries today to bring an end to the voilence and corruption.

Completely Agree...
But we ain't going to get a leader like him, until Imam Mehdi comes.


Servant of Allah
true podolski they should look back at the past muslim leaders who spreaded Islam with their great islamic attitude like the four caliphs and the ones who came after them.