Feeling sad? Read this hadith....:-)


to Allah we belong

Messenger of Allaah (peace be upon him) said: “Allaah has shared out your attitudes among you just as He has shared out your provisions. Allaah gives worldly provision to those whom He loves and those whom He does not love, but He gives religion only to those whom He loves. So whoever is given religion, Allaah loves him…”
(Narrated by Ahmad)

[classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in al-Silsilah al-Saheehah, 714.]

so if going thru tough times but you are a good muslim.....Allah loves you! inshallah :)

allah rakkah lav

i love allah alone

Messenger of Allaah (peace be upon him) said: “Allaah has shared out your attitudes among you just as He has shared out your provisions. Allaah gives worldly provision to those whom He loves and those whom He does not love, but He gives religion only to those whom He loves. So whoever is given religion, Allaah loves him…”
(Narrated by Ahmad)

[classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in al-Silsilah al-Saheehah, 714.]

so if going thru tough times but you are a good muslim.....Allah loves you! inshallah :)

thats really a good hadith



Wow! MashaAllah! Now i can run around saying Allaah loves me! :D *No, i wont really do that *

JazakAllah khair katheer for sharing this with us dear brother, May Allah bless you

That hadeeth is ammmmazing! S?ubhanAllah! Brother, if you dont mind, can i use that as my signature? :) *You're entitled to say no lol* InshaAllah let me know akhii.



to Allah we belong
I think this is beautiful Hadith..thanks for sharing.

thats really a good hadith

Ohh MashaAllah, thats a beautiful hadith

JazakAllahu khair brother


Wow! MashaAllah! Now i can run around saying Allaah loves me! :D *No, i wont really do that *

JazakAllah khair katheer for sharing this with us dear brother, May Allah bless you

That hadeeth is ammmmazing! S?ubhanAllah! Brother, if you dont mind, can i use that as my signature? :) *You're entitled to say no lol* InshaAllah let me know akhii.


Barak Allahu Feekum all of you. i feel pleased u all liked it. :)
yes, indeed its a beautiful hadith. if u r really in emotional mood, it could bring tears to ur eyes that Allah loves u.

PS: to sister Muslimah16....of course u can use it. Quran and Hadith is for all whole mankind. i dont have any special privilege for any Hadith. :)


Junior Member

brother, jazak Allahu ckair for this comforting reminder.

so the most fool person must be the one who is blessed with Islam but leaves it behind his back.... may Allah protect us



Junior Member
Jazak Allah


JazakAllah for sharing,
may Allah make us read and gain knowledge and practice as he want us to practice ....