Feeling sad


Junior Member

Well I had a greatday Alhamdulillah.

Firstly I went to a mother and toddler group in a church hall....it was fantastic. The kids had so much to play with, pleanty of adults who talk sensible stuff....no trash. Fruit and toast and juice for the kids after they tidied up. Coffee and home made cakes for the adults...and then song time.
Ok maybe song time wasnt islamic but it was only row row row your boat stuff!!!

I thne went to see a sister who is quite close to me and who has been muslim for 16 years.
She is so run down and fed up of being dumped on and with littel help from the community and being patronised. She told me she was seriously considering givng up islam. Not because she doesnt believe in Allah but because it has become so hard, no help and that people judge her islamicness on how much arabic or quran she knows.

Mashallah she is a beautiful sister with 3 beautiful kids. She has helped me no end and i am blessed to have her as my friend. I jst fel sad that she feels like this (as I have doen at time i must admit). Anyway im dragging her to jummah on friday and then for tea and cake after inshallah.

I thought after being at the group in the church hall this morning, where is this is our ummah, why do we not have this set up in our ummah.

Inshallah it will come, but we must all unite.




Maybe you can communicate more with her....
But strange situation she got there and leaving islam is not the answer


Penguin fancier

Well I had a greatday Alhamdulillah.

Firstly I went to a mother and toddler group in a church hall....it was fantastic. The kids had so much to play with, pleanty of adults who talk sensible stuff....no trash. Fruit and toast and juice for the kids after they tidied up. Coffee and home made cakes for the adults...and then song time.
Ok maybe song time wasnt islamic but it was only row row row your boat stuff!!!

I thne went to see a sister who is quite close to me and who has been muslim for 16 years.
She is so run down and fed up of being dumped on and with littel help from the community and being patronised. She told me she was seriously considering givng up islam. Not because she doesnt believe in Allah but because it has become so hard, no help and that people judge her islamicness on how much arabic or quran she knows.

Mashallah she is a beautiful sister with 3 beautiful kids. She has helped me no end and i am blessed to have her as my friend. I jst fel sad that she feels like this (as I have doen at time i must admit). Anyway im dragging her to jummah on friday and then for tea and cake after inshallah.

I thought after being at the group in the church hall this morning, where is this is our ummah, why do we not have this set up in our ummah.

Inshallah it will come, but we must all unite.



Because the average Indo/Pak Muslim elder would have an apolectic fit if a sister asked him if she could use a spare room at the Masjid for a coffee morning?

Actually, this sounds like just the kind of job for a highly motivated young lady like yourself.

Please post video :D


Junior Member

I completely agree with the lonely sister that many of us are not getting together enough to support each other as sisters, reasons are many, busy lifestyles, each one is a different sect or believes that the other one is not Islamic enough for us( how can we judge our own people like this??)

I think we should have sisters from your area Amy..get together with you and the other sister for support.And if this sister needs support with Quran and Arabic they should help her.

I really think the sisters on this forum must try at least keep in touch with other sisters who live in the same country/city/town as the world we live in has become so hostile sometimes even our own families.



Salafi Dawah is the best
SAlam Alaikum

It seems your friend is having doubts about her fellow Muslims and not Islam.
I unfortunately learned last yr that if Allah forbid anything happened to me or my husband, i wouldn't be able to count on anyone from the Muslim community here. Alhamdulillah you are doing everything you can for her, mashAllah thats great! Just let your friend know that there are other sisters out there who understand her circumstances but still love Islam no matter what. I've said this b4 and I'll say it again: Islam is perfect, Muslims aren't.


aisha ali

Junior Member
:tti_sister: :tti_sister: :tti_sister: :tti_sister:
sad story but i wish i could help.i think its good if she joins the site and if she is in the UK will be good maybe we live in the same city and we can help,
it will be grateful.


a lonely traveller
As salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wabrakatuhu
Well said by brother ayman1. It depends how strong we are on our Eeman. How strong is our relation with Allah Subhanahu wa Taala. We need to put everything together to come out successful. We are being tested. The most difficult of all exams you can ever imagine of. The hardest of all times you can ever think of. The test of our EEMAN.

Ya Allah if you want to test our faith, it is better for us to die than to fail your test.
