Fighting the Shaytaan

Abu Talib

Feeling low
From the Characteristics of the Salaf​

From the morals and manners of the Salaf was that they would be fully conscious of fighting Iblees and they would strive to know about his plots and plans.

Allaah, the Most high said:

Verily the shaitaan is an enemy to you all, so take him as an enemy.
He only calls his followers to be the people of a blazing fire"
(Sura Faatir 35, Ayat 6)

This is an aspect of life which has been ignored by many people and since Iblees is never absent-minded about us, thus neither should we ever ignore him, because he watches and is keen to trip up the slave so that he falls into what Allaah the Most High hates.

The Messenger of Allah said: "Iblees places his throne ('arsh) on the sea from which he sends his armies and troops. The one greatest in standing to him is the greatest in spreading turmoil among the people" (Reported by Muslim)

Fudhayl ibn 'Iyaad (rahimahullaah) said: "If Iblees conquers the son of Aadam with one of three (things) he says - I will not seek anything else from him - (1) being fond of himself, (2) deeming his deeds to be plentiful, and (3) forgetfulness of his sins".

Wahb ibn Munabbih (rahimahullaah) would say: "Beware of despising shaitan in public while obeying him in secret. The one who sleeps in disobedience then for that reason shaitaan will sleep with him as his bride".

Pay attention dear Muslimeen and be warned for the sake of your self. Do not think Iblees has abandoned you when you are seen approaching worship, but consider carefully and search the fullest search and you will be sure to find there some presence of Iblees.

Therefore, seek the forgiveness of Allaah more!

Al-Hasan (rahimahullaah) said: "If shaitaan saw you consistently obeying Allaah he will seek you time and time again. If he sees your consistency he grows weary of you and rejects you. If you changed, however, each and every time, then he begins to have hope in you".