finally i fount ....make douae please


Junior Member
salam alikoum brothers and sisters:
i have been for a log looking for my future wife, almost a year of serious searching and alhamdoulillah , allah swt granted me one. so, please make douae for me that allah swt will put baraka in our mariage inchae allah; and grants us the best children and daughters. i am trying my best to keep away from any haram things so in the hope that allah swt will make it succesful inchae allah.
jazakoum allaho kheiran, amee.
wa salam alikoum


Love Fishing
mashaAllah mabrook brother..alhamdulilah...

well here is some advice for u and for those in the same boat as u inshaAllah...
always fear Allah whenever u talk to her...if u meet her in person...always lower ur gaze and do not look at her face and ask her not to look at urs as well...if she forgets,remind not talk unless it is regarding the not go out for a date or go out for a coffe or not utter any lovely words such as"i love u for the sake of Allah "or anything...just save everything till u get not miss her and always keep urself strong and ur iman istokhara(sorry the spelling) and make dua that ur marriage life to be blessed...
if u do something which u are not suppose to do,ur baraka will be taken away...

when u plan ur marriage,make it as simple as possible..and if ur inviting ur relatives,make the walimah separate for women and men...

the best is to feed the poor people...

inshaAllah u are a good muslim brother and inshaAllah u will marry to a good solehah woman as well..ameen...

p.s : advice from a married revert sis :)


make dua 4 ma finals
Congrats brother,

may Allah make your marriage a happy one, may Allah protect both of you, increase your love and affection for oneanother,may Allah blesss you with pious children,may Allah forgive you and grant you patience,and may Allah guide you and keeep you in the right path, ameen,ameen,ameen ya Allah:D
CONGRTS AGAIN, I am happy for you:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D


Junior Member
Asalamu aleikum wr wb.
MashaALLAH, so beautiful.. May ALLAH bless you marriage inshaALLAH..

Jazakallah khair for you advise sister = revert2007..
I will deffinitely remember and do that inshaALLAH:d


La Illaha Illa Allah
Staff member

Is it not permissible to look at the face of the prospective spouse ? I know that staring is prohibited with no exception. But lowering gaze at all times even when talking to the prospective spouse, is there any fatwa regarding this matter ?



Love Fishing

Is it not permissible to look at the face of the prospective spouse ? I know that staring is prohibited with no exception. But lowering gaze at all times even when talking to the prospective spouse, is there any fatwa regarding this matter ?

heheh there is no fatwa but it's written in quran lower ur gaze...Allah didn't say that u do not need to lower ur gaze infront of ur would it applies to everyone to lower their gaze coz syatan is everywhere and he can missguide u anytime...and it is not sure yet that u will marry her/him till u finish ur nikah process....perhaps u might see her in the presence of her mahram and just hv a look of what she looks like and not to all the time look at her coz whatever u look wil go to ur heart and create "poision"...and u will start to miss her and many other stuffs(well u know)
i know it is very difficult lol...but inshaAllah once u marry her/him all urlife u gonna see her just sacrifice this small moment for the sake of Allah..
if my husband and i could do it,i don't think why others could not..we usually talk to each other without looking into each others eyes...i would lower my head as much as possible and i could only see his hands or his feet..thats all....but alhamdulilah now Allah really bless our marriage and we have a very cute son name Bilal ,mashaAllah :)

it is just a suggestion and not my fatwa but what is written in it depends to u to follow or not :)


La Illaha Illa Allah
Staff member

I got what you are saying, sister revert2007. :) .. Ofcourse to continuously stare at a non-mahram is prohibited whoever it be, so that's a good reminder for us all Insha'Allah.

May Allah swt bless lil Bilal and keep him in his protection and guidance always. Ameen.. :)



Love Fishing

I got what you are saying, sister revert2007. :) .. Ofcourse to continuously stare at a non-mahram is prohibited whoever it be, so that's a good reminder for us all Insha'Allah.

May Allah swt bless lil Bilal and keep him in his protection and guidance always. Ameen.. :)

Thank you so much...alhamdulilah... :)


Junior Member

mashaAllah akhi thats great news! may Allah bless you both and bless your marriage. and may Allah accept your prayers and give you pious kids! :)


Junior Member

salam alikoum sister,
thanks so much for your valuable advices, may allah swt reward you for that
i am trying my best to be away from haram things, and believe me , until now, i never spoken with her and never met her, but i am planning to meet her in the coming weeks in front of my sister.
again thanks for your advices.
wa salam alikoum
mashaAllah mabrook brother..alhamdulilah...

well here is some advice for u and for those in the same boat as u inshaAllah...
always fear Allah whenever u talk to her...if u meet her in person...always lower ur gaze and do not look at her face and ask her not to look at urs as well...if she forgets,remind not talk unless it is regarding the not go out for a date or go out for a coffe or not utter any lovely words such as"i love u for the sake of Allah "or anything...just save everything till u get not miss her and always keep urself strong and ur iman istokhara(sorry the spelling) and make dua that ur marriage life to be blessed...
if u do something which u are not suppose to do,ur baraka will be taken away...

when u plan ur marriage,make it as simple as possible..and if ur inviting ur relatives,make the walimah separate for women and men...

the best is to feed the poor people...

inshaAllah u are a good muslim brother and inshaAllah u will marry to a good solehah woman as well..ameen...

p.s : advice from a married revert sis :)


to Allah we belong

Is it not permissible to look at the face of the prospective spouse ? I know that staring is prohibited with no exception. But lowering gaze at all times even when talking to the prospective spouse, is there any fatwa regarding this matter ?

yes, its permissible to look at her but i think sis revert2007 meant excessive looking which might become obsession.

Fatwa as u requested:
a man came to prophet :saw: and told him that he had married a woman of the Ansaar. Messenger of Allaah :saw: said, ‘Have you looked at her?’ He said, ‘No.’ He said, ‘Go and look at her, for there is something in the eyes of the Ansaar.’” (Ahmad, Muslim, al-Nisaa’i).

Messenger of Allaah :saw: said: “When any one of you proposes marriage to a woman, if he can look at that which will encourage him to go ahead and marry her, let him do so.” (Abu Dawood, al-Haakim, Ahmad and Ibn Maajah)


Junior Member
thanks to all

salam alikoum brothers and sisters,
thanks to all who read and/or replied and/or made douae for me, may allah protect you all and grant you a good life and the paradise at the end.
wa salam alikoum