For sisters


Junior Member
First I was wondering if a female person, such as I, has to be Muslim to join the Sisters Club? And what other, if any, requirements there are to join?

Also, I wonder if any reverted sisters would have any suggestions for me on an issue. This issue being quitting smoking.

Thank you, sisters.


Junior Member
Asalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu sister :)

Yes- I'm very sure you can join. And about the issue- the only thing I can say is CHEW A LOT OF GUM ;)

Salam :D



You don't have to be Muslim to join the Sisters Club, I believe. Just a TTI member.

As for smoking, I'm not a revert but here's my opinion nonetheless. Maybe nicotine patches? I've also heard of herbal cigarettes that lack nicotine but fulfill a smoker's craving for it.


Junior Member
Thank you so much. I haven't tried either of those. I have tried quiting cold turkey (interesting term, hmmmmm?), but I have not been successful yet. I would just get too stressed because of school and fall back on them for their calming effect. I am trying to find a way to achieve that calming effect without the smoking. It is nasty and makes my mouth feel gross.


Well the good thing is you want to quit. It's a step in the right direction and I hope you succeed.

If you're interested in either of the products I mentioned, let me know and I'll post links to both of them.


Junior Member
:salam2: sister,

I know how you feel. I was a smoker for nearly 19 years and have quit. Allow me to share with you how I quit and maybe you can get some ideas from it that may work for you.

First, I picked a day that I was going to quit. For me, I had just moved to a new city and while in the hospital following my first seizure which broke my eye socket, I received an appointment to see a new doctor. That was 3 months away. That was my date. so each day, I wrote on the pack of cigarettes the date and time that I opened the pack. I always thought that I smoked a pack a day. BOY! Was I astounded when I found out that I was opening a pack every 12-14 hrs, EVEN if I had been asleep for 8 of those hrs.!!

Second, once I realized how much I was smoking, I started to change how much I smoked. I tried to only smoke 1 cigarette per hr. I gave myself permission to smoke but put restrictions on it. I became more aware of when and how much I was smoking. That's so important because smokers tend to light up without really paying attention to it.

Third, when the day came, I got the patch. I read the directions, watched the stupid little video that came with it and started to keep a journal of my feelings. My husband says that I was most difficult to live with but I view my experience differently. I thought I did pretty well! lol! My advise at this stage is to talk to the people around you while you are doing it. Let them know the struggle you are going through. Ask them to be patient with you as you learn how to live without the smoking. Think about the science of it. think of each day...just a single day...sometimes an hour..:)

Normally, nicotine or cotinine, which is its metabolite, remain present in the system of a regular smoker for about three to four days. Diet can help remove the remaining nicotine from your system. For example, drinking lots of water and fruit juices will help rehydrate the body and flush the residue nicotine for the system. Nicotine is a water-soluble drug and will be rapidly excreted from the body once it is no longer introduced into your system. Nicotine will begin to leave your system within two hours of you stopping smoking.

The symptoms of nicotine withdraw are usually most pronounced within 48 hours of stopping smoking. It is during this time, when nicotine leaves the body, that these symptoms will be at their most unpleasant. Some people experience nicotine withdrawal symptoms to a point where they find it difficult to function normally during this period. The worst of the withdrawal symptoms are, however, only temporary and you should feel better if you can get through these first few tough days of nicotine withdrawal. These symptoms would usually begin to lessen in three to four days before gradually abating after a few weeks or months. The first two weeks after someone ceases smoking are the often considered the most critical to their success.

Remember, you are not alone and your emotions will be more intense and you self control over them will be less. Give yourself permission to be grumpy and angry but remember to try not to inflict damage on the innocent..:) lol!


Junior Member

If the advice of a brother is not unwelcome, I also have a few words to say. In a few days, the month of Ramadan is going to begin. It's a golden opportunity for you. If you fast in this month and remain determined, and ask for help from Allah during the day and especially in the night prayers, you will inshaAllah feel the strength to fight that habit like never before. It's a blessing, that you have started looking for a solution and the ramadan is at our door steps.



Junior Member
Yes, saif, your advice is welcome even if you are a brother. In fact, I find that something really good to remember.

Sister Jen, thank you for sharing that with me. I have actually started counting how much I smoke and I do smoke more than I realized. I will try to remember all you have shared with me.


Junior Member
Yes, saif, your advice is welcome even if you are a brother. In fact, I find that something really good to remember.

Sister Jen, thank you for sharing that with me. I have actually started counting how much I smoke and I do smoke more than I realized. I will try to remember all you have shared with me.


I remember how startled I was when I discovered how much I smoked a day. Smokers are masters at deceiving themselves aren't they?! lol!. Two pieces of advice, 1) try very hard to get down to 12 cigarettes a day or lower. The patch will not work as effectively if you are any higher and it'll be more difficult for you overall. 2) What EVER you do, do NOT smoke and use the patch at the same time. The patch is designed to deliver nicotine straight into your bloodstream so that the PHYSICAL symptoms of withdrawal are set aside so that you can actively work on the MENTAL dependance. It steps you down slowly so that the physical <which is temporary> symptoms are less and less with each step. It is a poison however, nicotine, so when you smoke and use the patch, you are just looking for physical troubles.

I'm on anti-seizure drugs for epilepsy. The medication, while not having any real physical dependency issues like an opiate would, I can not just stop using it because the chemical reactions within my brain would go haywire. I would have to step down slowly. The patch does that same process, slowly stepping you down.

Now turn it upside down. Last Ramadan, because of the fasting, my body hoarded the medication and on the 12th day, I started to hallucinate because I was over-medicated. The same thing can happen with nicotine. Placing the cigarette in your mouth serves as an oral delivery of the nicotine, yes, but the act itself is a mental and emotional dependance. By using the patch, you set aside, temporarily, one hardship <physical dependency> so that you can work on one dependency at a time <mental dependency>.

I checked and using the patch is not haram during Ramadan. Remember, there are others who have walked your steps before you and others are sure to follow. Learn from the experience, remember it, and pass on the knowledge to others. You can certainly pm me if you need to talk about it. I'm always here.

Ruling on skin patches in Ramadaan from


Islam is a way of life
My mother has been smoking since she was 13 and is now quitting at 57 years old.

Okay so she used to smoke strong cigarettes, like Marlboro. About 2 packs a week. She began smoking less, to 1.5 packs, to 1 pack.

NEXT, she went to a lighter cigarette, like Misty or something. And now she is smoking a cigarette a day of the light cigarettes, insha allah she will quit forever soon :)

Cold Turkey rarely ever works.
And to help your quitting, be sure to STAY AWAY FROM SMOKERS! Because my mother said just seeing one being lit up made her want another, and another, etc.

To fight cravings she chews gum, or when in the house she chews on straws.
