formula feeding


mrs aisha b
I just want a quick answer nothing long, ive already done some research but have not got a yes or no answer.. Can I formula feed my baby for a few hours so I can go out.. I always try to pump and i get drops noting that makes even a full SMALL bottle, maybe because im not useing an electric im not sure.. But I would really love to take my daughters out without having to bring them both in a small bathroom and hideing in a stall feeding my 3 month old.. the older one is almost 2 and she gos balistic everytime.. I do know the importance of breast feeding but I havnt read if I can switch to formula for just a few hours? All help is very appreciated.. its sucha nice sunny beautiful day here in Toronto.. I would like to take a nice walk go to the park and library..


Sister Salam!

Yea you can formula feed and breast feed! Thats what I do with my baby girl alhamdulilah. I breast fed her and gave her the bottle until she was 7 months then after that she hated the bottle and now I only breast feed.

As long as you are happy doing that, formula feeding and breast feeding is great. Forumla is good when u might not have enough vitmans in your body since your body will use them to make breast milk etc. So yes there is nothing wrong with formula! Make sure your baby is ok with it first inshallah try it at home that way she gets used to it in your home and not go nuts in the middle of the park refusing it!

Inshallah this helps sister



Junior Member

Sister, you may want to check up the herb fenugreek, it's great for increasing your supply so you can pump a better qauntity for storage. You can buy it online for relatively cheap.


New Member
Asslamu alikum wr wb sister
yes you can bottle feed while breast feeding, i have done it with my son i breast fed him for almost a year but i also used to give him formula from when he was only 2 days old, i wanted to only breast feed but i wasnt producing enough milk for him so i used the formula as top-up.

its not easy expressing and finding a appropriate place to breast feed so if formula is making life a little bit easier for you i think its a good idea also as the sister said let the child get used to it because some children dont like the taste of the formula.

hope it help
ur sister in islam