Fostering/Adopting Muslim Children?

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The basic issue is we have a problem. The problem is a cause of many many different reasons. We can not worry about why there are children in need of Muslim families. We need to concentrate on helping and educating Muslims children.
Islam tells us point blank to take care of each other. In western leagalise that would imply foster parents. We need to get over many of the stigma's that we hold on to. Yes, by living here we have taken on the soical evils of the west and our children are suffering.
I know that in metropolitian areas in the US many children are under the advisement of social serivces. Foster parenting offers the parents long term iniatives to take care of children and they are paid a sum of money each month. I do not know the system in the UK.
We call each other brother and sister. We are aunt and uncle to each Muslim child.
In the US there is federal money available for faith based oraganizations. This means if you want to open a group home and raise the children under the specifics of a particular religion there is money available to do so.
Maybe a brother and sister will read this and decide to open a group home for Muslim children in the US.
Domestic abuse is another area. I think Brother GP we need to dedicate a new thread to this issue.
Moreover, all these social issues have a common link. The are the manifestations of a society that has sunk to the lowest level. The family unit is broken. Forgive me but today I feel that a synonym for Muslim is an ostrich.


New Member
To Mirajmom

What have you to say on this:
There have been very good and logical explanations from you, on many subjects!
I am not sure but it is a very difficult choice as one hax to be very particullar of the Mehrim restritions and so on.
Isn't it a shame that the Muslim charities fail to have a propper home for the destitute and war orphans and the widows?

I have a friends (Indian Couple childless for the 22 years of marriage) who want to adopt a child as well and he can't find an organization that can help here in Qatar, but if he does it is very expense and a far cry for him with the doccumentations.



Brother I an no authority and my knowledge is very humble.
However, common sense is what we are lacking. The Holy Prophet would always have a solution. The word I am using, and I pray that Allah forgive me if I am wrong, is compassion.
Oh, Muslims, we are told to strive towards the attributes of the Holy One. One of His attributes is compassion. Oh Muslims open up your hearts.
Do not give me an excuse. He who forgives us rewards us for our deeds, even an atoms worth.
If our institutions are falling short..let a Muslim open the way!!! Let us not be like the Jewish predecessors of the time of Prophet Issa. Let us not get caught up in the garbage of dogmatics i.e. this is wrong this is right. There is only one right. It is incumbent upon us to take care of each the extent that the Holy Prophet took care of the orphans of the warring tribes.

Brother, we are lacking faith. If we open our hearts Allah always gives us a path. Each and everyone of us is holding on to the dunya as I write. I pray that my words do not come across in anger. I am being very optimistic.

I know for a fact that adoption may be expensive if you have a list of what child you are willing to accept. I have worked for over two decades with families and children and I know there are many many children who need a little never cost a penny.

I am working with another sister and InshaAllah we will get funds to open a Muslim eco-community here in Appalachia. We are planning on building 50 houses for sisters with families that are displaced. We will provide education and training. We plan to have a recreation facility as well as to have our own agric-crops. We will work with two major universites to help us develop the greenhouses. The first building we plan to erect is a masjid. This thread has made me think and we will include a group home for Muslim children. We plan to have a short-term facility for sisters who need a moment to relax and plan.
InshaAllah our eco-community will be funded by this fall and ready to have occupants in the next year.

I ask for your duas to make this idea into a reality.
I pray I have been able to make sense.


No God but Allah
Assalamo alikom

Dearest sister Mirajmom, :blackhijab: That is a great idea and a great project for your account in the Hereafter inshaa Allah .:ma:

I really wish if I were with you and offer any help I can. I pray for you and for your project to come out to the light and be blessed by Allah. May Allah reward you the best reward. You made me wish for the first time to be there in America!!!!!!!!!!



Come on over baby!! The project is still very raw. We are in the stages of writing proposals. We have a site and we need funding. I believe we will get it. I am going to devote energy to it as soon as I get over my poison ivy. It is hard to think when your fingers are itchy.


Staff member

Allahu Akbar!

You are great inspiration for us young uns! Really wills me on to do something too, i am doing something although its a little premature at the minute so i dont want to say anything.

May Allah (S.W.T) make your path easy for you and grant you success.



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