Fox News At It Again

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Junior Member
Assalamualeykum Diane,

It angers me, as FOx are up top their usual tricks and trying to report the news that they want to paint their picture of how they see the world from their twisted brainwashed viewpoint.

The Georgian President started the violence, he moved troops in and expelled Russian Peacekeepers in the area. Georgia is 'pro-western' and by going into South Ossetia it was an attempt to tempt the Russians into a confrontation that would result in Georgia's ally the USA having to become involved and to 'strike a blow' against the Russians.
It would be an attempt at tarnishing Russia's image and standing amongst the 'Super Powers' in the world. The US would be able to establish a fixed position next then to Russia. However, the Russsians stepped in to defend the region and it backfired on the Georgian President, with a tremendous loss of life which was depressing.

I really do not like FOX News at all, there is a video in the list beside the one above of Sean 'America the greatest best country that God ever created' Hannity talks about Obama being pro-Palestinian and anti-Israeli. It is so one-sided, and even if Obama was the above, its about time someone from the 'democratic west' was, they have kept silent on it for the last 60 years.


It would be an attempt at tarnishing Russia's image and standing amongst the 'Super Powers' in the world. The US would be able to establish a fixed position next then to Russia. However, the Russsians stepped in to defend the region and it backfired on the Georgian President, with a tremendous loss of life which was depressing.

Sorry but Russia's image was "tarnished" the day they decided to BUTCHER Afghanistan. There's not much that can make them look worse than that. I'm not saying that the US is right or that it should even step in, but Russia already blew its own reputation by massacring innocents, not just Afghanistan but Chechniya as well. Whatever happens to them is a result of their own actions.


Junior Member
I agree with both of you and I am aware of Russia's past actions, I am not avoiding them or anything like that. With reference to 'tarnishing' their image, I was referring to their image post Cold War as the image of a democratic nation. They are of course the same as a Cold War Russia 9eg Afghanistan) and they are no better than America as they involve themselves in every little squabble and raised voice discussion all over the world. There is nothing 'Super' about either 'Super Power'. The main reason I posted the video was the manipulation of the facts by Fox (know where have we seen this tactic before???) which you see in the video backfired on them, by trying to paint Russia as the agressors, they didn't like what they heard so they cut them off. Its like the pot calling the kettle black!


Junior Member
No I didn't, waht was the reason behind this?

I don't know if I would use the word "trick" but both sides were chomping at the bit to fight a war and prove which one was "stronger." Both sides understood that fighting a war on their own soil would cripple whichever nation the war was waged on. (think of Europe post WWII and the unbelievable damage) So Afghanistan was a way for the countries to fight a war without messing up thier own house. The result? Afghanistan now has more landmines than all other nations combined. Approxiamately 1 out of 5 children are missing a limb due to stumbling on one while playing.

For thirty years the USSR and the USA kicked the crap out of each other on Afghani soil and the Afghani people and land paid a huge price. Once they were done playing war both withdrew from the country leaving their armed weapons, destroyed infrastructure, and a political vacuum. (which the Taliban were more than happy to fill) I don't know what the stats are presently but before 9-11 the average lifespan of an Afghani male was 48 years old. Why? Because the water wasn't clean enough to drink and they would die of dysentary. Even though the USSR and USA were responsible for the horrible conditions left behind, both countries made half-hearted attempts to ease the devastation they wrought. The excuse for this pathethic lack of aid was that it would cost too much money to help a nation we had in effect, destroyed. However I find this unexcusable in the face of the 700 billion dollars the US has spent on this illegal war in Iraq. Meanwhile Afghanistan is still empoverished and in more desperate circumstances because our president was so eager to try out new weaponry and settle a score with S. Hussein.


Muslim Brother

The cold war was all about Proxy wars such as Vietnam, Korean War, Afganistan, eastern Europe and even the Cuba missile crisis which wasnt a war but propbably the closest the War got to MAD (Mutaually assured destruction).

Both parties just tried to manipulate the world for there own control and as we can see the US won.

However Russia is a nation (even though its proabaly worse then America) that isnt going out without a fight as long as Putin and co are in power theres going to be a lot of problems for the innocent people and nations although Georgia was clearly wrong in starting this was even though the media may want to cover that aspect up.


ancient one
I can agree with each thread here to some extent ,Where I have my issue in all this is simply this . When do people stop counting on goverments to make everything good .We each as individuals are acountable for our selfs and our familys. Afganastan to day is one of the leading suppliers of opeum (spelling) today and its import to other countries next to columbia . Goverments are turning thier heads as they dont want to ruffle any feathers ,and the people of Afganistan are doing the same ,heck they are the ones growing the stuff and saying oh poor me its all I know how to do ,well thats not true ,if a man can grow this then he can grow other things ,he does not need to grow what is haram but rather grow what is halal ,and please dont say well its all because of the west ...If the west did not have people who used this stuff then pray tell what would these people grow? and show me the pictures of the west twisting the arms of people and forcing them to grow it There is an old saying and it is " The buck has to stop some where and I am stopping it here" meaning yes I am as guilty as the next for playing a part in what has to date transpired but I will take my responsibility and say stop! no more and I will do what ever I personaly need to to not ever again be a part ......My heart breaks when I see these conflicts as the true victums are the children ,for they are the ones who truely dont have a voice ,and they lack the knowledge of what to do .I hear all the time muslims saying death to americans for killing inocent children ,well hello where are the parents who allow a child to go play on the street while all around bullets and gun fire is exploding ? The child does not understand the danger ,but I am sure the parents do ,do you mean to tell me that the parents and specialy the men dont know that if a person points a gun and pulls the trigger it wont kill or that if one shoots a missel off it wont destroy something .So here is the perfect example of the fact that every adult takes his or her share of responsibility in the death of just one child .....1) the two goverments or more that have decided to resolve a matter using deadly force 2) The two people or more that are using weapons which kill to enable thier goverments to try and win with shows of brute force 3) The adults who just act as if nothing is going on or believe they will not be injured or killed and walk about in the open with complete disregard for saftey. So it is for the children who are always the ones caught in the cross fires of humanitys stupidity from which my tears run,they are the true victums .Can mankind ever learn . I am a muslim and so yes inshALLAH I will give my life to the cause of ALLAH but never will I die for a goverment or for a barrel of oil or even a handful of dirt . So in closing I say if you are gonna take sides in any of these disputes then take the side of the children for they are the future of this Ummah and the ones who will need to try and correct the wrongs long after we each are gone ,and do you truely wish to leave to them an even bigger mess then has been left for us?


Junior Member
Assalamualeykum Sajidah_1,

I agree with you, the children are te ones that suffer the most, as they are the true innocents in war. I wish to state that I agree with the fact that many point the finger at the USA for alot of issues, and why not? They are an easy target after all, it is much easier to point the finger at others than look at ourselves and find fault. I always remember when you point the finger at someone you have three pointing back at you, but we always ignore this as it easier to blame others. We are all acoountable for our actions. I am not anti-western or anti-american, far from it in case someone might misinterpret my post.

As I live in the west, I have more exposure to western media. Even here most people know that Georgia were the agressors, early reports confirmed this, but when the Russians retaliated the focus shifted. The video was highlighting this and I was merely bringing it to your attention, especially those in the states, as I am somewhat bemused as to how they can still operate as a 'news' channel whose mantra is 'fair and balanced'.

One of the most popular news papers in the UK the Daily Express and their sister papers had to have their editor in chief resign as he published (over a period of 15 months) over 100 fabricated stories about the disapperance of Madeleine McCann. The paper should have been shut down, as all the stories were made up. Fox did this post 9/11 with their scaremongering (if you have seen Farenheit 9/11 you will know what I am talking about)

The influence of a news channel or paper on society is very powerful, many have been decieved enough in the past 8 years, is it not time for some honesty?


ancient one
wa alaikum salaam Irrish ..sorry if I sounded like I was saying you were anti anything ,plzz forgive me as this was not my intent nor my thought .Sa I said I agree with most of what you had writen ,I just felt compeled to bring focus on the ones realy hurting from all this .I agree 100% that most all news media need to be taken out and hose wipped for they make matteers even worse with thier slanted views and corrupt ideoligies ,Its so anoying when you hear that a journalist is suppose to be unbiased but yet they are from that . Plzz forgive this old sister again for any thing she has said wrong for this could only be from shaytan and not from ALLAH


Junior Member


Read this and may be you get the answer why so many children are killed.

Meen Erhabe/Who’s the terrorist?
However I find this unexcusable in the face of the 700 billion dollars the US has spent on this illegal war in Iraq. Meanwhile Afghanistan is still empoverished and in more desperate circumstances because our president was so eager to try out new weaponry and settle a score with S. Hussein.


The war with Iraq has nothing to do with Saddam Hussein! Nor does the war in Afghanistan & Palestine. It's a geo-political economic move. They want to obtain authority of the oil reserves.

Back in 1989 Manuel Noreiaga was making drug trades with the U.S. until he turned his back on the U.S. The U.S. went to his country brought him to the U.S. and put him in jail for the rest of his life. The U.S. didn't want to do this Saddam, they had to go into Iraq.

There are mega U.S. companies bidding contracts for the reconstruction of Iraq & democracy. What does this have to do with Saddam Hussein??

Nigeria in 1974 was the 3rd largest oil producing country in the world. Today, Nigeria is still one of the top largest oil producing country in the world, but now U.S. companies like Exxon, BP, Shell own all the rights and they sell it back to the Nigerian government & people under the authority of IMF & Worldbank!

The lives of half a million people dead is not worth life of one man.
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