fundraising ideas??


make dua 4 ma finals
Assalaamu alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh

I know of some fundraisers where people make homemade greeting cards.

Ohh...sounds really good...I guess we're a little bit too late for Ramdan cards...but inshaAllaah EId cards would be great. I am not very artistic, but I have googled "how to make homemade Eid cards" and seems a bit easy AND FUN!! I am sure the sisters and I will enjoy making 'em!
barakaAllaah feek for sharing:D

May I be the first in line.
you mean for the henna? yea, you can be inshaAllaah....:)

I dont draw it well.....I tried it on my hand ones, it is not that beautiful :shymuslima1:
so yea.... : )


Smile for Allah
^ Just a reminder, dear sis, that please try to refrain from drawing any animated object like people or animals. Scenery, trees, plants and flowers are all fine. :) I pray your project goes well, inshallah!