Funny and sad at the same time...


Junior Member
Asalaamu alaikum -

Here in the Sacramento area (and I'm sure elsewhere in the country) there's a group called "SASO" which stands for South Asian Student Organization. Most of the members are college students and almost all of them come from "South Asian" countries, such as Pakistan & India. This coming February they are hosting a large party, as their Facebook page calls it "a night of mayhem".

Their ad says "...what's better around the time of Valentine's Day then a fun night dancing away with your sweetheart or just your amazing friends!" and calls for folks to dress in their best cultural/"desi" attire. And you can bet a large number of Muslims - men and women - will be attending to dance the night away together (confirmed by looking at those who responded to the RSVP as "attending").

Well, a young Pakistani friend of mine posted a comment on their site that when I first read it had me laughing until I cried... he wrote:

"Haramalaykum! Ya'll have fun now!" and he got blocked because of it.

I'm still chuckling....

(ps I know that many on the Indian subcontinent are not Muslim and therefore don't have the gender separation that we do...)


Slave of Allah (swt)
aslam o aliakum brother

umm thats nothing in my university i was so excited to join PSA (Pakistan student association) and their events were

- Lassi with alcohol night
- gambling night
- sheesha night
etc etc

and there was total intemingling of sexes and just very sad

ALhumdulilah i didn't attend any but it was very sad

May Allah (swt) guide us all - ameen


Junior Member
aslam o aliakum brother

umm thats nothing in my university i was so excited to join PSA (Pakistan student association) and their events were

- Lassi with alcohol night
- gambling night
- sheesha night
etc etc

and there was total intemingling of sexes and just very sad

ALhumdulilah i didn't attend any but it was very sad

May Allah (swt) guide us all - ameen

thats so shocking and yet it shouldnt suprise me at the same time.

i wonder if those on that sight knew what haramalaykum meant


Junior Member

why is everybody always expressing their sadness or anger on threads like this....?

I don´t want to sound rude nor uncomprehending. But it seems that we are trapped in inactivity. It really distrubs me!

among this guys called SASO there are also muslims. And even when their actions are bad they still belong to US. WE are an ummah, are we not?

So what efforts do we make in order to make our brothers and sister repent....? No efforts! We just express our feelings, blame others but we are not looking for solutions!

Is this what Islam is teaching us...? Is this genuine modesty...?
