G'day from Australia :) New member.


New Member
Hello to you all :)
I'm Shayla, and i have only recently started learning about Islam.
I was given this link from a Muslim friend, and i must say i feel comfortable here already :)
I just wanted to say Hi, and to introduce myself.
Bright blessings


Junior Member

Welcome to TTI. I'm fairly new and have enjoyed chatting up with everyone, God Willing we can help you gain a better understanding. Welcome!

PS: I've always wanted and plan to one day visit Australia

Looking forward to your chats,


Junior Member
Welcome sister Shayla @ TTI.
You will surley find this site resourceful in Islamic knowledge Inshallah.
I pray Allah SWT guide always.Ameen

C you around . . .:muslim_child:
& hey learn a lot . . . lols



Junior Member
Welcome, like you I am fairly new too. inshallah my Deen will become stronger and I will improve as a person. Does anyone know of a good Muslim chat room, or does anyone here use msn?


Angela Hillyer

Junior Member
G'day mate, its great to hear that you are learnig about islam, it truely is a beautiful religion. Just take your time and really get to know islam, the prophet (peace be upon him) and Allah (swt).

I am also Australian :), reverted almost one year ago. Alhumdulillah, best decision i have ever made. I am just taking it one step at a time, trying not to put to much on myself.

So where abouts in Australia do you live if you dont mind me asking??? I live on the Gold Coast (QLD). Hope to hear back from you.

May Allah open your heart to this beautiful religion and show you the right way and make it easy for you insha'allah. Amin.



Junior Member
MashaAllah:) Welcome to this helpfull and informative website:) If you need any help, just drop me a line:)(PM me). I converted 4 months ago, and I'm so happy:)Alhamdulillah:)Take care! Maa el salama


New Member
Assalamu'alaikum, I just want say welcome and hope you'll get many advantages from this site, wasssalam


Always Alhamdulilah
Welcome every1.
hope you will enjoy the website;-)

And yes, i use msn and i think there are many others from here there use msn!!


Be A Stranger
Hi Shayla,

Warm Welcome to TTI!!!
I hope you'll enjoy your stay and benefit a lot here.
Please feel free to ask questions if you do have.
Our members here as well as myself will try our best to help you out, inshaAllah.

Take care! :)