Gender selection

:salam2:What do you all think about gender selection if you have girls and want a boy. Someone i know got it done. Do you think islamically is it correct to do it and want a boy?


Junior Member
its really sad situation when we see discrimination towards daughters , why should there be any gender selection , if we have daughters alhamdulilah its allah swt's blessing and if we have sons alhamdulilah its allah swt's bless , be it son or daughter its allah swt who will provide everything for may be son or daughter , so we should thank allah swt for everything and anything .


Assalaam walaikum,

A child is a blessing and the love it brings is a responsibility. Why not accept the blessing. Only fools want to experiment with blessings. Or as it is written be careful what you pray for.


Junior Member
I think its wrong and I think the mentality is terrible.

Technically you're talking about sex selection. Sex are the biological characteristics - gender are the sociological characteristics.

Happy 2BA Muslim


It must only be a concession to be resorted to in cases of necessity or need. What is safer and better is to leave the matter to Allah’s discretion and wisdom. “And your Lord creates what He wills and chooses. They have no option.” And Allah knows best.

The Islamic Law Council of the Muslim World League arrived at the following ruling:

If the intended purpose is to acquire a male child out of dislike for a female child or if the intent is to know the gender of the embryo in order to abort it, then this is impermissible. If, on the other hand, if the intent is to predetermine the gender of the embryo from the start in a situation where there is a history of heritable illness in the family, especially those illnesses that are passes along with the sex chromosomes, then this is possible. It is best to avoid resorting to this method except in the most extenuating of circumstances.



New Revert 2010
As Salamu 'Alaykum,

I agree with Ayman1, Zainali, Mirajmom, Kayleigh, and Happy 2B Muslim in that to select the gender of an unborn child is to trespass into the domain of Allah. How would doing such a thing be in submission to Allah's will.