
Free Thinker

New Member

I'm not Muslim, don't practice another faith nor do I plan on converting to one. I do interact with Muslims IRL and in other online communities (and religious debates can get heated there), but never with a strictly Muslim environment. But don't worry, I don't plan on causing any trouble.

I intend to mostly lurk. At first glance, this forum seemed tolerant enough so I've registered just in case, at some point, I wanted to post something in a particular topic without having my disbelief being a problem in itself.

I do have a strong interest in theology and linguistics so this forum can also be a way for me to learn and perhaps even meet people from other cultures (Arab, Turkish, Persian, you name it) and other faiths.

Anyway, carry on. I'll be listenning.


Subhana Allah!
welcome to tti

in the name of Allah the most merciful the most compasionate
:SMILY206::SMILY206: to tti it is a great website for both muslims and non- muslims u can ask questions and they will be answered, and we won`t couse any problem to you, insha Allah( if god wills) u will enjoy ur stay here:SMILY259:


Junior Member
:SMILY206: Hello Free Thinker and welcome to the site! I hope you enjoy your stay in this forum and learn a lot. There are a lot of knowledgable people that are willing to answer your questions. Your beliefs/disbeliefs are not a problem for us. As for meeting people from other cultures, you've come to the right spot. There are people from all over the world on TTI. :SMILY259:


Junior Member
Welcome, I hope you benefit from your stay :)

Thanks for your candid introduction, Freethinker :) I came from a pretty much laid back non-religious background and I became Muslim some 17 years ago. I still feel I learn something new on this website every day, and sometimes it is because of someone objectively asking something that may not have occured to me in the past. Don't be shy, if you have questions..... no-one here is going to try to force religious views down your throat:)

As the Holy Qur'an tell us (Surah 2, Al Baqarah, 2:256):
"Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out
Clear from Error:"

It is an interesting community on with people from all over the world, some born Muslim, some converted to Islam and others just wanting to find out more about Islam.

Enjoy your stay :hijabi:


I'm not Muslim, don't practice another faith nor do I plan on converting to one. I do interact with Muslims IRL and in other online communities (and religious debates can get heated there), but never with a strictly Muslim environment. But don't worry, I don't plan on causing any trouble.

I intend to mostly lurk. At first glance, this forum seemed tolerant enough so I've registered just in case, at some point, I wanted to post something in a particular topic without having my disbelief being a problem in itself.

I do have a strong interest in theology and linguistics so this forum can also be a way for me to learn and perhaps even meet people from other cultures (Arab, Turkish, Persian, you name it) and other faiths.

Anyway, carry on. I'll be listenning.


Striving for Paradise
Greetings to you too Free Thinker !

We Muslims have this kalima and we believe in "La Illa ha Illallah" Meaning "There is no God except Allah"

By being athiest or by not practicing any faith you fulfill the first part of our kalima (in red) , InshaAllah you will come to the second part too some day.

It is nice that you visit this site and thanks for posting.
See ya.


Make dua for us all
Hi Free Thinker

good to have you with us... u sound like a cool guy... wish u r a muslim... hehe... forgot you not planning to convert to one.... maaaan, Islam is cool, especially, when you'll feel comfort and know that you are in the right path and everything makes sense to you... haaa, need to give it a try, maaaay be your eyes and heart might open up to this beautiful religion, Islam... enjoy your stay with up, see ya :D

Free Thinker

New Member
I don't really have any particular questions. Not now anyway. I just want to hear the other point of view, without a barrage of insults or political correctness standing in the way. yeah, I expect a pro-islam bias, that's why I am here, even though I generally don't agree with it.

I've heard about before, mostly from Muslims arguing elsewhere online, either referencing a point from here or just in passing. I just thought I'd pay closer inspection to the source so often mentionned.

P.S. Rereading my initial post, maybe I should post the correction that I might post articles from time to time and simply ask you guys for your opinions about them. But otherwise, I should be quiet.

P.P.S. Do I need to introduce myself in the other language sections? I am fluent or pretty good with some of the other languages supported on this site.


Make dua for us all
uh, testing...

why am I having such a hard time posting a reply?


Is that a common problem?

LOL, no that's just the love that the form is showing to you... Just kidding

i never had a problem before, if still a problem, let us know... like what you actually see or what happens when you try to post a reply... i guess how can you if you can't reply LOL... you're a smart guy, you'll figure it out...


Hello Free Thinker!

Good to have you here and hope to have constructive exchanges and learn something from eachother that benefits all sides.

It is easy to indulge in useless heated debates so I hope we will all be able to avoid gonig down that path.

Looking forward to reading your contributions.


Free Thinker

New Member
I submitted a reply yet it didn't appear in the topic, no matter how many reloads I did in two different browsers. I tried reposting the reply again, but then it continuously complained that I had already posted it.

I assume this is some kind of spam protection, but it makes writing anything but short replies risky.


Make dua for us all
I submitted a reply yet it didn't appear in the topic, no matter how many reloads I did in two different browsers. I tried reposting the reply again, but then it continuously complained that I had already posted it.

I assume this is some kind of spam protection, but it makes writing anything but short replies risky.

what i would do, is to log out close all browser that has TTI opened in... and log back in... give it time when you post... good luck :)


Junior Member
Welcome to TTI .........:lol::lol::lol:
Feel free to ask anything you want ....don't hesitate :lol::lol::lol:

Free Thinker

New Member
Let's try this again. Here's the reply I originally intended to post:

I don't really have any particular questions concerning Islam. Not now anyway. I just want to hear the other point of view, without a barrage of insults or political correctness standing in the way. yeah, I expect a pro-islam bias, that's why I am here, even though I generally don't agree with it. So in essence, I come to hear the believers rather than looking for salvation.

I've heard about before, mostly from Muslims arguing elsewhere online, either referencing a point from here or just in passing. I just thought I'd pay closer inspection to the source so often mentionned.

Re-reading my initial post, maybe I should post the correction that I might post articles from time to time and simply ask you guys for your opinions about them. But otherwise, you won't get a super active poster.

P.S. I assume I do not have to re-introduce myself in the other language sections. I am fluent or pretty good with some of the other languages supported on this site.


Im Proud 2 B Me!
Asalam Alakum,

Welcome to TTI

It’s nice to have u join this lovely community.

Insha Allah u benefit from us as we from u.

Enjoy ur stay Insha Allah,

Take Care,


Pls mak Duwa 4 me

Nice to know about u myfriend, Welcome to TTI and thanks for coments. Friend here our sole intension is to learn and improve ur knowledge about the truth(Islam), So friend with open mind and sole intention of learning pls feelfree to ask any doubt or query u have about islam insha Allah (Allah'swill) we all will try ur best to answer u in the light of Quran and Sunnah(life of Prophet (PBUH)). As ur qustion will increase ur knowledge also, and if u dont mind can u please tell us what u r looking for a religion to belive in it ? or what is the thing that stopping u from beliving in it ?

May Allah guide us to the stright path. Ameen.

Free Thinker

New Member
Ah well, maybe I have a question, but it's related to how this site operates.

I assume TTI presents a mostly Sunni POV, right? Glancing at some topics earlier, I've noticed little to no disagreements from whoever might be Shia.

In other forums, I'm used to seeing Sunnis and Shias disagree on key issues.