has anyone...


Junior Member
Assalamu alaykum once again,

Has anyone ever been through something which they thought there was no way out and it really quite distressed them but they sought help through prayer and patience and relied on Allah and then everything worked out?


Seek The Almighty
Asalamualikum my sister
Certainly it happened to me many times.
When ever a calamity or a hardship befalls you sister it was predestined to happen, never give up trust in Allah, stay steadfast in the path of Allah. Inshallah.

"So, verily, with every difficulty, there is relief. Verily, with
every difficulty there is relief. Therefore, when thou art free
(from thine immediate task), still labor hard.
And to thy Lord turn (all thy attention)," (Holy Quran 94:5-8).

bintul islam

biz musulmanikh
Of course sister, i'd say one of the greatest trials i was faced was trying to get my damn drivers licence. Im not bragging but seriously I can drive better than most of the other motorists who half the time are drunk. But I kept on failing and each time it was not only costing me a lot of money but stress as well coz I would fail on the smallest error. I alhamdula (or inshala) sought help from Allah sw through patience (i didn't give up) and prayer (I continued my prayers and supplicated my rub to one day grant me the licence) and guess what? I got my licence alhmdula. I have many more examples, like trying to leave our homeland country for a better place, it was a very difficult process but we sought help in patience and prayer. Remember the dua (wishes and needs and wants) of a believer are all answered just through different ways.
May Allah sw bless the Umma of Mohammed asw


New Member
all the time!!!!!!
gives me strength
and rids my problems you just have to trust allah swt with true faith


Junior Member
Yes! I really was in big trouble alhamdulillah! And Allah(swt) changed my life complitely!
Certain things, people started to appear out of nowhere to help me! It could be only the help of Allah(swt)!