have a happy day.....................


Junior Member
salam alikomfor all members of TTI,

:SMILY209:i hope all are in a good state of health and mood and imane of course .........i want just to pass good wishes for all this mroning *** :) hopnig for all to pass a very very good day full of ambitons ...success.. happiness.. acitivity..so please please keep all the time smiling :muslim_child:just ..wallahi it is the best sollution for all the tireness:girl3: of a day that is full of burden of the work :SMILY346:for the workers and those who study a good way for a well consentration....keep smiling......... and the prophet mohamed saas says in an authentic hadith in what is meaning :to smile in your brother's face is sadaqa :hearts:
thanks so much in advance for all.........
may allah guide us all to the roght path insha allah
salam alikom

ur sis

allah is with me

Rabana Wa laqal Hamd
salam alikomfor all members of TTI,

:SMILY209:i hope all are in a good state of health and mood and imane of course .........i want just to pass good wishes for all this mroning *** :) hopnig for all to pass a very very good day full of ambitons ...success.. happiness.. acitivity..so please please keep all the time smiling :muslim_child:just ..wallahi it is the best sollution for all the tireness:girl3: of a day that is full of burden of the work :SMILY346:for the workers and those who study a good way for a well consentration....keep smiling......... and the prophet mohamed saas says in an authentic hadith in what is meaning :to smile in your brother's face is sadaqa :hearts:
thanks so much in advance for all.........
may allah guide us all to the roght path insha allah
salam alikom

ur sis

thanks for passing such a good message .. jasakallah


Muslim Unity...
:salam2: sister
jazakallah for your beautiful message
May Allah bless you, fill your days with happiness, keep you away from
worries and stress, and grant you jannatul ferdous Ameen
Alhamdulillah :) it made me smile
may allah guide us all to the right path insha allah
sis keep smiling inshallah:)
take care

jamilah rumias

New Member
salam alikomfor all members of TTI,

:SMILY209:i hope all are in a good state of health and mood and imane of course .........i want just to pass good wishes for all this mroning *** :) hopnig for all to pass a very very good day full of ambitons ...success.. happiness.. acitivity..so please please keep all the time smiling :muslim_child:just ..wallahi it is the best sollution for all the tireness:girl3: of a day that is full of burden of the work :SMILY346:for the workers and those who study a good way for a well consentration....keep smiling......... and the prophet mohamed saas says in an authentic hadith in what is meaning :to smile in your brother's face is sadaqa :hearts:
thanks so much in advance for all.........
may allah guide us all to the roght path insha allah
salam alikom

ur sis
Assalam alaikom warahmatul Allah wabarakatu
Allah Yajzak Khair.This is a nice message,Allah Yahfidik.::):):):):):)