Hello from Canada


New Member
:SMILY259:My name is Zenyk and I am here to learn more about Islam and download some great music (nasheeds). I also would like to get to know people from all over the world and just learn as much as possible who they are and what kind of walks of life they come from. I am from Ukraine and moved to Canada at the age of 14. Here in Canada I quickly learned how diverse this country is! I was born in a Christian family and never learned anything about any other religion (including Islam) other than what I saw on the TV and heard from my parents. In grade 11 we had a class called World Religions. In the course of all semester we had trips to Mosque, Synagogue, Buddhist temple. I found Mosque to be very comfortable and peaceful. Imam of the mosque gave us a lecture about Islam. Later after graduating from highschool I worked downtown. I met a man who converted from Christianity to Islam. We talked about Islam every time we met and when I went to college I met some more people who were Muslims and I talked even more about Islam. As the time passed I learned more and more and what I learned made sense to me. I am still learning about Islam and so far it has changed me a lot (in a better way). I would also like to learn Arabic. I have not started yet but to me the writing looks extremely complicated as every single letter is different from alphabets I know. Anyways I could go on and on and on with my life but afraid my fingers would start to hurt ;-) so proposal is we get to know each other as we socialize. If you need any help in anything be my guest. I will try to help you to the best of my ability. Thanks for reading! :SMILY139:

Fatima S.Ar

Happiness = Islam
Hello from SA :)

Welcome among our family my new brother .
I hope u enjoy ur stay here and increase ur knowledge about Islam .
As I noticed , the most ppl whom convert to Islam are Christians .

About Arabic , don't worry regarding it
you have to learn the basics and every thing will go better , if you need any help only ask me or any Arabs here we will our best to be helpful .

Welcome again

Fatima ..

sanan khan

Junior Member
brother well come to this great family. We belong from different countries and cultures but being a muslim we are a family. hope you will find here a lot about islam. we will be happy to help you all time.

your brother


Welcome Mr Zenyk!

Nice to have you here and pleased to know reading about Islam has changed you for the better.

My advice and I am sure everyone else's advice here would be to continue reading about Islam as there is alot more to it as it plays a central role in almost every aspect of daily life of millions of people around the globe.

By the way, the Arabic alphats are very easy once it is properly explained to you as there are only 26 alphabets. Once you recognise their shapes just as memorising pictures, then you wont have any problems.

In order to learn more about Islam, you can still use English for now as the Islamic holy book, the word of God (Allah) is translated into English too.

You can also read about the life of the prophet of Islam, Muhammad, peace be upon him and about the history of Islam.

I am certain you will not only enjoy it, but benefit from it. When Mahatma Ghandi finished reading two volumes of a book on the life of Muhammad (PBUH), he said he wished there was more to read on the subject.

Take care


New Member
Salamu Aleikom brother :)
I'm Canadian too.. I know what you're talking about when you say much diversity. Subhan Allah you realize theres so much to learn about different people. I hope you enjoy your stay here, and may Allah make the path of knowledge easy on you and all of us. The most important thing is to be sincere, commited, and keep yourself with righteous friends because they will help you a lot. Pray to Allah for Him to make arabic easy on you:)
Take care,
Salamu aleikom


a lonely traveller
As salamu alaikum

Subhan Allah the brothers and sisters over here, have given useful information. Explore the site as much as you can. Send me a private message and may be I can help you get in touch with Muslim Associations in Canada.

There are a few deviant ones, which you need to be careful of as they don't follow the teachings of Quran and Sunnah. The Ahmadiyyas are gaining ground in Canada, so be careful of them.

And ask us any kind of questions you have in your mind. I am sure the brothers and sisters would help you in your quest for truth.

walaikum as salam.


ربنا اغفر لنا ذنوبنا
Staff member

Welcome to the family brother Zenyk, hope you benefit from this beautil site. May Allah lead you to the right path.


Im Proud 2 B Me!

Welcome to TTI

It’s nice to have u join this lovely community.

Insha Allah u benefit from us as we from u.

Enjoy ur stay Insha Allah,

Take Care,