
Junior Member

yesss its working haha Welcome to the forum...:) hope you enjoy your stay here
may allah swt bless you...amiin



Muslim Unity...
welcome to site
Alhamdulillah this thread is working:D
if your talking about this one lol
hope you benefit from the site
enjoy your stay



New Member
i tired to write the thread but they cannot print my thread :-(

title- Shame on muslim brothers


(pls forgive me cos my english is not good)
I am keeping my beard and all the muslim brothers tells me to shave my beard cos i am living in UK, not UAE. They told all the non muslims thats my beard is nothing to do with Islam.
I tired to tell them, dont forget our prophet Muhammad (SAW) but they rejected me and making fun of my beard. one brother told me to shave my beard or he would burn my beard, other brother said, i look like an animal or terrorist. I tired my best to ingore them but they still doing it again but i cant cope so i sweared at them and they get upset.
I told them to stop making fun of my beard, they get angry and agrues with me so i cant win... :-(
so how can i tell them to stop messing about with my beard in nice way?


to Allah we belong
:salam2: brother,

yes ur thread is working:)

regarding ur question, try to advice them in a polite and wise way.

maybe they are not used to it so they find it strange.

seek Allah's help for urself as well as ur friends that He show us the straight path.


Junior Member
salaam again bro..

remind them that all you are intending to by keeping your beard is to please allah swt by doing a sunnah of the prophet muhammad s.aw...

they are the people that mock islam because of there narrow understanding and complet ignorrance... may allah guide them...amiin

i also live in the uk and i am keeping my beard alhamdulilah....and i find that people respect me for it...one reason that you may be finding it difficult could be because of the friends you are keeping....it is important not just to have muslim friends but friends that understand islaaam...

also from the terrorist i have seen in the news...most of them dont have a full beard anyway...it shows how ignorrant they are...would they call our beloved prophet a terrorist?? asthagfirullah...

may allah swt make things easy for you brother insahaAllah..



Junior Member
i tired to write the thread but they cannot print my thread :-(

title- Shame on muslim brothers


(pls forgive me cos my english is not good)
I am keeping my beard and all the muslim brothers tells me to shave my beard cos i am living in UK, not UAE. They told all the non muslims thats my beard is nothing to do with Islam.
I tired to tell them, dont forget our prophet Muhammad (SAW) but they rejected me and making fun of my beard. one brother told me to shave my beard or he would burn my beard, other brother said, i look like an animal or terrorist. I tired my best to ingore them but they still doing it again but i cant cope so i sweared at them and they get upset.
I told them to stop making fun of my beard, they get angry and agrues with me so i cant win... :-(
so how can i tell them to stop messing about with my beard in nice way?

:wasalam: brother keep your beard and don't shave it. InshaAllaah you are doing the right thing. Maybe because you are doing something they can't do and so they are feeling jealous. wallaahu'alim.
Tell them that it doesn't matter where you are. You can be in UK, USA, on the moon or even a whales belly. It doesn't matter where you are, so longs you are alive, you have to worship Allaah. And tell them that you worship Allaah in accordance to the Qur'aan and Sunnah. May Allaah guide them.

fi amaan Allaah.


Muslim Unity...
Thats so sad man may Allah make things easier for you brother
just try and give them advise if they still say them things don't let it get to you because your doing it only for Allah's sake and don't show them your weakness, don't swear at them just keep it in inshaAllah it will hurt but leave it Allah the almighty see's what you go through he will reward you inshaAllah
but if you do wish to say something do it in a polite way :)
my advise ain't good but inshaAllah some other brothers and sisters could help you
May Allah guide us all Ameen



Junior Member

first of all welcome to the forum brother :) regarding your friends I would assume that they are not practising muslims ... also some muslim ladys and fellows I know say hijab is not obligatory in Islam... they say it is to be lead back on culture... but it is because they don´t know and they prefer to live "free".... and when they see commited ppl with hijab or beard they are remembered to strict rules... in other words indirectly you are questioning their way of life... not with your beard but with the way you life (according to quran and sunnah) beard only shows that sunnah is important to you... I would suggest you to try to stay cool.... I mean when they laugh at you just laugh with them... you should give your best to motivate them to repent, ... cuz they are brothers... sheytan gives also his best to betray them and beautifies them all haram stuff... you have to try to remove the negative image of Islam they have in their minds and show them the truth: how beautiful Islam is.... it is easy said then done.... and the question is how? well I don´t know... but think about it and you will succeed inshaallah.



Blessed Muslimah

Welcome brother

i would tell them to fear Allah where ever you are because Allah sees you where ever you may be never mind UK or UAE, tell them i am doing it for the sake of Allah Not to please you. Its a shame that these are muslims making fun of the beard, May Allah guide them and brother dont shave it it is a major sin to shave your beard the Prophet says in countless hadith let the beard grow show them this hadiths and tell them you know what your saying is disobedience to the beloved prophet (saw)...:astag:



New Member

Slmz, I am from Cape Town. Advise them(the muslims who say that your beard is indicative of an animal or "nothing to do with Islam") that ALLAH SWT is AL - Baseer (the All- seeing one) and HE (swt) asks who is better? Him to be cast by his fore-lock into HELL or him being guided to ever-lasting bliss in Jannah (paradise) so continue as you will remember I am watching.

Our beloved Prophet Muhammad PBUH was Ashraful Makhlooqaat (the Paragon of Creation) and HE wore a mubarak beard... so this should be inspiration enough to also wear the beard... INSHALLAH brother, maybe because of this fact and that you are being ridiculed for follow in his PBUH mubarak footsteps, ALLAH SWT will grant you the paradise for this fact alone, for if HE decides so there is not a force in this universe or beyond that can prevent that from coming to pass.


make dua 4 ma finals
:wasalam: brother keep your beard and don't shave it. InshaAllaah you are doing the right thing. Maybe because you are doing something they can't do and so they are feeling jealous. wallaahu'alim.
Tell them that it doesn't matter where you are. You can be in UK, USA, on the moon or even a whales belly. It doesn't matter where you are, so longs you are alive, you have to worship Allaah. And tell them that you worship Allaah in accordance to the Qur'aan and Sunnah. May Allaah guide them.

fi amaan Allaah.

I totally agree with sister Channa. dont pay attention to what they are saying, because you will ALWAYS have Allah on your side. so, be patient and try NOT to swear at them, talk to them gently or simply DONT argue.
Allah hafiz Now and ALWAYS:)