

New Member
Hello all,

I am an American teenager, who was born and raised Catholic, and I am now considering converting to Islam. Unlike other teenagers (especially American ones), I value morality and ethics and am highly religious. I am also intellectually gifted, and therefore are fascinated by religion.

However, I have a problem. I keep switching back and forth between different religions in my mind, trying in vain to find the correct one. I was raised Catholic, but a few years ago, I converted to Protestantism. I never went to a church other than a Catholic one, however, so I was pretty much confined to reading the Bible in solitude.

But that didn't feel right either. I felt like some part of me was missing; my soul was yearning for the true religion. For some reason, I got it into my mind for a month or so that Judaism was the correct religion. Because of this, I contacted a Rabbi and almost officially converted to Judaism. However, I realized my folly and stopped myself before I converted.

So by this point I'd tried all the monotheistic religions, save for Islam. So I decided to research it. I found it to be a fascinating faith, and I thought it was great. So I testified (to myself) that there is no God except Allah and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.

So I started to live my life as a Muslim. However, I told no one else, because I feared a negative backlash; I didn't want to be deemed a "terrorist" or something asinine like that. Eventually, it got so uncomfortable for me that I simply reverted to Christianity, because it felt better.

But now I want to go back to Islam again, because it feels so right to me. I've never come across a religion (other than Islam) that resonates with me.

I'm sorry for the lengthy introduction. Anyways, I just hope to talk to some of you about Islam and hopefully I can set aside my fears and accept Islam as my faith.


Junior Member
Hello Alexander. :D

Welcome to TTI. I hope you benefit from both resources and the Muslim brothers and sisters on this site. May Allah SWT guide you and all of us. Ameen.
Take Care :)


ربنا اغفر لنا ذنوبنا
Staff member
Hi Alexander:)

Welcome to TTI- here you'll find lots of good people to help you If Allah wills:)

Brother, i agree with Ayman- you also need to read the Qur'an, it's only fair that you give it a chance before deciding to turn back from it again(hopefully tht won't happen again:biggrin:). I assur you that Everything you need to know about Islam, Allah Alamighty has said it in there. I understand you said that the reason you went back to Christianity is becouse you didn't want the *negetivity* of Islam to cause you any harm, well, you need to know that Islam is all about Love and Peace, Terrorism it does not teach- that's just the media's talk, so beloved brother, do not believe everything you hear.
You also said that, religion other than Islam doesn't feel right to you and that's good because Islam is the TRUE religion.
May Allah guide you and everyone of us. Ameen

take care alexander


Junior Member
welcome alexandra.
i hope allah guides you and helps you in times of need. there are not many people who are born another religion and convert as well as being a teenager. especially in a western country. i just like to wish you all the best luck in the future and i hope you get all teh ansers that you are looking for.:)


New Member
Hello Alexzander,

I know exactly where you are coming from. My family immigrated from Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia (near Chechnya) to USA, I was born in USA and my family practiced Orthodox Christianity. I knew from the time I was old enough to understand it that Christianity was incorrect to say the least and was drawn to Judaism. I liked many aspects of Judaism until I had my "awakening" and realized I liked Judaism for all the wrong reasons. The biggest thing that drew me to Judaism was something insignificant to some but I thought the idea to be more logical than that of the Christian explanation. I liked the idea that Shaytan was more of a prosecuting attorney that worked for Allah and not against him. Thats one issue I have yet to figure out. Why would Allah create any entity that he knows opposes him completely? Allah willing I will understand why eventually. I have accepted Islam and have never regretted it. If you read the Qur'an you need to realize when reading it that there are things in it you won't understand right away but that is because it is an other-worldly book given to us by Allah himself, it is not altered by man like previous texts before it. Have patience and ask Allah to help you understand. Do not make assumptions right away or "jump the gun" or else you will misinterpret things and get the wrong idea about something written. I did many times! Take your time learning everything including prayers! My Arabic is still bad but it will get better inshaAllah and Allah knows my faith and my heart by my actions and effort into making myself a better Muslim for his sake. Being Muslim is bigger than a religious conviction its a life choice, its submission to Allah and living your life for his sake first and then your own. Above all do not let human actions or opinion sway you in your decision there will ALWAYS be people who hate or dislike you regardless of if your Muslim or not. For example, I attended a Mosque with mainly all Saudi Muslims, all of whom hated my guts save the Imam. Why? Because of my ethnicity. True Muslims should realize race, ethnicity, and nationalism doesn't matter because we are all made by Allah and we are all the same but you will have hate everywhere you go even between fellow Muslims. You will always meet people who think they are better because of who they are. For example again, the Muslims at that mosque felt they were superior to me because they are Arab Muslims hence they are better Muslims because they hail from the birthplace of Islam. I want to address one more thing before I end this statement. What is terrorism and who are "terrorist". Christians killed millions of people during the crusades, yet they are not defined as terrorists? Funny huh? Muslims were so desperate to repell them that at one battle during one of the last crusades Muslims and Jews joined forces to repell the crusaders. The Christians are the biggest terrorists on Earth. Christians have vast armies with every weapon known to man at their disposal. Christian Armies include: USA, Russia, Germany, France, UK, Australia, etc...The most the mujahadeen have is an 1984' Izuzu pickup truck with a M-60 mounted on the back and a few AKs. Tell me who are the terrorists? Good luck and Allah Bless!


Junior Member
Welcome to this wonderful site of ours.
you know what our beloved prophet (mayALLAH peace and blessings peace upon him)said

Acquire knowledge, it enables its professor to distinguish right from wrong; it lights the way to heaven. It is our friend in the desert, our company in solitude and companion when friendless.
It guides us to happiness, it sustains us in misery, it is an ornament amongst friends and an armour against enemies." (widely attributed to the Prophet Muhammed (pbuh)

and that what you are doing acquiring knowledge so that you can distinguish right from wrong . About being seen as a terrorist is let not the devil whisper to you and avert you from the truth for ALLAH (AZA WAJALLAH) says


(41) Confound not truth with falsehood, nor knowingly conceal the truth. (42)

As you said you are intellectually gifted and thats why ISLAM a religion as well as way of life for men of understanding ALLAH (AZA WAJALLAH says


He giveth wisdom unto whom He will, and he unto whom wisdom is given, he truly hath received abundant good. But none remember except men of understanding. (269)


Lo! In the creation of the heavens and the earth and (in) the difference of night and day are tokens (of His Sovereignty) for men of understanding, (190)


In their history verily there is a lesson for men of understanding. It is no invented story but a confirmation of the existing (Scripture) and a detailed explanation of everything, and a guidance and a mercy for folk who believe. (111)

Hope to we see around.


Junior Member
Praise be to Allah (The Glorified and Exalted).

Welcome to this website. Following the truth may at times be difficult depending upon the land you reside in. But remember, even the Prophets (peace be upon them) faced persecution and difficulty in serving Allah (God). I suggest to you to refer to the following links in order to become convinced of Islam:

1) Read the "Learning Islam (LI)" threads, I had previously posted in order from Part 1, etc.


And the link "Proving Islam":

2) Watch the video of a former minister; scroll down to the bottom of the page for the videos.

3) The following link with videos made by a former christian are also good:

4) Good articles about Islam: http://www.islamreligion.com/

5) View lectures by Yasir Qadhi at the following site, I recommend the one titled "Why do we Worship God" first:

6) Refuting the theory of evolution:


New Member
"Ayman1" Thanks for the explanation on Shaytan. It was so obvious I feel stupid for not understanding it sooner (and on my own). However, sometimes people can't see the answers to questions even if its right under their nose. Salam!