Hello :)



assalamualaykum sister wellcome to islam really happy for you ALLAH guide whome he will may ALLAH make you best and better muslima inshallah hear many knowledgeable brother and sister will help you

Rember ummah in your dua


Hello everyone :) I am Brie. I'm 23, a student in Arizona state, and a (very!) recent convert,  !

Which is kind of my problem. I'm a Religious Studies major, my studies are what led me to Islam. I've been reading and thinking about it for well over a year now when 3 nights ago (I did say recent)...I was just completely flooded with a need to give my faith to Allah, I couldn't stop thinking about it, and I couldn't stand the thought of yet another day believing that Islam was right for me, yet not being a Muslim...so I made my shahadah right there, all by myself, in the middle of the night. I know it was the right thing to do, I've known it for a long time, but now I just feel so alone...because I don't really know enough about the practical parts of Islam to be able to practice it, and there's nobody I really know who can teach me. The internet just isn't doing it for me. I've been praying salah every day, all 5 times, but I feel awful because I *know* I'm not doing it right, it feels hollow and meaningless.

So I'm really happy to have found this place...I want to learn!



New Member

assalamualikum,daer try to learn islamic prayer and its practical thigs one by one ,allah is most merciful ,most gracious oft forgiving ,He knows ur mind b cause He looks to ur heart ,if there is any visible mistake in ur salah .:salah: :salah:


trying to be Mu'min
Assalamualikkum sister,

:allahuakbar: :allahuakbar: :allahuakbar: :salah:

it is pleasure news heard from you. We all are along with you...
Insha allah you will get benefits from here...



Junior Member
Mosques in Arizona

Asalam Alaikum wa rahmutallhi wa barakatu!

Congratulations on becoming a muslim, I am also a revert and can understand your worries. You dont say which part of Arizona you are from but I have looked online and found mosques in the following locations :-

Flagstaff (1)
Kingman (1)
Phoenix (6)
Temple (1)

Go to this website to get addresses for them http://islamicvalley.com/prod/entitySearch.php/t/09L/s/AZ

I hope this help you insh'allah.
