Help in programming in ADA, C++


Junior Member
i need some help in programming guys,does any one here able to help me,im in Germany and ims tudying computer science



New Member
Salam Aleikom Queeny;

Ich bin Mohamed Esam, Unterricht Assistant in Deutsche Uni. in Kairo. "Information Tech Fakultät"

Ja, sag bitte deine frage, vielleicht kann ich helfe.



Junior Member
i need u all

salam alikom guys

i thank u for ur help,i m studying this semster Ada langauge which im sure that no body works with it now but they teach i to us in the university as basis and we never use it again,so i will be contacting u guys soon ,cuz i have a LOT of questions,,im trying sto study it a lon but i need kinda course in it or something,does anybody have any idea how to get it easy.i mean would any body here able to give me cours in it,,,or u would prefer only thru emails,,,
i thank u very much ,,


Well-Known Member
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As-salaamu `alaykum.

I always thought Ada was an assembly language... Didn't think it was still taught today! Anyone here proficient or has experience with Matlab?


Junior Member
Salam All,
I love programming though sometimes it is not that easy :SMILY259:
I think coding is rather an attitude than a matter of language. If you are a geek and you have that attitude you will find coding easy and passionate. The choice of the programming language is a secondary issue and it will depends on what you are willing to do.

I’ve started learning MatLab a long time ago. I think I’ve produced thousands of lines of MatLab code. What are you exactly looking for brother Al-Kashmiri?



Well-Known Member
Staff member
Salam All,
I love programming though sometimes it is not that easy :SMILY259:
I think coding is rather an attitude than a matter of language. If you are a geek and you have that attitude you will find coding easy and passionate. The choice of the programming language is a secondary issue and it will depends on what you are willing to do.

I’ve started learning MatLab a long time ago. I think I’ve produced thousands of lines of MatLab code. What are you exactly looking for brother Al-Kashmiri?


As-salaamu `alaykum.

Woah I wasn't expecting this reply, especially so soon. If you can help sister Queeny I think that would better for now, since it's her thread. Basically, I've only started using Matlab and need to run/test some code out. I'm not actually sure how to do that yet (I've been too busy learning ActionScript 3.0)! I was meant to see my supervisor this week to arrange for some help, but now we have broken up for Christmas holidays and so I don't want to wait for 3 weeks. I just need general help in understanding Matlab, learning wise I have only briefly covered matrix manipulation and graph plotting... Not much I know.

Jazaak Allaah khayran. All praise and thanks to Allaah who has united me with a brother who knows some Matlab! :)



Junior Member
MatLab is a very easy language to learn. A good start would be to navigate throughout the help. The following lines of code serve as an illustration. It shows how to write MatLab functions that you can use an indefinite number of time. All what you have to do is to copy-past the code into a new M-file and save it on the workspace of MatLab. In the command window you may then write

>> a= 2; b=3; c=1 ; qeq(a,b,c); (the ">>" are not part of the code !!! :SMILY126: )

which produces the following result:

two distinct real roots
The first root is : -4.000000
The second root is : -2.000000

You may also type “ help qeq” in the command window to get the help about the function qeq(). That is

>> help qeq

Her is the code:

function x = qeq(a,b,c)
% qeq for Quadratic EQuation
% a, b, c are the coefficients of the equation
% such that ax^2 + bx + c =0
% Author: AdamMuslim
delta = b^2-4*a*c;
if delta < 0
disp('Two complex roots');
elseif delta == 0
disp('double root');
x1 = -b/2*a;
x2 = x1;
% the output x
x = x1;
% print output
disp(sprintf(' The double root is : %f %f',x1));
disp('two distinct real roots');
x1 = (-b-sqrt(delta))/2*a;
x2 = (-b+sqrt(delta))/2*a;
% the output x
x = [x1 x2];
% print output
disp(sprintf(' The first root is : %f %f',x1));
disp(sprintf(' The second root is : %f %f',x2));


Junior Member
I wrote the previous lines of code for my little brother to show him how he can concretely solve a quadratic equation in the real line. Please report bugs if any :SMILY259:


Well-Known Member
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As-salaamu `alaykum.

Jazaak Allaahu khayran. Yes it is easy I agree, but I don't no where to move on from. What I mean, I've learnt some basics, but don't no where to continue especially with the code I need to test, as eventually I will have to implement new algorithms into it...



Junior Member
yeah yeah


yes bro,Ada is tought as langage ,no body use it but we studyit as basics of programming,very stupid but this how it goes,,,

is that mean that no body can help me,,,


Well-Known Member
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As-salaamu `alaykum...

If you want, I can change your thread title to Help programming in ADA or something similar in order to bring more attention to ADA users?


Junior Member

salam guys

anybody knows C++,,i may need it at first,but this is will be during voice msn,i cant learn during emails,i have books and idint work


Junior Member
learning by doing

Salam sister,
Did you ever heard of "learning by doing"? It is always true but it applies perfectly when it comes to programming. All I know about coding I've learned it by myself. You have to try as much as it takes till it becames clear in your mind without getting bored because it will takes time before you reach your goal. This is the best advice that I can give you.

There is lots of materiel on the net that you can start with. If you can read in frensh I can provid you with some good tutorials.



Junior Member
sala m brothers

i thank u very much,i will do my best and if i need questions i will come to u

thx and have fun



Well-Known Member
Staff member
As-salaamu `alaykum

Sorry for the delayed thread title change, I didn't notice your response. Akhi Adam, I agree that learning by doing is the best and somewhat only method of learning effectively. What I mean is, you don't learn how to problem solve by reading a book, sure it'll teach you a bit, but some skills are obtained best by practice...

Oh and as soon as my notebook gets back to me, I will be contacting you regarding matlab. :)



Junior Member
going crazy

God it is really hard to learn by doing

but i believe women are more intelligent than men :)