hey mirajmom

warda A


girls are really getting busy on this forum
very encouraging, go girls! may be they read your reply.



Now it is time to make our boys into men..We need our young men to go to the masjids and reclaim them. The core of our lives must revolve around the masjid. So guys, what do you say? Which one of you will have an activity for young boys at the masjid on a Friday night. How about a movie and popcorn? How about it?


a lonely traveller

Now it is time to make our boys into men..We need our young men to go to the masjids and reclaim them. The core of our lives must revolve around the masjid. So guys, what do you say? Which one of you will have an activity for young boys at the masjid on a Friday night. How about a movie and popcorn? How about it?

As salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wabrakatuhu

I think we boys should be speaking out whatever small thing we do for helping the Muslims as well as Non muslims. I love brother ditta for that case because he shares his feelings, his incidents, his thoughts a lot. May Allah bless you dear brother.

Now many a times we might think that oh! if I speak out people would think that I am showing off. Well thats not the case here my dear brothers and sisters in TTI. We are Muslims. A United Muslim Family, we need to speak our good deeds with our brothers and sisters, so that in case we can make the deed more better next time by the grace of Almighty Allah. When our intention is correct, we dont need to be worried and ask for Allah Subhanahu wa Taala's guidance all the time.

One thing which I have learnt living among people with so many different nationalities, cultures and races that what a person from one place might think about something, another person from another place might think in a totally different manner. We should be careful of even the smallest of things. Exampls are a lot, what we need is proper analysis and careful observation of situations around us so that we dont offend or annoy somebody unintentionally.

For example, a brother X took some notebooks from another brother Y and did not return them on time. So Y got angry on X, but the same case with another brother Z, is not a problem. As X promised to return them on time but due to some unavoidable circumstances he could not, Y got angry and he does not realise that X got some problems. But for Z he understands humans from various perspectives, so he never minds if somebody promised but could not fulfill it because our destiny is not in our own hands. Thats why we should always seek guidance and help from Allah Subhanahu wa Taala so that we can perform our duties and responsibilities as a Muslim in correct manner. If we say Insha Allah (By the will of Allah) and could not do something on time even if we tried our best then thats the way how Allah wanted.

We need to remember that what is destined has to happen and say Alhamdulilah if we like or not what has happened. We got to believe that its the best for us and overall we need to have patience.

Here unfortunately we have one mosque. Overall in my University, Muslim students from other countries are a lot but majority are misguided. From Turkey, Iran, Pakistan (only 1), Nigeria etc. In the last 3 years, I have tried (but not my level best) to help some Muslim students. And Alhamdulillah, Allah Subhanahu wa Taala has guided some of them back in the path of Righteousness. But majority I dont see them going to mosque. Even though its located far away, you can hardly see them in Jummahs. May Allah Subhanahu wa Taala guide them.

In our student hostel, some new nigerian students came in the end of 2007. Some are Muslims, Alhamdulillah. I am trying to familiarise them with this new environment. Showed them our mosque and advising them. Not just by words by actions as well. Please remember them in your duas.

Insha Allah this friday or saturday I will try to group some Muslim brothers and discuss issues which are core to the Ummah. Most probably it would be on Ashuraa' and the month of Muharram. I will try to bring some history of Muslims as well. Just keep it in duas. We plan but Allah Subhanahu wa Taala is the best of Planners.

Jazakallahu khair




It is about action. Always have food. It brings people in. And some fun. Our Muslims brothers and sisters must know that after home they have the masjid to turn to and then we can start the real work.


Staff member

Jazaaka Allaahu Khayran brother Hussain. May Allah bless you too. Ameen. I don't know what else to say, you have made me all :shymuslima1:.

Anyway, sister mirajmom is right.

Like today, i managed to sort something out for a brother on "How to Pray", but i will try my level best too in persuading him, so that i can show him. May Allah make this happen. Ameen. Tomorrow i will give it to him Insh'Allah.

Another brother said that the stories narrated are really good and loads can be learned from them. I think its being consistent and trying to get them in the mosque as stated.

Like today although not pertaining to the topic, i was walking back from the Mosque after Maghrib and their was a person there reading a book and he looked like he slept on the street. I stopped and asked him what he was reading, he said "Its about a man and his daughter (i think losing her too his mother)", (i can't remember exactly though.) I said "Ummmmmmm", i sort of asked him how he was in which he replied he was good because he can get a meal and wash although he has to sleep rough.

I said thats good, but then i may have gone off a tangent but i was just telling him to stay strong and remember that someone is in a worse situation than him which he affirmed too. I gave him some change and went on my way. People were walking by as well so Insh'Allah it sent out a good message to them about Muslims.

When you see someone in that position, remember to give something or talk to them because the person is there for a reason, for you to gain reward. Plus, when you do look for someone, you wont be able to find them, which i have experienced.

Anyway, may have had no relation whatsoever but still.

This thread has helped because it shows that i can continue trying in telling my brothers about Islam and thought provoking stories. May Allah guide the youth back the Qur'an & Sunnah of the Final Prophet :saw:. Ameen.


Walaykum Salam


a lonely traveller

When you see someone in that position, remember to give something or talk to them because the person is there for a reason, for you to gain reward. Plus, when you do look for someone, you wont be able to find them, which i have experienced.

Walaikum as salam dear brother

Thats so true Subhan Allah. I remember that I helped a very old woman in crossing the road, I was amazed that here their own people do not help each other. On the other hand, I (a foreign citizen) helped her and she was very happy because she was tooo old. Another time, a lady was not able to get inside the public transport vehicle with her baggage, and nobody cared. When I helped her, she was so satisfied and content that I could see it. These might be small things but it sends real message to everybody around us.




In plain simple American: now that's what I am talking about..now...let's get political too..who is going to do a Muslims for Ron Paul...who is going to visit the jails...be proud and humble and walk in like a man.


Staff member

Brother your spot on, it could just change the mindset of people towards Muslims through our actions. May Allah reward you for helping the elderly. Ameen.

I think the real reason this is happening is because people don't care, don't have the time, own problems to deal with, need to make money, no time for the poor. This is the mindset that is created in some ways when you get possessed by the Dunya. Its fact i think, when you see someone in difficulty, the knowledge you have and your level of Eeman just makes it obligatory upon you to try and help. How beautiful.

Like Yusuf Estes experience testifies to this in the sense, his actions sent a good message. Here is the 1st part, please refer to the other two parts if you have not seen it. (The first 1 minute or so made me laugh when i first watched it :) :) )


I will stick with the view that the small contributions build the tower rather than the large one's because they tend to fade after awhile. Just like consistency is the key to building your Faith or the tower.


Walaykum Salam Wa Rahmatullah

Walaikum as salam dear brother

Thats so true Subhan Allah. I remember that I helped a very old woman in crossing the road, I was amazed that here their own people do not help each other. On the other hand, I (a foreign citizen) helped her and she was very happy because she was tooo old. Another time, a lady was not able to get inside the public transport vehicle with her baggage, and nobody cared. When I helped her, she was so satisfied and content that I could see it. These might be small things but it sends real message to everybody around us.


warda A



brothers and sisters, it is through our very actions(good ones) however small that will change others attitudes to wards us, when you show some one good faith, they return the same favour back.

it could just change the mindset of people towards Muslims through our actions

I sincerely hope that our youths both male and female would fill up the masjids and make them the center of their lives once more, where evry problems whether social , political or otherwise was handled. that will also make us united.

now...let's get political too..who is going to do a Muslims for Ron Paul...who is going to visit the jails...be proud and humble and walk in like a man.

sister mirajmom you are an inspiration to all around here, and i think i will add there under walk in like a man, i will say like a woman too, lol
women are very good organizers and because the mosque could bring all of them at a go, they could arrange something, actually am at a lose here, because i do not live in America, this is an idea to mirajmom.
women voices could be heard again, but remember the womans voice is aurah
that is what i heard, i do not remember from where.

but once again Go Girls!
i will add Boys!


Staff member

Well today i went down to the Student Union at College to see who i could talk to. Before i went in there was a noticeboard outside about fundraising for Bangladesh so i thought atleast something is happening here or plans. I decided that the fundraising would be more for the local area, i have come across two people today that were in need.

But anyway one idea i want to carry out is like a Poetry/Story event. With different poetry, inspirational stories, videos on the projector if possible. I really think this could work but i proposed it to one of the member of staff there, the person who i needed to see was not there. He agreed that the idea was okay and said to discuss more when the Student Support Officer comes back. Nothing was really achieved but lets see what happens. Insh'Allah it will fall into place.

I have one story which i posted here, one that i need to write up although it requires me to carry out a task first, i will post it on here even if nothing happens. I would love to narrate Ahmed the Repenter or some other stories i have come across which the youth will really benefit from.

The name of the story will be "The Cobbled Road". Insh'Allah i will get to share it.


Walaykum Salam



Please know that I am but a humble woman who loves and fears Allah subhana talla. I am but a small reed in a forest it is you who choose to hear my voice..and I too need to get busy...for I have much to achieve in life and Insha'Allah I will please my Maker.

I am amazed at the project of Sister Harb..let us give her our dua's and help organize a successful journey.


Staff member

May Allah bring success to sister harb's efforts. Ameen.

It is quite a large project from what i have seen but with the comittment it will Insh'Allah be a success.


Walaykum Salam Wa Rahmatullah

warda A


May Allah bring success to sister harb's efforts. Ameen.

It is quite a large project from what i have seen but with the comittment it will Insh'Allah be a success.


Walaykum Salam Wa Rahmatullah


Please know that I am but a humble woman who loves and fears Allah subhana talla. I am but a small reed in a forest it is you who choose to hear my voice..and I too need to get busy...for I have much to achieve in life and Insha'Allah I will please my Maker.

I am amazed at the project of Sister Harb..let us give her our dua's and help organize a successful journey.


From the efforts i see here, i think our youth have there feet firmly on the ground :ma:
Every thing begins by a small step, one at a time to grow and reach the highest peak, we should remember that a tiny seed grows to something massive, imagine an oak tree, how big is it?
inshallah we will have more youths participating around the world to help one another to not only understand our beautiful deen but to practice it and show the bigots that islam is PEACE.only through our humble actions will we be able to teach others.


Strangers on earth
very nice thread


Well this is a very nice thread to go to when you want someone to push you into doing something for the sake of Allah (looool)
Just kidding.
i just think this is encouraging some brothers and sisters into doing some very useful things to help the muslim ummah because they are now being encouraged by our very generous and wonderful family here

Jazzakumu Allahi all of you for that
May Allah reward all of us with his jaanatul Firdaus :tti_sister: Ameen


Umm Zubayr
Assalam aleikum,

You were all talking about how to keep our youths in the masjiids..well, my local masjiid created something we call 'a youth club', and basically, everyone can join, so they go in the club, and there are lots of different games, for boys and girls, and it is supervised by older brothers..boys and girls have different days..and they all love it..as soon as they hear the athaan, they know they have to stop what they're doing and head towards the masjiid..and mashallah, it keeps them out of the street and are in a safe environment where they can learn the islamic adhaab..so i think it's great idea..maybe you should discuss this with your masjiid committee if you don't have a center like this..

As for visiting the sick people, usually, the Imam will give an announcement during the friday khutbah, saying that X sister need some support at this hospital, can some sisters please organise themselves and arrange a visit..and it is usually done :mashallah:

warda A

Assalam aleikum,

You were all talking about how to keep our youths in the masjiids..well, my local masjiid created something we call 'a youth club', and basically, everyone can join, so they go in the club, and there are lots of different games, for boys and girls, and it is supervised by older brothers..boys and girls have different days..and they all love it..as soon as they hear the athaan, they know they have to stop what they're doing and head towards the masjiid..and mashallah, it keeps them out of the street and are in a safe environment where they can learn the islamic adhaab..so i think it's great idea..maybe you should discuss this with your masjiid committee if you don't have a center like this..

As for visiting the sick people, usually, the Imam will give an announcement during the friday khutbah, saying that X sister need some support at this hospital, can some sisters please organise themselves and arrange a visit..and it is usually done :mashallah:


I Can only say :ma: for a wonderful masjid that you have.


Seek The Almighty
Assalam aleikum,

You were all talking about how to keep our youths in the masjiids..well, my local masjiid created something we call 'a youth club', and basically, everyone can join, so they go in the club, and there are lots of different games, for boys and girls, and it is supervised by older brothers..boys and girls have different days..and they all love it..as soon as they hear the athaan, they know they have to stop what they're doing and head towards the masjiid..and mashallah, it keeps them out of the street and are in a safe environment where they can learn the islamic adhaab..so i think it's great idea..maybe you should discuss this with your masjiid committee if you don't have a center like this..

As for visiting the sick people, usually, the Imam will give an announcement during the friday khutbah, saying that X sister need some support at this hospital, can some sisters please organise themselves and arrange a visit..and it is usually done :mashallah:

Asalamualikum dear sis.
Wow you have a great organised Mosque for the youths. :ma:
There is nothing like that for the youths in my area, never mind for the sisters. :girl3:
We have many mosque in our area, one at the end of my street.

Last time I remember going to mosque was when I was 12, and finished reading my Quran.
Our community should do something like that too.