hmmmmm....... What to do?


New Member
As-Salam Alikum Brother's & Sister's

I hope that all is well, where ever you may be.

I have a small problem.

I am currently living at home. With the only car in the house.
I live with my mum, who is not a muslim.

My issue is that I let my mum use my car because she is a recovering paraplegic. So walking to far for her is not possible & cause alot of pain.
When she goes & get's Haraam (forbidden) things & item's, using my car. I feel very bad & that I am allowing her do this.

I don't have the means or money to buy her a car & I can't let her walk to far & also carrying item's for too long.
If I say no, she would just go walk but when she gets home. She is not happy & is in great pain. Which makes me feel bad :(

What can I do in the mean time, until I can get her a car of her own?

Salam Alikum



Junior Member

man some of you really test my problem solving skill. my adivce

1) let her use your car
2) give her dawaa, take her to the islaamic events etc

try 1 and 2 for a few months

if it fails then dont let her use your car no matter how much you hate it.


Junior Member
It looks like you are in a difficult situation. Make du'a to Allaah to make things easy for you and He will. In ways you cannot imagine.


make dua 4 ma finals
Asslaamu alaikum and welcome to TTI family...

indeed all praise is to Allaah who guided you to the light of al-Islam, alhamdulillaah. I pray to Allaah that He guides your Mom and the rest of your beloved family. ameen

What you've mentioned is a very difficult situation, in fact I think my brain froze because I have no idea what to advice you. But turn to Allaah in a sencere Dua, He'll open doors for you from places you've never expected.
In my view, dont ever let her walk, for the pain she is going through is far more greater than anything else.... Remember she is your mom, show her kindness (which you're already doing) and give her Da'wah, I pray that she finds guidance soon. Ameen


Saalam alaikum

subhan Allah, alhamdu li Allah

Allah has kept me so good, what types of trials Alllah puts to his slaves.
may ne i wont be able to tolarate these, may Allah save me.

brother, have patience and pray to Allah, so that He shows the right path and do the dawah to your mom, with convincing voice, give her good example, inshaa'Allah she will become Muslim, I'll pray for your mom

Hidayah is something that is kept on Allah's hand only, Allah guides whom He wills.

may Allah give you patience and strenghthen you Eeman and help you to convince you mom,ameen



Junior Member
salam alikoum wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh

All I can say brother is be patient and may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala guides your mother to the right path. Ask allah for your mother's hidaya
wa Allahu a'alam
wa salam alikoum


New Member

man some of you really test my problem solving skill. my adivce

1) let her use your car
2) give her dawaa, take her to the islaamic events etc

try 1 and 2 for a few months

if it fails then dont let her use your car no matter how much you hate it.

I give her dawa when I can & about islamic events. The closes masjid is about 100km/60miles away. I live in a 1 muslim town (myself).





New Member
As-Salam Alikum

Thank you all for your advice on this difficult situation.

May Allah Reward you all for your advice, dua's & pray's.




~Salam to all!

As-Salam Alikum Brother's & Sister's

I hope that all is well, where ever you may be.

I have a small problem.

I am currently living at home. With the only car in the house.
I live with my mum, who is not a muslim.

My issue is that I let my mum use my car because she is a recovering paraplegic. So walking to far for her is not possible & cause alot of pain.
When she goes & get's Haraam (forbidden) things & item's, using my car. I feel very bad & that I am allowing her do this.

I don't have the means or money to buy her a car & I can't let her walk to far & also carrying item's for too long.
If I say no, she would just go walk but when she gets home. She is not happy & is in great pain. Which makes me feel bad :(

What can I do in the mean time, until I can get her a car of her own?

Salam Alikum



~Salam brother Haroun,

I see many has come forward to help you
~May Allah swt reward them for their kind intention~Amin!


I understand your situation my advice is even she is a kafir(non muslim)but still she is your mother :)

Islam did not object on you to be kind to kafir if they are kind(still be curious)especially if the kafir is your mother.

Since you can't get another car i agree that you share the car with her since she is old and have some health problem(can't walk too far)have pity on her because if not yourself to pity her what more she's ur mother now who else???

1: Let her use your car try to explain to her nicely what is not right for you.

2: prepare the necessary small space in the trunk or car boot for her to storage her whatever(place a disposable plastic and plenty of old newspaper)so she can place her what ever on it)and make her sure she place her whatever thing on this disposable thing so she or you can easily dispose it(using a glove) after her trip to where ever .(highlight to her nicely)

3:Third if you afraid and has suspect of the 'unclean' of your steering wheel you can always have an xtra one like replace it with your own personal one and keep hers ~then when about she using the car use what is hers :)
or if you don't like to get an xtra steering wheel use hand glove and get use to it .

Matter can solve easily and i think she can co operate with you since this make everyone easy and happy ~insy allah.

Avoid to make her walk so far because i think it not safe for her and due to her health not permitted spare some thought for her coz she is old and need help and she is still apart of you.She is but your mother~Remember that!

4:If she still did not see your point tell her again and again nicely.
And if she can't get it get your friends to help you clarified the matters to her.If she still can't and being stubborn to understand your point

5:Get her to read this post~ (Please help dear lady~Thank you :)

Insya allah every thing will solve if everybody is cooperating.

~May Allah swt help and guide you brother~Amin!

~Eid Mubarak!

Take Care!
Thank you,

~Wassalam :)



Junior Member
I give her dawa when I can & about islamic events. The closes masjid is about 100km/60miles away. I live in a 1 muslim town (myself).




oh that's so sad to hear.

but that's the problem with living in kaafir lands. I hope you can still buy some dvds, islaamic documentaries and show them to her. may Allah guide her.


Sister in Islam
Salamu Aleikum Sister
As far as I know you should be kind to your mother in everything except ascribing partners to Allah SWT. Even if she buys alcohol or pork using your car, what is the problem? You are not the one buying it or using it. Be very, very kind to her, give gentle dawah as well as advised by the brothers and sisters above, and make dua for her. She will buy them with your car or without - at least you will be rewarded for easing her physical hardship a little. That's my opinion, and Allahu Alam.