how to find a manufacturer


Junior Member
Salam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuhu

InshaAllah this reaches you all in the best of health and Imaan, Ameen!

A sister and I have come up with some great ideas for some products aimed at the Ummah InshaAllah. Both toys and educational. We've got the ideas and the designs, however we're stuck on how we will actually get it on the market InshaAllah

So i have a few questions InshaAllah.. what would be best, to sell of our ideas to a manufacturer or do it ourselves? and where and how can we get hold of some manufacturers who are willing to take on islamic products? Do you think any Kaffir owned company would take on such a project? We are both quite confident that these products will do great InshaAllah, as they are not available on the current market.

any advice is appreciated and please make du'a for us InshaAllah

Jazak Allahu Khair



Junior Member
:salam2: Sister,

First, copyright your idea so that it can not be stolen without serious consequence to the thief. Second, patent your product design so that you hold the "blueprints" to the idea. The rest is something you will learn as you go. You can't just come up with an idea and expect it to be so great that a manufacturer will create it without all these things in place. Do research about the whole process. As for a Kaffir company doing such a product, I don't see why not since to them, its about money and not religious bias. THAT is where you may run into problems. The profit end of it....companies will only produce products without profit IF it's for a large, well known charity. Maybe there is a Muslim held company that is out there that can help.


Junior Member
if you want to make a new product, then really you will need to get a loan or something or find capital form somewhere else. You also have to make a prototype first.

what you can do is purchase articles required for the toy from china at wholesale prices, assemble them to form a toy and then sell them on your store. You will need a warehouse for doing this business.

You can find manufacturers at alibaba dot com. However you have to be careful dealing with people because there is risk of fraud.