How to tell parents


Junior Member
Hey everyone,
I think i am ready to tell my parents that i became a muslim, but i am not quite sure how and i was wondering how all the other converts on this site did? Thanks Everybody!

Salamunalykum wr wb!
May Allah (t) help you and make it easy for you!
I hope your parents will except your decision in a friendly way insha'allah


New Member
What Makes Islam so Appealing

Salaam Brother and Sisters....

I am a muslim myself and i am very happy to be one.....i have a many friends who are mulism as well...

I knew few people who converted and reverted to islam..... two of them were my class mates who have converted to the is now a politician and the other is now a pilot...i am amazed by their determination and passion for islam.........i am greatful that Allah showed them the light and truthfulness of then deen

Islam is on the increase when compared to other was stated that islam is increasing in a rate of 243% while other religion increase in a rate of 40-30%....i really hope that more people get to experience the beauty of islam and embrace it too....i am so lucky and greatful that i am muslim and i very happy to be one....

Why is islam so appealing to people....wat do u think? is intresting question

peace be upon you all....jazakallah for all the message