How Tough can marriage be?


Junior Member

My MIL wanted my DH to wait until 35 to marry. Good thing he was aware of his right to marry whom he pleased and not wait for his parents to enforce some arbitrary rules.


Junior Member
asslaam alaikum

my father is from india and he married at the age of 23 masha'Allah..but he was financially sound then masha'ALLah..

two of his brothers have married at 19 and 20(approx)...

yes,it is true that some parents in india think a man has to be above 25 to marry..i don't know why..

but i don't think it was like that in the past..Allah knows best..both my grandfathers married at around 16-17 years ...


Junior Member
aslam o aliakum

akhi this is a complete random thought ... but sometimes i feel like in our culture (offcourse) mothers are afraid to let their children go cuz they feel like after he will get married he is just gonna belong to his wife (u know in urdu they say biwi ka hi ho kar reh gaye ga ) and thats why there are so many mother - wife , sister in law conflicts cuz the family doesn't want him to change idk just a random thought from wat i see around

That's the reason i have seen around me.Parents cling to their children and don't give them enough space which results in the son going farther away from his parents.They are like" We own you and we don't care about your happiness.We know better than you etc"


Junior Member

Muslims liveing in the west specially tend to marry around 25+, and i think the reason why parents say thats a good age to marry is becouse of financial reasons mostly. You just cannot marry at lets say 21 without a decent job and think you can provide your wife etc, specially not in the west were most things are over inflated. You have to be financially stable in order to provide your wife, or dont marry, end of the day our Prophet (pbuh) did say we mens are the provider.

Regarding the mother inlaw : i think mothers still should recieve the respect and care even when their sons married. end of the day you still have to take care of your mother. specially being a muslim thers no such thing as a 'home care centre' we muslims keep our mothers in our house.


Assalaam walaikum,


You raise a good point. We, Muslims, have to stop making the excuse that we need a two income family. And, I am not advocating that we not seek good and well paying jobs but we need to change our priorities.
We should be thinking ahead. We need to have strong communities that take care of each other. We need to educate our brothers and especially sisters to focus on that which is halaal. That which is Sunna.
Once we instill this need in us to learn the Absolute Word of Allah, we would not waste time worrying about money.

ya allah madad

yes brother age does not matter.i am two years older than my husband and we are happily married mashallah.
when my uncle proposed me for his son, my mother aroused the same issue of age difference. she simply opposed our marriage "log kia kahy gey" what the people would say?
i was not concerned about the diff, my husband was not mashallah i have a son and we are alhumdulillah happy together.
in your case,brother,your mother is going against shariah.if there is that danger of yours going to zina then it is compulsory for you to get married.try to persuade him not forcefully but with love and patience, after all she is your mother.and in the future you will be the one keeping both your wife and your mother happy so why not practicing it from now lol.
may Allah give you what's good for you inshallah.