I am a moderate Muslim


Junior Member
I am a moderate Muslim

I don't pray 5 times a day
Only jummah is enough for me
I don't fast the full thirty
Five is how many I do
Yes I drink
But only in moderation
I don't get drunk or puke up in the loo
Yes I am a moderate Muslim

I check out the fit women
But only one at a time
I don't sleep with them
Because that's extreme
I only date them, hug them,
hold hands and kiss them.

Because everything in moderation right?

I take drugs
But only class C ones
Avoid the hard ones
Because only the fanatics do that

A moderate Muslim is the label
I have given myself
I can't leave Islam
Because it's the truth
Can't be an atheist or secular humanist

So I reconcile my Islam
To please the westerners
By compromising
And trying oh so very hard to fit in

My name is Muhammed
But to all and sundry I am Mo
During lunch and after work
Off to the pub I go
A few bevies
Nothing to heavy
Every weekday
Except for Fridays
Because that's a holy day

Despite all my compromises of my Islam
I cannot find any peace of mind
or satisfaction in my heart
I feel guilty and ashamed
Feelings of nausea and self hate

My mind is in conflict
And I find myself asking a question
Maybe to this you can relate

The question is

If you're convinced of Islam then why follow it in moderation?
Should you not follow it completely and fundamentally?
Despite what the non-Muslims think or say

Because who are they to tell us how we should follow the truth
When they are lost and following the misguidance.

Author: Showkat Ali


فَتَبَارَكَ اللَّهُ أَحْسَنُ الْخَالِقِينَ



I should really hand this over to my friends. What do they find happiness in? In wordly talk, gossip, boys, as mentioned in the poem, in fact they do go to extremes, drugs, alcohol, haraam,music, movies, cinema, show thier cheap meat, let alone wear even a hat to cover thier hair.. and if I want the list goes on.. And when I say this, I mean beyond limits. Everything has limits..

It really saddens me, and I always try my best to talk to them, but you know they have come to the point that they completely ignore me because they know that they cannot share other talk with me, and the only conversation that will come up between them and me is about religion.

May Allah (SWT) guide all the misguided, Aameen.Yet I always pray for them, I feel it my duty and responsibility. May Allah accept our duas Aameen.



Pls mak Duwa 4 me

Moderation will not lead to perfection, to be perfect in any thing u should be fundamentally strong.

Generally those who cant face the truth, those who dont have the courage to face against the falsehood and who cant control on evil thing, they say themself as MODERATE to cover their weakness.

May Allah protect us and give the courage, Strength to face and follow the truth. Ameen.

Allah Hafiz.


Junior Member
بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ



muslim sis
asalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu!

like this post its so true.thanx for sharing:tti_sister:
jazakallah kheir:muslim_child:


Junior Member
Walaykum Salaam

JazakAllah and barakAllah feek for your kind words, much appreciated alhamdulilah.

MAy Allah swt give all of us the strength, confidence and motivation to carry the Islamic dawah to make the Deen of Allah swt mighty. Ameen


Islam is a way of life
This poem is not about moderation, it's about going downhill. I mean drinking everyday? Even to Non-Muslims that is called an Alcoholic and they are often sent to rehab by loved ones.

I'm a moderate Muslim, I guess now everyone here thinks I'm scum yet knows nothing about my life.


Junior Member
This poem is not about moderation, it's about going downhill. I mean drinking everyday? Even to Non-Muslims that is called an Alcoholic and they are often sent to rehab by loved ones.

I'm a moderate Muslim, I guess now everyone here thinks I'm scum yet knows nothing about my life.

Can you define what you mean when you say you are a " moderate Muslim", also what is the Islamic term for moderate muslim?


Nothing but Muslimah
I am a moderate Muslim
If you're convinced of Islam then why follow it in moderation?
Should you not follow it completely and fundamentally?
Despite what the non-Muslims think or say

Because who are they to tell us how we should follow the truth
When they are lost and following the misguidance.

Author: Showkat Ali

LOGICAL STANZA .... !!! I really loved reading it !!!!
MASHA ALLAH great !!!


Junior Member
Asalaamu Alaikum,

It's actually the western Governments that gave us these names. They split us into 4 catagories, can't remember one of them, but 3 of them are; Moderate, Orthodox, Extreme.

I am neither, but a Muslim.