I Have A Secret To Reveal..................


Pearl of Islaam
** I have a secret to reveal**​

I have a secret that my hearts wants to reveal. This what you see it is not me. I am not me. But still it is my life, my strugle and not my choice. I have a secret to reveal, but I can not it is Allahs gift to me. It is my protection, my shell, nobody has right to see. It would be like people have discover me. And I am all alone on this world. My eyes look for their Lord but there are no eyes that can reach Him, The Most Glorious One He is. And my soul is dieing every day for not finding Him, so far away from me He is, but still so close to me and I know my Lord is here. But I am not the right person for that gift, I am not so strong to take it with me. I am so weak and everyday I am strugleing.

So much pain I need to take , it is so hard for me, but it is still a blessing.
I look for Him in every morning while I call His Glorious name, My Allah I say. When sun apears I open my arms and I run towoards the sun thinking it is my Lord, but than I stand and I see it is a small reflection of His Glory. I stay there and I wait for my Lord to come, to Him I want to run, but it is still not my time. Than I wait for the night to fall and moon to appear and I think now it is time when my Lord I will see. I open my arms to the moon but than I stand and I see it is only a small reflection of His Glory. And I look in the sky but my eyes are not finding Him, far away from me He is.
I have a secret to reveal but I can not, it is Allahs gift to me, nobody has right to see.

I am still so young, beautiful flower but my soul is withening for not seeing her Lord. I hide myselfe from people, so that they do not look at me. They looks cause to much pain to me . When I am alone I am closer to my Lord, than I am protected and nobody can hurt me.
I have a secret to reveal but it is better silent to be. I am afraid how people would look at me when they would discover me. And I am story for myselfe. Different from others it is just that nobody sees, but that is what I want, that is how Allah wants to be.

Ya Allah please protect me and please wait for me, every day I am closer to you but there are still so many things that I need here to do. My Lord when time passes please do not forget me. I love you more than heart can take, more than eyes can see, more than arms can hug. I love you more than ethernity . Even ethernity would not be enough to live every day only for serving you. Every day my eyes which are reflection of the blue sky and deep sea, are coloecting pearls like my gift to you. My Allah please forgive me for not being able to do more. Sometimes my eyes are cloudy and not so blue , but that is in those moments when I can not reach to you. And may white face that is reflection of moon has become pale becouse I am not finding The Most Loving One anywhere. That is why I look for you every day and I do not feel tired of walking so much, becouse eternal rest is with you Ya Rabb.

I have a secret to reveal.....................................this what you see it is not me..............


Written by: Lost soul on this world(ME)


Junior Member
** I have a secret to reveal**​

I have a secret that my hearts wants to reveal. This what you see it is not me. I am not me. But still it is my life, my strugle and not my choice. I have a secret to reveal, but I can not it is Allahs gift to me. It is my protection, my shell, nobody has right to see. It would be like people have discover me. And I am all alone on this world. My eyes look for their Lord but there are no eyes that can reach Him, The Most Glorious One He is. And my soul is dieing every day for not finding Him, so far away from me He is, but still so close to me and I know my Lord is here. But I am not the right person for that gift, I am not so strong to take it with me. I am so weak and everyday I am strugleing.

So much pain I need to take , it is so hard for me, but it is still a blessing.
I look for Him in every morning while I call His Glorious name, My Allah I say. When sun apears I open my arms and I run towoards the sun thinking it is my Lord, but than I stand and I see it is a small reflection of His Glory. I stay there and I wait for my Lord to come, to Him I want to run, but it is still not my time. Than I wait for the night to fall and moon to appear and I think now it is time when my Lord I will see. I open my arms to the moon but than I stand and I see it is only a small reflection of His Glory. And I look in the sky but my eyes are not finding Him, far away from me He is.
I have a secret to reveal but I can not, it is Allahs gift to me, nobody has right to see.

I am still so young, beautiful flower but my soul is withening for not seeing her Lord. I hide myselfe from people, so that they do not look at me. They looks cause to much pain to me . When I am alone I am closer to my Lord, than I am protected and nobody can hurt me.
I have a secret to reveal but it is better silent to be. I am afraid how people would look at me when they would discover me. And I am story for myselfe. Different from others it is just that nobody sees, but that is what I want, that is how Allah wants to be.

Ya Allah please protect me and please wait for me, every day I am closer to you but there are still so many things that I need here to do. My Lord when time passes please do not forget me. I love you more than heart can take, more than eyes can see, more than arms can hug. I love you more than ethernity . Even ethernity would not be enough to live every day only for serving you. Every day my eyes which are reflection of the blue sky and deep sea, are coloecting pearls like my gift to you. My Allah please forgive me for not being able to do more. Sometimes my eyes are cloudy and not so blue , but that is in those moments when I can not reach to you. And may white face that is reflection of moon has become pale becouse I am not finding The Most Loving One anywhere. That is why I look for you every day and I do not feel tired of walking so much, becouse eternal rest is with you Ya Rabb.

I have a secret to reveal.....................................this what you see it is not me..............


Written by: Lost soul on this world(ME)


wow masha allah aliki sister what a nice reflection of the self i will tell you a secret about yourself that i have just discover it sister, you have a good reconsiliation:shake: with your self !!!!! excilent behaviour , yet we rarely find people like you sister wallahi..im not praisng you dear sister Asija this is masha allah you... your pure self the reality.:p....... .....what a lucky are you sister may allah reward you the hightest place in aljannah and all muslims ...so as to avoid writing a very long paragraph i will stop now ............:) i hope you everythnig good in life in both here and life after sister from the bottom of my heart..good post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

salam alikom

ur sis


Junior Member

sister I wish for you to enter the highest jannah where you are very close to your Love, Allah Subanallahu Teala. jazak Allahu ckairan for sharing this poem with us you are very talented. :ma: May Allah be pleased with you and loves you.



Junior Member

wooooooow mashaAllah...that was truly amazing....

i really like your threads sis Asja....keep up the good work...
may allah swt grant you jannahtul firdows..amiin..

keep smiling :) :)



Pearl of Islaam

wow masha allah aliki sister what a nice reflection of the self i will tell you a secret about yourself that i have just discover it sister, you have a good reconsiliation:shake: with your self !!!!! excilent behaviour , yet we rarely find people like you sister wallahi..im not praisng you dear sister Asija this is masha allah you... your pure self the reality.:p....... .....what a lucky are you sister may allah reward you the hightest place in aljannah and all muslims ...so as to avoid writing a very long paragraph i will stop now ............:) i hope you everythnig good in life in both here and life after sister from the bottom of my heart..good post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

salam alikom

ur sis

:salam2: dear sister Khadiya.

Dear sister thank you soooooo soooooo much for your kind,beautiful and heartfull word.MashaAllah you are so kind sister:SMILY252::SMILY252::SMILY252::SMILY252:: May Allah bless you too sister,and reword you with the Highest place in Jannatul Fidows.Ameen.:tti_sister::tti_sister:

I love you dear sister for the sake of Allah and I am happy Alhamdulillah to have sweet and great Muslimah and sister like you are.:)

Thank you dear sister once again

Jazzak Allah khair

May Allah bless you

Wa Allaicomu Saalam Wa rahmatullah Wa Barakatuhu

With love and blessings,Your sister Asiya



Pearl of Islaam

sister I wish for you to enter the highest jannah where you are very close to your Love, Allah Subanallahu Teala. jazak Allahu ckairan for sharing this poem with us you are very talented. :ma: May Allah be pleased with you and loves you.



Jazzak Allah khair dear sister Safiya for your kind words and daus.:) May Allah reword you sister for reading it Mashallah,and bestow you with ethernal bliss,blessing,happiness on this word and here after.Inshallah.:tti_sister::hearts:

May Allah bless you sister


Your sister Asja


Junior Member
Assalmu alikum my dear sister.

Words are not enough to express my feelings after reading your beautiful words.

I pray Allah gives you jannah tul firdos, and i pray that Allah is pleased with you, and i hope you meet Allah soon for your heart will be content. Aameen.

I love you for the sake of Allah. Keep smiling, keep praying, the day is close - your meeting with Allah is coming close. Be patient my sister, your day is coming close.

Wa'alikum aslaam.


Pearl of Islaam

wooooooow mashaAllah...that was truly amazing....

i really like your threads sis Asja....keep up the good work...
may allah swt grant you jannahtul firdows..amiin..

keep smiling :) :)



Thank you dear brother very much for your kindness and nice reply.:)

May Allah bless you and reword you too brother with Jannatiul Fidows,Ameen:tti_sister:



Pearl of Islaam
Assalmu alikum my dear sister.

Words are not enough to express my feelings after reading your beautiful words.

I pray Allah gives you jannah tul firdos, and i pray that Allah is pleased with you, and i hope you meet Allah soon for your heart will be content. Aameen.

I love you for the sake of Allah. Keep smiling, keep praying, the day is close - your meeting with Allah is coming close. Be patient my sister, your day is coming close.

Wa'alikum aslaam.

Allaicomu Saaalam Wa rahmatullah Wa barakatuhu my dear sister.

Dear sister you have brought one big smile on my face now and great happiness in my heart SubhanAllah,:)because your words are so beautiful sister Mashallah,and for your pure and lovely words I do not know waht to say,Mashallah,Mashallah sister.!!!!

I love you too sister for the sake of Allah:hearts::hearts:,and Inshallah me sister and you too and all Muslims will meet soon Allah Almighty.Inshallah that day will come soon.Ameen.

May Allah reword you sister too with Janntaul Firodws,your family and all Muslims.Ameen.:tti_sister:

With love,Your sister Asja


Pearl of Islaam
:ma: sister asja how amazingly you reveal this beautiful secret of you.
may ALLAH grant you of of the higher place in jannah.ameen thuma ameen.

:salam2: dear sister.

Jazzak Allah khair dear sister Khangul and dear brother Ayman for your kind replys.:) May Allah reword you both with Jannatul Firdows.Ameen.:tti_sister:

And dear brother Ayman ,I know for the book "Islaam and the West" Mashallah.:) It was written by a great Muslim man,may Allah subahn we teala reword him with Jannatul Firdows.Ameen.

May Allah bless you all
