I need advise; I feel faithless


Young Muslim
I beleive one time on this forum I read " Why is there so much to confuse someone from religion". I never really understood that until now -- brothers and sisters , why do I suddenly feel so away from Islam and good? I think of Islam and for some reason all I get is a confused brain thats aching me. I always thought of Islam as a religion of peace --mercy--knowledge, but if this is true, how come the Islamic world is looked upon so poorly? I ask my mom what jihad means and she tells me to "kill jews" , and struggle in one's religion. ( She said "neya'lo" if someone kills a Jew, he will go to heaven. I cannot comprehend this, I think Jews are closer to Islam than Christians are, how come she didn't mention them? I feel the world of Islam is struggling and I think the Quran says Muslims were the best of nations. Then why is this happening? I feel at the lowest point of my faith right now and it's for so many reasons. Could this be waswas? Should I listen to Surot al Baqara? Just a week ago I was afraid that if I died I would go to hell. So I was trying to make my prayers on the exact time, do as many deeds as I could and stop the bad ones. Yesterday wasn't as bad as today, I feel like h'm getting whispers from all directions. I'm confused right now to the point I don't feel as spiritual during my prayers. I miss my religion and I seriously need advice because this is very important.


Staff member

Insha'Allaah, other brothers and sisters will post too.

But regarding our status and position today, well it is simply through leaving the Qur'aan and Sunnah. Until we return to it, then we will not succeed. Insha'Allaah refer to the thread below:


One observation of mine which I feel has contributed to our downfall is 'knowledge'. Yes, seeking it is important, but the knowledge that we seek first over other knowledge. You know, there is important knowledge, but then there is more important knowledge.

Like, Tawheed - understanding it though, Aqeedah - again understanding what it entails. This is what is more important then followed by the important stuff.

Subhaan'Allaah, I was reading a Chapter in the book by Ibn al-Qayyim may Allaah have mercy on him, titled the "The Path to Guidance", there is an excellent chapter regarding the prayer, "Ibn Qudaamah al-Maqdisee and his comments on the prayer", it is wonderful. Insha'Allaah, I will try to post it one day.

My point regarding the relation to that chapter, if we were able to retain the benefit that the Pious Salaf would retain from their prayer, internally, then Insha'Allaah we would be successful. We have reached a stage, where our heart's are not even present in our Prayers. May Allaah give us beneficial knowledge. Ameen.

Remember, our eemaan will fluctuate, somedays we will be at the top of the tower but on other days we will feel like we are in the basement (if it does not have a basement that is accessible, then the reception area :) ).

We have to be strong, patient as well as demonstre perserverance.

Truly in the Rememberance of Allaah do heart's find rest.

Walaykum Salaam.


Servant of Allah
asalamu alaykum wrwb. firstly i would like to correct something. your mom is wrong. jihad doesn't mean killing jews. jihad means to struggle or to strive. which applies to our daily lives. struggling to get an A on a paper is jihad. secondly these thoughts are from shaytan. we have our ups and downs and the more you try to be good the more shaytan tries to attack you. and you asked why is the islamic world looked upon so poorlyl? this is because Islam is the truth. don't you hear people saying "truth hurts". this truth hurts them because they do not wish to give up on the wine and the pork and all that dirty stuff and that life style they had. We are given obstacles and hardships because akhi the true believer is imprisoned in this world, and the disbeliever is given freedom and enjoyment. so if we run after the world we will be lost in our enjoyments and pleasures and that will only last in our lifetime. but if we struggle to earn paradise this world will imprison us but it won't last long. because we will be repayed in eternity in akhirah. cheer up akhi, shaytan plays with all of us because he is afraid that our iman will grow. he attacks you from everyside except from above. so keep making dua and stay strong. asalamu alaykum wrwb.
ps: Allah swt says: if someone kills one innocent being then it is as if he killed aLL OF MANKIND. but if he saves or helps one person then it is as if he saved all of mankind.


Junior Member

The answers that were posted up, MasyaAllah! I thought there were awesome. Like Waseem, I do too sometimes feel less spiritual and to the extent that I wonder if that makes me a kafir :(

Glad that I read this post!


Brother in ISLAM
Assalamoalaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu..

Just ask Allah(swt) to show us the straight path and protect us from the wasawas of shaitaan .. You can find some authentic supplications in Hisnul Muslim.. Get a hard copy keep it handy..


Junior Member
:salam2: this is just a temporary setback, brother waseem. remain steadfast in prayer and reading qur'an and Insha Allah, these feelings will pass soon. I think you know that jihad does not mean killing Jews as i know you are a bright young brother from your threads and the way you stand up for your faith to those who try to intimidate you :)


sister in Islam

Insha'Allaah, other brothers and sisters will post too.

But regarding our status and position today, well it is simply through leaving the Qur'aan and Sunnah. Until we return to it, then we will not succeed. Insha'Allaah refer to the thread below:


One observation of mine which I feel has contributed to our downfall is 'knowledge'. Yes, seeking it is important, but the knowledge that we seek first over other knowledge. You know, there is important knowledge, but then there is more important knowledge.

Like, Tawheed - understanding it though, Aqeedah - again understanding what it entails. This is what is more important then followed by the important stuff.

Subhaan'Allaah, I was reading a Chapter in the book by Ibn al-Qayyim may Allaah have mercy on him, titled the "The Path to Guidance", there is an excellent chapter regarding the prayer, "Ibn Qudaamah al-Maqdisee and his comments on the prayer", it is wonderful. Insha'Allaah, I will try to post it one day.

My point regarding the relation to that chapter, if we were able to retain the benefit that the Pious Salaf would retain from their prayer, internally, then Insha'Allaah we would be successful. We have reached a stage, where our heart's are not even present in our Prayers. May Allaah give us beneficial knowledge. Ameen.

Remember, our eemaan will fluctuate, somedays we will be at the top of the tower but on other days we will feel like we are in the basement (if it does not have a basement that is accessible, then the reception area :) ).

We have to be strong, patient as well as demonstre perserverance.

Truly in the Rememberance of Allaah do heart's find rest.

Walaykum Salaam.

BArakallahufik for your advise , I am glad i read this post as well, because we all get our high and low points and from time to time get confused, we are so blessed to have brothers and sisters like the people here , Alhamdulilah , thank you again for the post and answers in it.


Junior Member

There is no islamic country( country which practise Islam as the prophet and his companians did) nowadays . When people practised Islam sincerly islamic states were the best .

Jihad is not killing the Jews : Jihad i striving against any kind of evil and oppression any where , Muslems should struggle for their own rights in their land and should never give up and Yes "neya'lo" who is killed fi sabeel Allah( for the sake of Allah)


Junior Member

salam alikoum;
first i would like to say a golden sentence "islam is something, muslims are something else".
be carefull, your mother is telling exactelly the wrong thing about jihad, who told her that jihad is fighting against the jews and christians,????jihad is fighting against who comes and fight you, and if he stop, you must stop too. read the quran, this is the definition there.
in the quran you will read as well , the religion for allah is islam and whoever takes something else , it will never be accepted from him and he will be among those who are the loosers. allah swt in fact sent a lot of prophets with the same message, worship allah alone, and do not associate anyone with him in worship, mauses, jesus, david, soleiman.....all of them came with this.
so be sure that islam is the right path so, be proud of it.
wa salam alikouml


dear sisters and brothers first of all if some one have a wasawas or something else like misconception every one should ask a question to a person about islam who is knowledge full (dont mind)!!!
secondly many poeple had the same the thing which is called as "waswaas"
so the advice from me is that you should read qur'an with translation that will make all your misunderstanding (misconception) clear !!!!
but not only one who have waswas but every one should read qur'an with translation and tafseer ...... and your mind will be clean and clear from all kinds of "waswaas"


I beleive one time on this forum I read " Why is there so much to confuse someone from religion". I never really understood that until now -- brothers and sisters , why do I suddenly feel so away from Islam and good? I think of Islam and for some reason all I get is a confused brain thats aching me. I always thought of Islam as a religion of peace --mercy--knowledge, but if this is true, how come the Islamic world is looked upon so poorly? I ask my mom what jihad means and she tells me to "kill jews" , and struggle in one's religion. ( She said "neya'lo" if someone kills a Jew, he will go to heaven. I cannot comprehend this, I think Jews are closer to Islam than Christians are, how come she didn't mention them? I feel the world of Islam is struggling and I think the Quran says Muslims were the best of nations. Then why is this happening? I feel at the lowest point of my faith right now and it's for so many reasons. Could this be waswas? Should I listen to Surot al Baqara? Just a week ago I was afraid that if I died I would go to hell. So I was trying to make my prayers on the exact time, do as many deeds as I could and stop the bad ones. Yesterday wasn't as bad as today, I feel like h'm getting whispers from all directions. I'm confused right now to the point I don't feel as spiritual during my prayers. I miss my religion and I seriously need advice because this is very important.


i understand that your iman may be feeling a little lowered. but it is said that our iman is capable of going up and down. there are times when i feel that i have no iman whatsoever, but some comes and remindes me of why i need to have iman. subhanallah this life is a life full of tests. some of these tests we pass and some of these other tests we fail. the key is trying to strive to pass them and when we fail them to improve where we made our mistakes.

like the other brothers and sisters here have said; jihad does not mean killing jews. first off, it means struggle. struggle can come in many ways. your jihad may be quitting smoking, or watching bad movies. whatever it is you are struggling to fight against for the sake of ALLAH SWT. that's what jihad is. yes, there is a physical warfare type of jihad but it isn't the whole of the word jihad. islam is a religion that believes in self defense, therefore if we are attacked we defend ourselves. what is wrong with that? always, keep in mind brother that islam is perfect but muslims aren't. also understand that the enemies of islam try their best to always associate any crime that a muslim does as an " islamic crime " . so if a muslim murders someone it is always a " muslim " man that did it. how can he be a " muslim " and murders, when islam is against murder? yet when non muslims perform crimes, their faith is never mentioned or linked to the crime.

don't worry brother thing will be all well insh'allah


Junior Member

Dear Brother Wassim

Alhamdulillaah, it is good that you sought help.

You are well aware that the most misunderstood religion in the world is Islaam even by Muslims.

There is no fault with your mother for her explanation on Jihaad. Jihaad itself is misinterprated by even some scholars. That is why the innocents are killed by so called Mujaahideen.

Please also refer to the site : www.albani.co.uk
You can find a very good explanation on Jihaad.

Also, you would have heard an incident in the life of Umar Khaththaab radhiyallaahu anhu in which once he asked another sahaabi (companion of the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) if my memories are correct the sahaabi is Zaid bin Thaabit radhiyallaahu anhu, whether his name is in the list Munaafigueen, the hypocrites.

The incident shows us that the shaythan whispers into ears of the people who are very near to Allaah. Iblees, the shaythaan, asked Allaah two things; one longer life till the last day and two permission to deviate the mankind from the right path. His requests were granted with the exception that the rightly guided people will not heed to his calls.

Pray to Allaah who is the only one to help all of us.
Ask Him to protect from the Shaythaan who was cursed by Allaah.
Do Jihaad against desires.
Do Jihaad against whispers of Shaythaan.
Do Jihaad against so called scholars who are misinterpreting the Holy Qur'an and Hadith according their whims and will.

Pray for your mother who without knowledge told you that Jihaad is killing Jew. Explain her that she was wrong on that subject politely and nicely. Show her what the Qur'an says about Jihaad and how it is explained by the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam.

There are so many Islaamic webs where you can find articles explaining what Jihaad is. Be aware that there are so many webs too in the Islaamic name but they distort Islaamic teachings and values.

Read everyday Qur'an which will indeed give you strength.



Junior Member
aselemu aleikum brother

mashallah, i pray that ALLAH ta3ala guide us all and protects us from the evil of shaytaan.

shaytaan is our enemy, so we should take him as our enemy!

human beings tend to draw more to ignorance rather than to draw to truth(haqh) !
why? its easier to go downhill...then to go uphill my brother

beware of this, forget about what they say and think and claim..you do your own research, if you find anything in islam that reflects their untrue and incorrect allogations..wolahi brother ill leave islam in a second so you dont have to be all alone.



Junior Member
Asalama aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu my little brother waseem .How can i put this to you al -islam is so sweet if you unerstand it dont listen to what people say instead go to the source the QURAN AND THE SUNNAH and our beloved scholars may ALLAH (aza wa jallah) BLESS THEIR SOULS. AND YOU WILL NOT BE CONFUSED .AMIN.

Correct understanding of Islam is one of the best of characteristics with which a Muslim may be honored, as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “When Allaah wishes good for a person, He makes him understand the religion.” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 69
Narrated Abu Umamah:

"Do you know what is better than charity and fasting and prayer? It is keeping peace and good relations between people, as quarrels and bad feelings destroy mankind." (Muslims & Bukhari)

"If Allah wants to favor someone, He grants him comprehension (understanding) of this religion."
[Sahih Bukhari vol.1 # 71, Tirmidhi and Musnad Ahmad]

and last but not the least brother think of this the part of the youth

From Aboo Hurairah radiyallaahu `anhu who said that I heard Allah's Messenger, sallallahu `alaihi wa sallam, say: "There are seven whom Allaah will shade in His shade on the Day when there is no shade except His shade. A just ruler; a youth who grew up in the worship of Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic; a man whose heart is attached to the mosques, two men who love each other for Allaah's sake, meeting for that and parting upon that; a man who is called by a woman of beauty and position, but he says: 'I fear Allaah'; a man who gives in charity and hides it, such that his left hand does not know what his right hand gives in charity; and a man who remembered Allaah in private so his eyes shed tears." [Reported by al-Bukhaaree (Eng. Trans. 1/356/no. 629), Muslim (Eng. Trans 2/493 no. 2248) and others]

"The most excellent Jihad is that for the conquest of self." (Bukhari


Junior Member
salam alikoum;
first i would like to say a golden sentence "islam is something, muslims are something else".
be carefull, your mother is telling exactelly the wrong thing about jihad, who told her that jihad is fighting against the jews and christians,????jihad is fighting against who comes and fight you, and if he stop, you must stop too.
so be sure that islam is the right path so, be proud of it.
wa salam alikouml

I agree with what you said for sure.some people raised up with wrong thoughts about jihad and other things in Islam.the problem that they will tell these thoughts to their kids and the thoughts keep moving to the other generations after them.am egyptian 26 years and there was a war before in the 70's with israel but now we are living in peace so why to kill innocent people who didn't do something to me ....... (islam is the religion of peace) and allah knows best


Young Muslim
Salam alaikom,
Thank you all so much for your replys. I just needed a quiet moment to clear my mind. I had almsot thought about not even bothering to do my isha prayer yesterday - astaghforallah -- thats how unstable I was. I feel a lot better today, I feel that the shaytons whispers yesterday were destroying me and just so you know there was a point where I started to cry because of it. What made me feel this way is that because so many people don't even understand Islam and this includes the bulk of the Muslim nation too -- because of this I began to think that maybe the Quran wasen't from God? Those thoughts are cleared now. My mind returns to the time where I read Prophet Muhammed Sal'allah alay'he wa salam" was visted by angels offering to crush retreating attackers with the mountains. Our Prophet with his perfect character, said no, maybe they will become Muslims one day. ( I don't know it word by word.) So according to this -- why would we go kill every Jew we see without a reason , he could become a Muslim, right? I feel much better today and remember to give duas to everyone to stay on Sirot al Mustaqeem.


New Member
Difficult Times

Asalaamu Alaikum. My dear brother, these are difficult times we all face and there is a lot of hatred aimed at the Muslims. I too get very depressed about it sometimes. Then I think of the trials of the Prophet (sws) and the sahaba. When I consider what they faced I don't feel like I have any problems at all. May Allah expand your breast and my breast and the breast of all the Muslims. May Allah give us the temperment of those who go out and those who went out in the cause of Allah. This deen gets a lot of culture and triabalism mixed up with its religion. Killing Jewish people is not Jihad. Stuggeling in the cause of Allah is Jihad. May Allah guide your mother. But remember Alhamdulillah, she is your mother so be patient with her and kind to her. May Allah guide all of us for that matter. And should we come under attack then May Allah protect us and cause us to defend ourselves effectively but only to the extent needed and not to get caught up in all this hatred. If hateful people mean to do us harm then may Allah guide them or restrain them by their necks. Most of all, may Allah soften our hearts and the hearts of those who fear and hate us. Ameen. Asalaamu Alaikum. Take care my young friend.


Left long ago
Asslam u Alaikum,

1 Reading the Qur'an in the language that you understand.
2 Lots of Dua'a to Allah Subhana Ta'la
3 Friendship and company of the people who are Allah fearing people and those who have true knowledge and guidance.
4 Keeping in mind that Islam is perfect but people are not perfect

Jazak Allah


Junior Member
Baraka Allah feek (May Allah bless you) young brother, the most wonderful thing Islam gave us is a pure clear heart which is binded to his creator , This gift sincere muslems enjoying cannot be replaced by the treasures of this world , so never give up your purity, sincerity and faith in Allah. It is very natural that shaytan will whisper in our hearts , but our knoweldge of our deen can clearify the mist.