I remember you...


Junior Member
I remember the first time I saw you

You won’t remember it but I’ll never forget.

You were everything I could have dreamed of.

Others were going crazy over the sight of you but not me

For me to was hard to believe you were so beautiful. So perfect

I would watch you till I thought my eyes were full but then I would fall in love with you at every glance

I dare not touch you

Id thought of you all my life and you did not disappoint

Everything around you so real but with you time stands still.

Whoever sees you will never forget you.

What is my state now that we are apart?

Empty and pinning

I am left remembering you everywhere I go

Oh House of Allah! I left my heart with you…



ربنا اغفر لنا ذنوبنا
Staff member
As-salaamu alaikum

jazakallah for sharing..
first i thought you were refering to a person, but when i saw the last line, i thought it was about bayt-allah....
either way it's deep masha'allah