I reverted to Islam last Thursday


Subhana Allah!
Asalamau alaykum(peace be unto you)


:SMILY206: to ISLAM Sis, i'm pretty sure you are on the right path. i'm soo happy for you sis and its good to hear that you have sisters helping you. masha ALlah you are soo lucky sis. hope you enjoy your way through islam.

wishing you the best side of ISLAM....:hijabi:

Abdul Hasib

Student of Knowledge
Assalamu Alykum Warahmatullahe Wabarakaathuh sister Alice, Welcome to our family.

Mashallah I also know this convert brother at my Highschool, (he's a Senior, not a "Freshman") and the other Senoir brothers told me he took Shahadah last year, but doesn't want to practice Islam till he's 18, for fear that his parents won't let him practice Islam.

I think that if I invite him and all the other Muslim brothers to the Masjid I go to (it's a large one, and I'm going to invite them for this Jummah Program that my Pakistani Uncle is trying to make so that us young brothers can go for Jummah afterschool so we don't miss class), and then I'll introduce him to everyone (I know like 15-27+ people), and so he can feel appreciated and accepted into our family, and then by the Jummah program we can guide him through the steps of just coming into Islam.

But take it easy sister Alice! LoL. :) You have to take small tiny steps into Islam, and that is the way that the Sahabi (companions) of Rasulallah (SAW) did, they'd go to him, listen to 10 Ayat, Try to understand, Reflect upon, and Memorize, and then they'd go act out on it, Alhamdulillah!

So that's what you have to do sister, if you take everything in right now, then you'll have too much that you know that you can't act upon, so practice bit by bit, and don't worry, Inshallah you'll be able to be more and more pious, and then be the BEST Muslimah and Follower of the Salaf As Salih that you can be.

Till then, "To Alla Ta Alla belongs all praise."


Wa'alaikum asalaam,

AllahuAkbar! AllahuAkbar! AllahuAkbar!

Masha'Allah I am sooo happy you reverted back to Islam, I myself am I revert alhamdulillah :)

As for praying, until you learn fully how to pray, you can do all the movements and just say 'Alhamdulillah/SubhanAllah/AllahuAkbar' 3 times in each position, this is just something you can do until you learn, and may Allah help you in everything and make it easy for you :)



Junior Member
Masha'allah that's great! The advice that the brothers and sisters have given you should be help you but could you enlighten us as to what made you interested in Islam and your steps towards the religion?

Jazakallahu khayr


Staff member

Allaahu Akbar!

Welcome to Islaam and to the Forum.

May Allaah bless you with good and happiness. Ameen.

We do have a Step-by-Step on how to pray on the website, below is the link:


Insha'Allaah [Allaah willing] with time it will all become easy. If you have any difficulties or questions then feel free to ask them because Praise be to Allaah, there is many brothers and sisters who are eager to help. :)

Below is a link to Islaamic terms you will come across on this Forum, so Insha'Allaah you will know what brothers and sisters mean when using words such as - sallalaahu alayhi wa sallam, subhaanahu wa ta'aala, radhiyAllaahu anh, rahimahullaah etc. [I will let you check the meaning of these :) :)]


Again, may Allaah bless you with beneficial knowledge. Ameen.


Walaykum Salaam.


Junior Member

welcome sister..and thank you for the big smile you have put on my face and in my heart!!

as to reply to ur questions...salaah isnt obligatory for any new muslim instantly..its better to seek knowledge first on subjects such as whuddoo and prayer and suraah al fatiha..(the opening chapter of the holy quraan). if you understand this...than inshallah you will be able to pray perfectly.however if you feel the need to pray..you can do so..and saying things like allah u akbar would be enough for the time being inshallah.

feel free to ask us whatever you want...whenever you feel like your ready for another step..than rely on god...and make that step inshallah

hoping you will do well..take care sister

selemu aleikum from the netherlands!!


Junior Member
a long way to find the true religion

Salaam, thank you for your replies - this is such a hard time for me - your replies are keeping me strong

This will be my attempt to explain why - of all religions - Islam is the true one. My modest and humble attempt because of all there is to know I know nothing nothing at all.

I was brought up in an environment where you are supposed to be "modern" and believing in God is old-fashioned thinking, most people don't practice religion but if you talk to them about it they will come up with sentences like "well yeah, at the end of the day... I do believe in God but not in organized religion" and because we are influenced by the environment around us then... I would say that too...

But then things happen to you and without proper guidance ... you sin. Things happen that are consequential and that have meaning - the world, everything has meaning and it is impossible not to feel the presence of Allah. So you think, well I will believe but I will keep it to myself, pray God at night in the darkness once in a while and that's it, but even if you strive to do good, without a proper guidance... you sin again. And it maybe that when you sin you feel good about it but there's always the after effect - which it could be feeling 'dirty', feeling sick, feeling ashamed, feelig extremely depressed, having all sorts of bad things happening to you and it's like you cannot escape from it, you are completely lost and you think you can sort yourself out with material things but that is again... just a quick fix.

and then I kept praying to God when it was convenient when everything was collapsing then I would turn to God....... and that's so hypocritical I thought - why would you do your own business when everything is good and then when you are alone paying the consequences of your bad behaviour you turn to God for forgiveness?

While non-believers keep changing the rules, making new ones, inventing a new morality every day that doesn't need to be changed- all of the guidance for human kind for every aspect of our lives is already there, no-nonsense, in the Quran, unchanged, uncorrupted, original.

When I was first told (by chance) about Islam, the history, the Quran, prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) two years ago my eyes opened, I was shoked, everything made sense, everything that I didnt understand or accept about other religions made sense and I thought, right, why didn't I know about this? then every single thing after that it's been signs given to me, signs and the proof that that guidance is necessary and only Islam can give true guidance. so I feel lucky that I was given these signs even though they involved experiencing a lot of bad things and making so many mistakes, to which now for the first time I am able to say with confidence I AM NOT GOING TO TALK ABOUT ANYMORE BECAUSE THEY ARE PART OF MY PAST LIFE

MashaAllah I am at this stage now, it's hard to change my ways, especially ways of thinking and acting VERY HARD, but now I have fully accepted the faith and cannot give up - I am tested every day but I don't want to give up..

Feeling so lonely because my family is upset with me, some are mocking me because of my choice, they think I am being closed minded, they say to me "you are more intelligent than that", they tell me "how can you believe in "dogma"" when in reality for the first time in my life I feel truly open-minded - open to the Truth, which has led me to make a lot of changes and hard choices but the reward is ever lasting for those people that choose the right path, work hard and do good.

Please let me know what you think

PS: I cannot wait to make muslim friends online and offline, here on TTI I was welcomed so warmly and I already was invited to the houses of some from the mosque and I am so thankful I dont know if I could do it if I was completely alone


Left long ago
Asslam u Alaikm sister. MashAllah.....Congratulation sister and Most most welcome to this religion of truth. Your words inspired me so much "I am given new eys". Alhadoliilah........... You have seen and you have accepted. There are are thousand how can not see and hear...they are deaf and deaf and blind as Allah has mentioned about the in the Qur'an. You are one of most fortunate persons on this earth.

May Allah guide all of us to the straight path and Strengthen our Ieman.


Junior Member
mashalla your words were very nice.till now i can't comment on what you wrote.i was going to copy and paste it to other forums but mashalla really
i had a feeling that the faith inside you is the one who is writting not you
congratulations aless :)


Slave of Allah (swt)
Congratulation Sister ... :) its great to see you happy I feel like there is nothing else more beautiful than seeing islam from a eye of a new converter :) mashallah
Just to let you know :) dont be so hard on yourself take easy steps but important ones :)
about prayer please verify this with your mosque but I think you should pray with someone out loud or put paper with prayer words in English roman just to help you get started but once you will get used to it :) you will remember it :) and try to recite them on ur time


New Member

I am so happy to announce that last Thursday I took the big step and turned to Islam.

I met so many sisters at the local mosque who will be helping me through the transition of becomin a good muslim

I have still a lot of questions- especially about praying which is something that I would like to do five times a day but still not doing because I don't know how - I have websites that are helping me with the recital and the sisters at the mosque have showed me how to perform wudu and the movements for the prayer- I want to pray and I am feeling so bad that I am not praying - what should i do if I still don't feel confident enough and don't want to make mistakes

Also about the dress code, I've been wearing hijab out, at work and at uni - but would like to cover myself to the bottom with the Julbab (i think it's called!) do you think it's too soon?

Please any help is of great use!

InshaAllah I will be able to make all the changes soon

Allah has showed me the way MashaAllah I cannot explain in words my happyness
how sweet is it..masALLAH..may can i talk wid u any and contect wid u..i m muslim i want to know about u i really impresd..i dont know how to talk wid any body im new now..plz u let me know how..may ALLAH blees u wid regrads


New Member
i'm extremely happy to hear that, sister. May Allah bless you and bring peace and happiness into your life.

my exams are coming up, please pray for me. Anyone who reads this, please pray for me. i want to do well.



Junior Member
i'm extremely happy to hear that, sister. May Allah bless you and bring peace and happiness into your life.

my exams are coming up, please pray for me. Anyone who reads this, please pray for me. i want to do well.


I'll pray for you , Do reply back when you get your results .