I think i am driving myself crazy!


Junior Member
I can't stand to see girl's in my school who say they are Muslim but they act just like unbelieving girls...you are not muslim just because your parent's are...you must be one in your heart...i usually say something ...but they just give you dirty looks like who are you to say anything to me...what can i do?


Junior Member
Assalamu alaikum!

I totally understand what you are saying. I feel extremely frustrated as well when I see some of my school fellows listening to music, not offering their prayers etc etc... but then I remember that my mother has always taught me never to speak anything bad about a muslim. Even if you see someone drinking infront of you... don't say anything.. Why?? Because whatever he does he will still be a muslim. who knows, maybe he has done some good deed which will earn him Jannah??
All the best.
May Allah bless you.


Junior Member
I know exactly where u coming from and it frustrates me too. It is impossible for one to be Muslim just because of family, ethnicity or just by name. On the day of judgement many people will be shocked to find out they were not Muslim and may Allah save us from that, Ameen. Such people would do the same thing if they were born into Christian families or any other religion. They just happen to be born Pakistani, Arab, Turkish, Somali or whatever and think they are automatically Muslim. It is Allah who guides whom He pleases and He is the only one who guides. Some people act totally un-Islamic and even don't believe but they follow family tradition and culture. It's like the kind of female that wears hijab yet tries to get the attention of guys, she is fully casual about having male friends and most of the time hangs around with nothing but non-Muslims. Such a person is wearing the hijab for the wrong reason and possibly don't even know Islam. May Allah guide them and all of us to the straight path, Ameen.


Pearl of Islaam
Assalamu alaikum!

I totally understand what you are saying. I feel extremely frustrated as well when I see some of my school fellows listening to music, not offering their prayers etc etc... but then I remember that my mother has always taught me never to speak anything bad about a muslim. Even if you see someone drinking infront of you... don't say anything.. Why?? Because whatever he does he will still be a muslim. who knows, maybe he has done some good deed which will earn him Jannah??
All the best.
May Allah bless you.

Allaicomu Salam dear sister

Please alow me to correct you and your beloved mother with all due respect Inshallah.

It is wrong to not warn or judge some Muslim who do sin Astagfirullah.Every Muslim sister knows for hadith of our beloved Prophet Moahmmed s.a.w.s..Prophet Mohammed s.a.w.s. said"if anyone of you see that some Muslim is wrong doing he should remove it with his hand,if not with hand than with his words".
This is that clear hadith dear sister,and every Muslim should know it sister.

The second of all our beloved Prophet Mohammed s.a.w.s said that the one who commit mayor sin Astagfirullah in the moment when he does sin he stops to be Muslim,untill he reapent him selfe and promisse to not reapet that sin again.But still this does not mean will Allah reword him or punish Him,only Allah will decide for that on Day of Judgment Inshallah.

May Allah guide us all.



Junior Member

but not only girls there are also boys saying they are muslims and don´t care to commit sins...You r very kind sister cuz you want them to be guided... I don´t know what to do it is difficult... maybe you can be a good example to them... talk to them about Islam.. ask them about their religion and what they know about it... ask them if they believe in Allah... I don´t have got a better idea of what you can do.... inshaalah you´ll be succesfull with giving dawa to them...



Staff member

I can't stand to see girl's in my school who say they are Muslim but they act just like unbelieving girls...you are not muslim just because your parent's are...you must be one in your heart...i usually say something ...but they just give you dirty looks like who are you to say anything to me...what can i do?

I used to get annoyed. But perhaps theres something in them that Allaah loves? Who knows?

The thought that there may be something in them that Allaah loves and something inside me that is severely disliked by Allaah actually scares me. So I still love these sisters for the sake of Allaah and whenever we talk I tell them to make du'aa for me and I do so in return for them.

I also forward them articles about freemixing, hijab, because what if ..they just don't know these rules :confused:

Once Ive sent them stuff my conscience feels clearer because I did my job, I told them according to what I knew, and no we shouldn't remain silent and accept whats wrong because we have to command the good and forbid the evil inshaAllaah, but whats required is tact.

Recently I was told one of these girls was saying how she cant get on with me as much as she would like because of all 'those rules', but, when it comes to socialising though, Im not compromising anything ..we can meet somewhere safe (the prayer room :D) if we must, nowhere else outside lecture! haha

And another one of these sisters has actually turned out to be a really close friend of mine now, since last september its been a transformation subhanAllaah :) she still has her previous friends but tries her best to bring them to Jummuah every week.

Patience, and remember the example of the Sahabah, those who were most firm in their oppostion to the message turned out to be the some of the most steadfast in their belief afterwards.



Junior Member

I used to get annoyed. But perhaps theres something in them that Allaah loves? Who knows?

The thought that there may be something in them that Allaah loves and something inside me that is severely disliked by Allaah actually scares me. So I still love these sisters for the sake of Allaah and whenever we talk I tell them to make du'aa for me and I do so in return for them.

I also forward them articles about freemixing, hijab, because what if ..they just don't know these rules :confused:

Once Ive sent them stuff my conscience feels clearer because I did my job, I told them according to what I knew, and no we shouldn't remain silent and accept whats wrong because we have to command the good and forbid the evil inshaAllaah, but whats required is tact.

Recently I was told one of these girls was saying how she cant get on with me as much as she would like because of all 'those rules', but, when it comes to socialising though, Im not compromising anything ..we can meet somewhere safe (the prayer room :D) if we must, nowhere else outside lecture! haha

And another one of these sisters has actually turned out to be a really close friend of mine now, since last september its been a transformation subhanAllaah :) she still has her previous friends but tries her best to bring them to Jummuah every week.

Patience, and remember the example of the Sahabah, those who were most firm in their oppostion to the message turned out to be the some of the most steadfast in their belief afterwards.


very glad to read that :)


Junior Member
Allaicomu Salam dear sister

Please alow me to correct you and your beloved mother with all due respect Inshallah.

It is wrong to not warn or judge some Muslim who do sin Astagfirullah.Every Muslim sister knows for hadith of our beloved Prophet Moahmmed s.a.w.s..Prophet Mohammed s.a.w.s. said"if anyone of you see that some Muslim is wrong doing he should remove it with his hand,if not with hand than with his words".
This is that clear hadith dear sister,and every Muslim should know it sister.

The second of all our beloved Prophet Mohammed s.a.w.s said that the one who commit mayor sin Astagfirullah in the moment when he does sin he stops to be Muslim,untill he reapent him selfe and promisse to not reapet that sin again.But still this does not mean will Allah reword him or punish Him,only Allah will decide for that on Day of Judgment Inshallah.

May Allah guide us all.


Assalamu alaikum dearest sister.

I think, you misunderstood me.... I didn't say that we shouldn't correct people (if they are doing something wrong)....I said we shouldn't say anything bad ABOUt them! I mean to say... if you tell a sister of yours that what she is doing is wrong and she doesn't listen to you and turns a deaf ear to your advice then that DOESN'T mean that you should insult her... thats all I was saying....
I think i was in a hurry and and didn't read the sister zinirah's post carefully......


I think that the best thing you can do is to advice them again and again....thats usually what I do.. and they always take it to heart... i have noticed that..

One day, a friend of mine was talking about some stupid songs.... and I said to her "hey!Did you know listening to the music is a sign of a munafik (disbeliever)??" and you should have seen the look on her face... she was soooo ashamed and just laughed in a stupid kind of manner...and mumbled something that I couldn't hear!
I have also noticed that my friends always value my opinion... because they think that I am "islami" ....
So, the best thing that you can do is to advice them again and again and pray to Allah Almighty that He(subhana wata'ala) guides them to the right path...


Junior Member

I used to get annoyed. But perhaps theres something in them that Allaah loves? Who knows?

The thought that there may be something in them that Allaah loves and something inside me that is severely disliked by Allaah actually scares me. So I still love these sisters for the sake of Allaah and whenever we talk I tell them to make du'aa for me and I do so in return for them.

I also forward them articles about freemixing, hijab, because what if ..they just don't know these rules :confused:

Once Ive sent them stuff my conscience feels clearer because I did my job, I told them according to what I knew, and no we shouldn't remain silent and accept whats wrong because we have to command the good and forbid the evil inshaAllaah, but whats required is tact.

Recently I was told one of these girls was saying how she cant get on with me as much as she would like because of all 'those rules', but, when it comes to socialising though, Im not compromising anything ..we can meet somewhere safe (the prayer room :D) if we must, nowhere else outside lecture! haha

And another one of these sisters has actually turned out to be a really close friend of mine now, since last september its been a transformation subhanAllaah :) she still has her previous friends but tries her best to bring them to Jummuah every week.

Patience, and remember the example of the Sahabah, those who were most firm in their oppostion to the message turned out to be the some of the most steadfast in their belief afterwards.


Thats EXACTLY what I was trying to say...... Hope you understand :)
JazakAllah sister Al-fajr for your beautiful advice... May Allah bless you always..

allah is with me

Rabana Wa laqal Hamd
I can't stand to see girl's in my school who say they are Muslim but they act just like unbelieving girls...you are not muslim just because your parent's are...you must be one in your heart...i usually say something ...but they just give you dirty looks like who are you to say anything to me...what can i do?

well..when they say you this .....you just say them that 'however ,you are a non believer ...my lord allah has said me to convey the message of islam to everyone , and i tried to convey the message of islam as my prophet muhammad (s.a.w) did, but you did not like to enter the purest religion..so i cant help it ...i am sorry'(say them very politely) ...and just come from that place and never go to them till they agree islam ...coz, allah has said , if you convey my message and if they disagree my message ,then leave them on me , i know better what to do of them ....leave them , now they are in allah's hand..no tension...and now you are more closer to allah:blackhijab:


Pearl of Islaam
Assalamu alaikum dearest sister.

I think, you misunderstood me.... I didn't say that we shouldn't correct people (if they are doing something wrong)....I said we shouldn't say anything bad ABOUt them! I mean to say... if you tell a sister of yours that what she is doing is wrong and she doesn't listen to you and turns a deaf ear to your advice then that DOESN'T mean that you should insult her... thats all I was saying....
I think i was in a hurry and and didn't read the sister zinirah's post carefully......

Allaicomu salam dear sister

Jazzak Allah khiar dear sister for your kind reply,but I have understand you completely well Alhamdulillah.

And I would like to say more that I comletely agree with the point of sister Allah is with me Mashallah.

May Allah bless you dear sister and may Allah guide us all.:tti_sister::tti_sister:



Junior Member

Assalamu Alaikum all this helps me...I completely understand and i never want to affend any sister even if she is in the wrong..i have to make dua'a for them...


Junior Member

as Muslims we are supposed to enjoin the good and forbid the evil :) it is our duty :) so when we see our fellow Muslims doing something wrong, we have to go and advise them, (give them naseeha) in the best and most polite way we can, without critising or judging them :)

may Allaah always guide us :wasalam: