I want to be on diet...


I had a friend who used to cook her food with hot steam
That way all the oil and calories come out of the food.

Also what I used to so is drink a cup of water before I eat that way I get full quickly.

My sister in law used to drink water mixed with Ginger powder every morning until she lost the weight.



I would like eat diet breakfast, lunch And supper without oil

any idea?



Wa alaykumu salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

InshaAllah keep a little fat (like 1tsp olive oil) in your diet, but delete sugar and sweets. Eat what you usually eat (except fried things and high carb) but in smaller quantities. Eat lots of veggies and proteins and less rice/bread/pasta

Wa salamu alaykum


Junior Member
Diets don't work

Assalamo alikom warahmato Allah wa barakato

I understand that people are always looking for a "magical tip" so they can loose weight without changing any eating behaviour. I tried every single diet, and exercise and tip you can come across, and here is my conclusion:

1. Diets will never work. Because as soon as you finish your diet, you WILL gain weight back again.

2. Diets when restricting, will only increase your attraction to the so called "bad" or "naughty" ingredients.

3. This present generation has been the one obsessed with dieting. Strangely enough, it has been the most morbidly obese of all generations!

4. Do you remember your grandparents generation? They all looked fine!! And they never diet!!!

5. Diets don't get to the root of the problem! In fact they aggravate it!

6.Diets just make the FOOD BEHAVE! If that yogurth is fat free means that you can eat the whole pot!!!

7. The ROOT of the problem it is not the food ingredients, but HOW MUCH volume you eat!

8. The typical weight-loss program suggest losing weight through diet and exercise. I suggest that if we loose the PASSION for food, we will eat just what our stomach needs and whenever it needs it, not because it's just time to eat!

9. Exercise is good for cardiovascular health, but not for loosing weight! What happens when you stop exercising?? You gain the weight again!! Or what if you cannot exercise?

10. Ask yourself: Why thin people are able to stop eating at any time leaving food on the plate and you want to eat everybody's leftovers? Because they don't have this PASSION for food!

11. As muslims we should not have PASSION for food as well as for other wordly things.

12. Every time the world comes with a new scientific research on loosing weight, contradicting the last scientific research. For example they would say first that eggs are too high in cholesterol and then another research would say that eggs are really good for you. Those are man rules again!! Therefore are bound to FAIL!! We are not suppossed to follow man's rules over God's or the Prophet! (SAWS)

13. If you want to obey what the Prophet(SAWS) said. you would NOT OVER EAT! You would eat JUST when your boby is hungry, not because is time to eat or just 'feel' like eating! You would eat and STOP until you are gently satisfied!

14. We have forgotten to let our perfectly designed bodies to let us know that we are hungry just because one of the "researches" has shown that is better to eat small portions 5 or 6 times a day! (even if our body is not hungry!)

15. Some scientific researches have said that fasting is not good for us! Again contradicting what Islam has showed us!..(man rules not God's)

16. You just have to change your PASSION for food for a PASSION for ALLAH.

17. Remember that IDOLATRY or OVER INDULGENCE ( even towards food!!) is HARAM!

18. Ask Allah to change your deviated passion for the right one!

19. Ask Allah to help you recognise the difference between "head hunger"( when you just want to eat for the hell of it!) and "stomach hunger"(when your stomach is growling because it needs food!) as well as to recognise you Gently satisfied point for you to stop and eat JUST when you are truly hungry again!

20. Don't worry you are not going to die or collapse if you let your body tell you when to eat!

21. If you want to eat when you are not truly hungry run to Allah!! Go and read Coran or make 2 raka! And beg Allah to help you!

22. At the beggining it is not going to be easy!! You have to change very old habits!

23. You don't have to finish all food on the plate! Stop when satisfied and leave the rest until your next hunger!

24. Allah didn't create food to torture us! Allah wants us to enjoy what He has created for us, but within the limits!

25. You can eat everything you want!But in the right amounts! Stop all SLAVERY to counting fat grams, calories, "bad food", latest diets, depravation from food Allah has created for us! Like bread, cheese, meat, etc..

26. Wach how thin eaters eat!!Also remember how our ancestors ate. They never new about 'fat free' food or that pasta, rice, bread were 'bad'...and they were never as obese as we are.

May Allah guide us all.


New Member

I am about to start a 14 day water diet where I can east as much or little as I want but I have to drink 1.5 litres of water everyday

I have been told the water consumption helps break down the fat cells and this in turn promotes more energy and alertness

I will let you all know how I get on



I am about to start a 14 day water diet where I can east as much or little as I want but I have to drink 1.5 litres of water everyday

I have been told the water consumption helps break down the fat cells and this in turn promotes more energy and alertness

I will let you all know how I get on

To much water can kill you so be careful. It is true however that when you are hungry the chances are you are really just thirsty so people are now saying have a glass of water before you reach for a snack.