I want to convert, but have no moral support.


'Millat "IBRAHIM" {AleyhiSalaam}
Thank you, Your responces have made me cry. I really need a family like you.

Thank you for the link brother, I like this version as it is easy to read and understandable. I will get me the book tomorrow, inshallah.

Is there any spesific order to read the Holy Quran? Or shall I go on as God guide me?

Wlsm brother, this is great reading material. It reminds me of the stories on Islam channel. Very interesting.

wa aleykum salaam;

You are welcomed ...
...> ...Turn To Islam.com


Junior Member
Salaam again, I have another question to ask: I have a piece of gold in my mouth (for beauty), would I be correct in saying it's best to have this removed?

Peace Shasmeen,

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds; and may His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions. No doubt that piercing ones tongue without a legal necessity, like getting treated or the like, is prohibited for both the one who performs it and the one who undergoes it. This is so because it is an aggression on a life by making it suffer without a legal reason. It is also a mutilation of the human being by harming him unnecessarily and this may lead to death. Finally, it is a change in the Creation of Allah as some people do this to make their tongues look like the tongues of snakes. All this is forbidden by Allah. Allah Says (interpretation of meaning): {… And do not kill yourselves (nor kill one another). Surely, Allâh is Most Merciful to you.}[4: 29]. He also Says: {… and do not throw yourselves into destruction (by not spending your wealth in the Cause of Allâh), …} [2: 195]. Allah also Says (interpretation of meaning) reporting from Satan: {… and indeed I will order them to change the nature created by Allâh …}[4: 119]. The rule here is based on the fact that Islam forbids harming the body without a certain benefit. Allah has made lawful for us anything that is good and beneficial for us and has prohibited for us all that could harm us. Allah Says (interpretation of meaning): {… Allâh intends for you ease, and He does not want to make things difficult for you. …}[2: 185]. Allah knows best.


However, as brother Masboot's post says; if it is harmful to remove it (ie it may cause you unecassary pain/long term effects) then you don't have to remove it otherwise I think you should.


Junior Member
Salaam Perseverance,

The gold is on a tooth so having it remove wil be harmless as te dentist can fill it up as if it was never there.

In the quote I see piercings are mentioned. I have a bellyring, so this needs remove? What about pierced ears and nose?

I also need advice with regars to going to a gym to workout. Would it be permissable to still go?


Junior Member
Salaam Perseverance,

The gold is on a tooth so having it remove wil be harmless as te dentist can fill it up as if it was never there.

In the quote I see piercings are mentioned. I have a bellyring, so this needs remove? What about pierced ears and nose?

I also need advice with regars to going to a gym to workout. Would it be permissable to still go?


Gold is forbidden to males, not females, so I wouldn't worry about the gold tooth. Not only that but there are medical exceptions made when it is necessary for one's health.

Fatwas have been issued concerning piercings. Ear piercing is universally accepted across the majority of cultures as a feminine thing. There are hadiths indicating that the wives of Mohammed (peace be upon him) wore ear rings. I have also read that nose piercing are allowed where culturally accepted as the norm. (mostly SE Asia)

The gym that do you go to, does it intermingle the sexes? Because needless co-mingling is discouraged and in some cases, forbidden. I would either look into a women's only gym or maybe a gym that separates areas of workout.


Junior Member
Salaam sister shyhijabi

Yes it is mixed. The one class I attend is females only, with a female instructor as well. Unfortunately there isn't a ladies only gym around here.

I go to the gym as it helps with me, I was dignosed with major depression last year. I got to keep the endorphin levels up. Lol.

Giving up gym will be a mammoth task.


Junior Member
welcome to the forum first.. secondly... as to the gym... I have to go also ... for health reasons... there is only one females only gym in the area... and i refuse to go to that gym.. because they only let you work out for a certain amout of time... it is double my gym's cost and i have serious issue on them telling me what i can and cannot do.

What i do ... is go to my gym when there are as few males ( or really any other people as possible... ) i don't speak to the men there if one says hello.. i will respond w/o looking at them... I'm always there w/ a book or magazine on the cardio stuff and so i just don't look up ...

I would give anything to live in an area where the gyms were better seperated.... luckily most of the men stay in the free weights room... and luckily that everyone pretty much ignores everyone else... unless they are there w/ someone.... you know... ? strangers do not walk up to others and strike conversations which is a good thing.... i wouldn't stay there if they did... but between all of my combined health issues...all of my doctors want me in a gym....

Absolute truth

لا إله إلا الله
Salam sister

I think u can start telling your children the story of prophet Jesus first, and may give quick hits on prophet Muhammad during it eg. he isn't the last prophet but.. Austhenic base advice is a golden one.:wasalam:


Junior Member
Salaam sister shyhijabi

Yes it is mixed. The one class I attend is females only, with a female instructor as well. Unfortunately there isn't a ladies only gym around here.

I go to the gym as it helps with me, I was dignosed with major depression last year. I got to keep the endorphin levels up. Lol.

Giving up gym will be a mammoth task.

Dear sister don't be in a hurry , start with your self step by step when you start praying with sincerity , you will feel a pureness within your heart and a nearness to your creator which will give you a true inner peace and happiness then you will strive to retain this purity within :salah:.
with love and regards.


Junior Member
Salam sister

I think u can start telling your children the story of prophet Jesus first, and may give quick hits on prophet Muhammad during it eg. he isn't the last prophet but.. Austhenic base advice is a golden one.:wasalam:

They know the story Jesus(pbuh) by heart I just have to change the story now as he was not crusified as we were taught to believe. I need to get a bedtime story book about Muhammed (pbuh) and his works. This is the best way for them to understand.

Sister Serena77, we in the same boat. When I do go to the gym I'm in my own little world too. I never speak to anyone, I always walk with my gaze down too. I dont wear the typical gym clothes as it's too revealing.

John Smith

Junior Member
Sister shasmeen, you dont need no other when you put your trust in Allah Swt,this alone should be enough for you & also remember who will give us moral support in the grave?

Pray before you go to sleep at night with an honest heart and ask your creator to guide which he surely will.


Absolute truth

لا إله إلا الله
They know the story Jesus(pbuh) by heart I just have to change the story now as he was not crusified as we were taught to believe. I need to get a bedtime story book about Muhammed (pbuh) and his works. This is the best way for them to understand.

Yes sister that's my point. Focus on errors eg God has no son, that's not fitting for the Most High .... Jesus in quran spoke just after birth saying i am servant of God, not in the bible.

This links may help inshaa'Allah




http://www.islamweb.net/kidsen/Kids Corner 1,2/subjects/atfalfisohbatelnabi1.html
http://www.islamweb.net/kidsen/Kids Corner 1,2/subjects/mawakef.html

Seeking Allah's Mercy

Qul HuwaAllahu Ahud!
Thank you sisters.

Any good bedtime storybook ideas about the life of the prophet (pbuh)?

I will start reading Suran Naas, as I didnt know which book to begin with.
Do you have Darusalaam bookstores around you? I know they had a couple of "Good night stoies from the life of Prophet Muhammad". These sorta books are rather common. Perhaps you should try online if you fail to get a hard copy of suitable stories in your locality.

Is there any spesific order to read the Holy Quran? Or shall I go on as God guide me?

You can read the Quraan in any order, If you wish. It starts with the opening chapter: Al Fatiha and ends with Suraah An-Naas which is Chapter 114.

You can use this site for Learning and reading the Quran: http://tanzil.net/#114:1

That one is surah Naas. Fix the translation box or translate on moving the mouse over the verse. Choose which recitor should recite and which translation be displayed. I like Saheeh International and Hilali and Khan's translation. You can also listen to the verse being recited over and over again for memorising by choosing how much times the verse is repeated. Make it infinity and it'll repeat till you want it to. You can read from 114 to 1 or 1 to 114. The thing is that you read and be guided Inshaa'Allaah.

Hope that helps Inshaa'Allaah.

Allaahu yahdeeka.


Junior Member
Thanks everyone. These links are very helpful.

My sister Seeking Allah's Mercy.. I also pray that I will have guidance from God.

I have a few different Quran versions now. Can you guys make a list of all other tools needed. And please even if its common sense to, it might not be for me.

Awaiting your responces.


Junior Member

Sister Shasmeen, since you are a mother, the best thing would be to create traction towards you, with your love, care and Good Manners. They will listen to you. Be careful and not be too rigorous with them, They will take time. Some kids, are a challenge, they say. Being consistent about your likes and dislikes always works with kids, convey in a gentle persuasive manner, I think they get less confused (From playing and observing kids of frnds/relatives/neighbors/strangers :) ). Let not your enthusiasm and undue strictness make them go away from you...

Firstly get very regular/comfortable with Salaat (what/why/when/how) routines, Halaal/Haraam and Shirk Matters. Attention to cleanliness is also very important, you stick to them and make your kids very aware in those matters. The stories will Insha Allah follow...

Hope these hint you enough and other sisters would guide you ...


Junior Member
Story: 'Never tell lies'

Sister Shasmeen

The story of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jeelani is famous: When he was traveling with a caravan, a gang of thieves robbed the caravan, when it came time to check Abdul Qadir Jeelani (Rahmatullahi Alaih), an eighteen year old young man, the thieves inquired if he had any valuables to which told them about money which had been sewn in his clothes by his mother. The thieves asked out of curiosity as to why he let them know of the sewn money to which he told them that his mother had advised him before leaving ‘to never lie’ upon. To which the thieves become very ashamed, of the young boy, gave back money and repented to Allah.


Assalaam walaikum,

Welcome home sister, Welcome home.

Allah suhana wa taala loves us. Is it not written when we make a step He runs to us.

And SubhanaAllah you come with two babes. More for the Muslim world.

It is a process. I ,like all my family here urge you to take shahada. Be a believer, first. Allah has given you that gift.

The other stuff...well it takes time. I am a student of my faith. I am always seeking and trying to correct. That is the beauty of Islam. It is forever.

Hold on to the Rope of Allah. He is our Provider. Put all your Trust in Him. He is Love.

If you need suggestions on how to handle the ex and the kids please feel free to PM me, at any time.


Junior Member
Sister Shasmeen

The story of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jeelani is famous: When he was traveling with a caravan, a gang of thieves robbed the caravan, when it came time to check Abdul Qadir Jeelani (Rahmatullahi Alaih), an eighteen year old young man, the thieves inquired if he had any valuables to which told them about money which had been sewn in his clothes by his mother. The thieves asked out of curiosity as to why he let them know of the sewn money to which he told them that his mother had advised him before leaving ‘to never lie’ upon. To which the thieves become very ashamed, of the young boy, gave back money and repented to Allah.

Thanks for this Stive-may-I. It's sweet, short and to the point.

Aapa, thank you for the great advice. I see it as taking the shahada as the easy part. The challenge follows right after that. I'm a sort of a perfectionist.. Everything I do, I want to do it completely and wholeheartedly. My emails signature reads a Bible first but the same the rule apply: Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as though you were working for the Lord and not for human beings.

So I need a something like a Convert/Revert checklist so that I can go shopping. I don't want to get frustrated. :shymuslima1:

Seeking Allah's Mercy

Qul HuwaAllahu Ahud!
Thanks everyone. These links are very helpful.

My sister Seeking Allah's Mercy.. I also pray that I will have guidance from God.

I have a few different Quran versions now. Can you guys make a list of all other tools needed. And please even if its common sense to, it might not be for me.

Awaiting your responces.

I'm sorry sister, I didn't quite get your request?