I was dead, in my dream


Junior Member

There was this day after school and I fell asleep, for a short time only, and I had a dream. I was already dead and I was buried under the ground. And it felt so real. Then after the funeral and just when the people were leaving, two angels came down to test me. Ofcourse I didn’t see them like angels angels, you know like with wings and stuff, but just like two people? that I knew were the angels coming to test me. Everything was so real, like it was really happening and I was really dead. Then I woke up, everything around seemed different for a while. I was thinking about what I just dreamed, and thought this is so real, this world, and when I die its really going to happen and there is no denying it. My feeling was like I really felt it. I dont remember well, but I think I was shock, and saying what am I doing on this world? Am I wasting time, because this is really going to happen and I got to be prepared for it..maybe its just nothing to you, but to me it was really happening, and even more real than this world and more real than when I woke. Thats it about the dream. If you want to share a dream, go ahead.

I got some questions,

Does listening to music break your wudu’? because like they said its haram. Singing songs its not haram, but they musical instrument, they are. Weird question as it seems..

And do people prefer to memorize the Qur’an even if they dont know the meaning? And memorize a chapter even though they dont know the meaning?

Oh ya, and just want to share, that concentration in prayer may increase if we know what we are saying, because we can think about what we are saying, and not other things. I haven’t really tried it, but for fatihah, and other small surahs. Does anyone know if it works?



no wudu only breaks from four things: stool, urine, passing wind and nocturnal emissions

yes lots of people memorize Quran without knowing the meaning. but its better to know the meaning or atleast comprehend what the Ayat are saying so that you can fully appreciate the Message.

yes concentration increases a lot once you repeat in your heart what you just said in arabic with your tongue. the key is not to rush the prayers but to stand longer in qiyam, make ruku a little longer and make sajdah a little longer. so that it feels like you are bowing down in front of Allah


Servant of Allah
Walaykum wasalam wrwb. such a dream! to answer your last question, personally for me...when i understand the words of the surah i'm reading i concentrate like 100% better. but when i don't understand the words of the surah i'm reading all i really wanna do is just pray and might even pray quickly. and this is reality for many of us out there. so inshaAllahu ta'ala i'm working on understanding the words.


oddly enough they do say that sleep breaks wudu but not resting. don't know why that is the case


Sleeping breaks the wudu. you can rest without sleeping by lying on bed or resting your bacl against wall etc but sleeping is something different. I think there is no confusion in it.

"Does listening to music break your wudu’? because like they said its haram. Singing songs its not haram, but they musical instrument, they are. Weird question as it seems.."

No, it doesnt but its a SIN. Songs arent haram unless they contain those words which provoke evil thoughts. Nasheed is an an example of song which is not haram unless it contains music and stuff.

"And do people prefer to memorize the Qur’an even if they dont know the meaning? And memorize a chapter even though they dont know the meaning?"

Memorizing the quraan has its virtues doesnt matter if u understand it or not. But if u understand it, its adds to the benefit.

"Oh ya, and just want to share, that concentration in prayer may increase if we know what we are saying, because we can think about what we are saying, and not other things. I haven’t really tried it, but for fatihah, and other small surahs. Does anyone know if it works? "

Yes , if u know the meaning, its has a nice effect when u recite , during prayers

zainab bala

Allah is sufficient.
That is why it is highly recommended when recitating the Qur'an, one should know the meaning and contemplate its teaching.


Junior Member
Assalamu alaikum.

I just wanted to share my horrible dreams as well. Recently, I saw two of my cousins (who are like sisters to me) being murdered and it all seemed so real too. I was so scared after that! And then I saw 2 divorces in my family as well, which literally drove me out of my mind. And so many other stupid dreams. I may have done something seriously wrong to have such disturbing dreams!!!!! Allah save me.


daughter of Adam
real meaning of ur dream

Brother actually u live long life.inshallah .further ur thinking power is good.we should to recite quran with understang.secondly music is haram not song.but that songs which use words illegal,we should to avoid it.Blindly following is not good for us.ok goood discription.


Junior Member
brother Robab, i didnt dream it during the night, and i heard that dreams in the night can have a meaning. this dream i dreamed it near evening.