If my dua'a is answered...


Junior Member
Asalaamu alaikum -

I've mentioned that I'm losing my house, but that I consider that a blessing. Here's why:

When I first became Muslim I did not know that paying interest (riba) was haraam. I had bought my house just 7 months prior to taking shahadah. When I found out that it was not allowed in Islam, I started praying that ALLAH would get me out of it but let me keep my home, if it was best for me.

Since then I've had to quit my job, I got sick, and fell behind. The house is up for short sale.

About 2 weeks ago a couple placed a cash offer on the house. My agent - who is a brother in Islam - found out that the purchaser is buying it as an investment property. We asked if my roommate and I could stay on as renters. So far without a direct "yes" we've gotten some positive reactions that lead us to think "maybe".

IF this happens, not only would I be staying in this house that has become my home but I would NOT be paying riba (no house payment) nor would I be contributing to it (the buyer is paying cash, again no house payment). It would 100% answer the dua'a I made. I know we should never assume ALLAH's mercy - but I am begging and pleading.

Make dua'a for me that this works out, or that if not ALLAH makes the transition easy for me.

JazakumAllah khair

Seeking Allah's Mercy

Qul HuwaAllahu Ahud!
Asalamoalaikom wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh,

May Allaah grant you the best in duniya and akhira. Inshaa'Allaah there is no "if", your dua will be answered, it just depends on how Allaah's will it best to be answered. Answered as you want it, answer it after a time period, answer it by diverting some evil coming your way, or last but not the least, answer it by paying you high in akhira.

May Allaah keep you and us all content with His will and decision. May His decision be our decision, His choice be our choice. Ameen

Naima Ali

Junior Member

Dear brother please dont lose your hope, may Allah help you in these hard times.

Inshallah your duas will be accepted.Ameen

Hope your cats are well big brother.:D


ربنا اغفر لنا ذنوبنا
Staff member
Wa`alaikum salaam warahmatullaah !

Keep on pleading akhy.. were we not to told to cry like a child, if we had to, when praying to Allaah tabaaraka wa ta`aalaa? And Subhaanallah, who better than to spend your tears on if not Him..?!

I pray your du`aa is accepted, akhy!
May He provide for you(and all Muslims) from a pure (halaal) source, always!!

Wassalaamu `alaik warahmatullaah!


Fear Allah
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh

We're all here for you akhi. And we will be making dua for you!

May Allah ease your affair and grant you immense load of faith!


Assalaam walaikum,


I know this sounds insanely childish...but sunshine, lollipops and rainbows....yes, Allah is true to His Word...

When we change from haram to halaal it becomes simple.

How strong this makes your faith..bet you couldn't have seen this coming in those dark moments when you called out to Allah..and He heard you.

You are in my dua, brother. Please keep me in yours.


Junior Member

What beautiful Signs that He listens. Subtle but yet so apparent.

Thankyou, your post helped me a lot!

I hope He gives you patience and rewards you inshAllah , ameen