I'm not going to live forever


Had Left TTI
I've been questioned many times in the past by my mates when they found that i pray 5 times a day, sunnah fasting, not drinking......

mostly they ask polite questions/comments such as "Wow you are so religious!", "Is it that hard to get up early in the morning". of course it's a chance to do dawa' but I don't want to sounds like a preacher.

but lately i think i've found best answer to their questions/comments

"is it hard being a muslim, prays 5 time a day, fasting?" ", "of course it is hard but I'm not going to live forever"

hope it helps



Muslim Brother

Respect, i totally agree with you about death. I believe that if anyone wants to find the meaning of life the best thing to start at is the meaning of Death. Such as if this life is it then why does it end, which is totally out of our control when it happens.


Servant of Allah 247
I get that question all the time even from muslims that I am too religious even though I am just doing wat every muslims suppose to do ….,most of the time I try to avoid answering these type of questions.
I think if they think life after death then they wouldn’t ask these things


Servant of Allah
yeah, i hear you guys. i get from muslims and non muslims alike "you're so religious", i can't be that religious". and so on. anyways even some of my friends and i had a little arguement and then they said to me "you think you're smarter than everyone else...you think you're better then everyone else", why'd they say this? only because i discuss islam at our lunch table. salam.


striving 4 Firadous
wa alaikum salaam

Yeah thats like when people ask my while I am dress in abaya and wearing hijab in 90 degree weather "aren't you in hot in that, I would die wearing that"....I smirk and reply its hotter in hell and when you die that's where you will be" .....( i know what everyone is saying, I should not be so mean). Most times I am not mean, I just reply, I do it for Lord, and honestly sometimes I am not hot at all, I guess my body has gotten use to heat. But some people deserve it as they say it as if they are better than me.



i get that a lot too. i think to myself " i'm just doing the basic fundamentals of islam " so i am quick to tell them that i'm not special. i get nervous when people call me pious, because being told that can tempt people to become boastful or arrogant. we all know that arrogant people don't enter jannah, so i always fear attention to myself.

warda A

asalam aleikum

"is it hard being a muslim, prays 5 time a day, fasting?" ", "of course it is hard but I'm not going to live forever"

your answer is really nice
may you all be strong in your deen , me too inshalla


i think sisters are facing more difficulty in practicing islam in non muslim countries , but you know what , you are in the right path , you are respected by others.
when i look to my wife , wearing nigab ,and you can not see nothing of her i admire her very much and i say in my self : one more step and you are there , in endless happieness. this , i think . goes for all of you.
I've been questioned many times in the past by my mates when they found that i pray 5 times a day, sunnah fasting, not drinking......

mostly they ask polite questions/comments such as "Wow you are so religious!", "Is it that hard to get up early in the morning". of course it's a chance to do dawa' but I don't want to sounds like a preacher.

but lately i think i've found best answer to their questions/comments

"is it hard being a muslim, prays 5 time a day, fasting?" ", "of course it is hard but I'm not going to live forever"

hope it helps


Islam is a DEEN which does not mean relegion, it means WAY OF LIFE. So if you think this way then it is not hard to follow Islam. It is important to do things with a perpose & target in mind that is Junna (Paradise)


Your Sister In Islam

hehe, today i got a question from a guy in my class. i wear hijab and he said: "Manal, do u believe in allah"? i said yes i do, and asked him do you know who He is? so i said that allah is god. and he said are you a muslim? i said well im wearing the hijab so yes i am. he is half humanitic and have christian. i guess this proves that some non-muslims dont know a thing about islam.....

salam wa rahmat allah.


Had Left TTI

i get that a lot too. i think to myself " i'm just doing the basic fundamentals of islam " so i am quick to tell them that i'm not special. i get nervous when people call me pious, because being told that can tempt people to become boastful or arrogant. we all know that arrogant people don't enter jannah, so i always fear attention to myself.

they called you pious, but they called me a saint :lol: just because I fasted in entire month