Imam Al-Bukhari's 1,000 Gold Coins



Story is taken from the Book "Imam Bukhari - His Life and Works"
Chapter - Al-Bukhari's Character,
also available at

During his studentship Al-Bukhari had to sail in a boat on a river. He had a thousand ashrafis (Golden coins) in his possession. He was joined by someone who also boarded the boat and met him reverentially, and gradually developed cordial relations so that Al-Bukhari happened to mention to him
about the money he had with him.

One morning the man began to raise hue and cry, saying that his bag containing one thousand ashrafis (Golden Coins) was missing.

The passengers began to be searched and Al-Bukhari, appraising the situation, threw the bag into the river. The Imam’s belongings were also searched but the money could not be found… When the journey was over the man asked Al-Bukhari about the bag of money. Al-Bukhari replied that he had thrown it away into the river.

When the man asked him why he thought it necessary to jettison it into the river and sustain such a big loss, Al-Bukhari said, “All my life I have spent in collecting and compiling the hadith of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and my integrity has assumed proverbial proportions. How could I afford to lose the far greater wealth that I have acquired against my life’s blood by acquiring the taint of a theft?”


Salam alaikum

Mashaa'Allah...Subhan Allah....
really a great one...there is a great lesson....for everyone...
May Allah subhanahu wa ta'la help us to find out the wisdom

Jazakum ALlahu Khair


Nothing but Muslimah
SUBHANALLAH...............this is the reflection of the true love u have towards ISLAM....
May ALLAH help all of us...Aameen.Summa Aameen
Fee A manilah


~Salam to all!


Thank you for sharing,
~May Allah swt reward you~Amin!

Happy The Holy Month of Rajab.
Thank you.
Take Care!

~Wassalam :)


ربنا اغفر لنا ذنوبنا
Staff member
As-salaamu 'Aleykum!

Wow, Subhanallah! May Allah swt guide us as he has guided the ones before us.
JazakAlahu khayran for sharing