Interesting, Jewish ladies in the veil


:salam2: sister,
If you find this interesting then what I am going to post will surely amaze you.
Levels of modesty required according to Orthodox Judaism

There are several levels to the observance of physical and personal modesty (tzniut) according to Orthodox Judaism as derived from various sources in halakha. Observance of these rules varies from aspirational to mandatory to routine across the spectrum of Orthodox stricture and observance.
  • A prohibition on dwelling on lascivious or immoral thoughts.
  • A prohibition on staring at members of the opposite sex, particularly at the reproductive anatomy.
  • A requirement to keep most of one's body clothed in respectable clothing.
  • A requirement to avoid the company of uncouth individuals and avoid frequenting places where an atmosphere of levity and depravity prevails.
  • A prohibition on looking at pictures or scenes that will be sexually arousing.
  • A prohibition on touching a person of the opposite sex, especially in a lingering arousing manner (shaking hands very quickly in greeting between sexes is a point of dispute, and depends on one's rabbi's halachic decision).
  • A prohibition on wearing the clothing of a member of the opposite sex.
  • A prohibition on looking at animals copulating.
  • A prohibition on erotically hugging (chibuk) or kissing (nishuk) one's spouse in public,
  • A prohibition on sexual contact or touching between spouses when the wife is a niddah ("menstruant") or has not immersed in a mikvah following the niddah period.
  • A prohibition on seclusion with a person of the opposite sex who is not a spouse or close relative (Yichud)
  • A requirement that men and women be separated during prayer, dancing, and on certain other occasions (Mechitza)

warda A


They are muslims but they no not.

May she be guided, inshallah.

The hatred between palestinians and the israelis is funned by the media.

a muslim woman wears modestly and she is labeled as oppressed
a jewish woman is observing her religion.

double standards.


Sister in Islam

They are muslims but they no not.

May she be guided, inshallah.

The hatred between palestinians and the israelis is funned by the media.

a muslim woman wears modestly and she is labeled as oppressed
a jewish woman is observing her religion.

double standards.

The media is controlled by the Jews.....there is never any negative programmes abut them. Even the programmes about Palestine try to infer the Muslims deserve to be attacked, its wrong.

The Jews have more power than any of us could possibly imagine.