introduction and renewal of my islam


New Member
asalam aleikum

my name is adeola i am a 25 Nigerian soon to be insha allah doctor i have been muslim all my life as we all have but i was raised first few years by a nanny as a christian i returned to Nigeria for 10 years and discovered i was from a muslim family and was supposed to be a muslim i have been back in the UK since i was 18 and have sorta practiced off and on till i was 23 and for the past few years have been practicng as best i can insha Allah.

i guess i was looking for renewal of my faith as it seemed to have staled and today i realise i have been focusing so much attention on external stuff like length of hijab and the opinion of other sisters and watching the videos has reminded me of the joy and peace i had when i first started practicing and the way it felt to just please the creator.

make dua i go back to that state of affairs inshaAllah and take care all

Wasalam aleikum warahmatullah wabarakatu


Junior Member
Assalamu Alaikum sister Omooba,

Welcome to TurnToIslam. I hope you find this site beneficial.



Wassalamu Alaikum

Maria Norway

Junior Member
Glad to hear Allah has guided you on the right path and I pray you are good in iman!!

So you are Yoruba then?

Bouani!! (Don't know the correct spelling..)



Umm Zubayr
:salam2: adeola,

how are you??

It's nice to have you here with us, inshallah hope you will share your views and share your knowledge with us.

take care

:salam2: Sister. To keep your faith strong you have to concentrate how you do your prayers. Salah is thee thing to bring you closer to Allah. And who he guides is always on the right.


Im Proud 2 B Me!
Asalam Alakum,

Welcome to TTI,

It’s nice to have u join this lovely community.

Insha Allah u benefit from us as we from u.

Enjoy ur stay Insha Allah,

Take Care,


New Member
asalam aleikum sorry it took a while to reply, yes my dear sister Maria i am Al-yorubi and i take it you are my sister in language as well as faith?
i was wondering though are you a convert cos maria sounds like a xtian name, anyway it is nice to make your acquaintance inshal Allah i will hear back from you soon take it easy


New Member
asalam aleikum thank you all for your welcome i am sorry it took a while but it is nice to be so welcomed .
Jazakallahu khairun for your duas and your smiles hopefully we will all benefit each other

asalam aleikum