Is stem cells haram?


Junior Member
Just wondering because I just read this and I was impressed by it. But didn't know if supporting it would be haram (since you take living cells) Salams!


Junior Member
Why don't you research if it is halal to use stem cells for practical benefits within Islamic law by asking an imam or through google searches.


Junior Member
Just wondering because I just read this and I was impressed by it. But didn't know if supporting it would be haram (since you take living cells) Salams!

The only controversy surrounding stem cells comes from embryonic stem cells. The article you linked to talks about using a person's own stem cells. There is no ethical problem here.

Embryonic stem cells are controversial because acquiring stem cells from embryos require destroying them. You can probably make a judgment on it based on how you view abortion.

My own view is that taking embryonic stem cells is only okay if the fetus will be aborted anyway due to rape, incest, endangering the mother's life, or other special cases that may have been allowed within the Islamic community.


Junior Member
You can also use stem cells from the umbilical cord. (they usually just throw out the entire thing) They are just as undifferentiated as ones used from embryos and I can't think of how they would be haraam.


Slave of Allah (swt)
You can also use stem cells from the umbilical cord. (they usually just throw out the entire thing) They are just as undifferentiated as ones used from embryos and I can't think of how they would be haraam.


some people actually have their kids umbrical cord stored so incase later in life stem cells are needed.

Seeking Allah's Mercy

Qul HuwaAllahu Ahud!
Just wondering because I just read this and I was impressed by it. But didn't know if supporting it would be haram (since you take living cells) Salams!

:salam2:wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.

it's the embroynic stem cells that are considered wrong to use.we had a BIG discussion on this here at TTI.i found if very informative!!

there is a fatwa on the topic too see the post#14 by sis Happy 2BA Muslim