Is this Haraam?


Junior Member
Salam brothers and sisters.
I have few things granted in life and as a new revert to Islam., not having to with that I am new but I want to be correct, I know little but I want to be correct.

Wasalam, brother /Erik


striving 4 Firadous
This Is what i FOUND I hope it helps
Concerning the Hadeeths ''Whoever Listens to a Female Singer'' And ''Music Makes Hypocrisy Grow''

I read in a Hadeeth that the Prophet (sallAllaahu `alayhi wa sallam) said, "Whoever listens to a female singer, then molten lead will he poured into his ears." And another Hadeeth: "Music makes hypocrisy grow in the heart just as water makes grass grow. Are these Hadeeths authentic? And what is the ruling regarding someone who hears singing in a car or in a gathering, when he does not have the ability to turn it off?

Listening to a voice implies that one is listening carefully, concentrating on what he is listening to. So in the case of singing, listening to it implies that one is listening carefully and concentrating on it.
As for hearing, it could be on purpose, the same as listening carefully and concentrating, in which case it is also called listening, and the same judgements apply. On the other hand, hearing could occur without it happening on purpose, without concentrating on the voice, then it is not called listening and the judgements related to listening do not apply.

Accordingly, listening to what the questioner mentioned, different types of singing, is unlawful for anyone who concentrates on it. This is the case, be it a man, a woman, in the home, or not in the home, in the car, or in gatherings, large or small. It is the same, whenever one chooses to do so, and is inclined to participate in what is unlawful according to the Shari'ah.

Allaah Almighty said:

æóãöäó ÇáäøóÇÓö ãóä íóÔúÊóÑöí áóåúæó ÇáúÍóÏöíËö áöíõÖöáøó Úóä ÓóÈöíáö Çááøóåö ÈöÛóíúÑö Úöáúãò æóíóÊøóÎöÐóåóÇ åõÒõæðÇ ÃõæáóÆößó áóåõãú ÚóÐóÇÈñ ãøõåöíäñ

"And of mankind is he who purchases idle talk (Lahwul-Hadeeth) to mislead men from the path of Allaah without knowledge, and takes it by way of mockery. For such there will be a humiliating torment." [Luqman 31:6]

The singing that the questioner mentioned is part of Lahwul-Hadeeth. It tempts heart, and it leads it to evil, taking it away from good, and causing people to waste their time. So because of this it falls under the general meaning of Lahwul-Hadeeth, it is the same for one singing and the one who listens to singing, all of them fall under the general category of purchasing Lahwul-Hadeeth and misleading others from the path of Allaah. So there is prohibition and a warning of a sever punishment for doing so.

Just as the prohibition of singing and listening to it is proven in the Qur'aan, so too has the Sunnah. The Prophet (sallAllaahu `alayhi wa sallam) said,

áíßæää ãä ÃãÊí ÃÞæÇã íÓÊÍáæä ÇáÍÑ æÇáÍÑíÑ æÇáÎãÑ æÇáãÚÇÒÝ æáíäÒáä ÃÞæÇã Åáì ÌäÈ Úáã íÑæÍ Úáíå ÈÓÇÑÍÉ áåã íÃÊíåã íÚäí ÇáÝÞíÑ áÍÇÌÉ ÝíÞæáæÇ ÇÑÌÚ ÅáíäÇ ÛÏÇ ÝíÈíÊåã Çááå æíÖÚ ÇáÚáã æíãÓÎ ÂÎÑíä ÞÑÏÉ æÎäÇÒíÑ Åáì íæã ÇáÞíÇãÉ

"There will be from my Nation a people who will deem fornication, silk (for men), alcohol, and music to be permissible; and there will be a people who will camp beside a high mountain, when a poor man passes by them and asks for a need, they will say to him, 'Return to us tomorrow.' In the morning Allaah will make the mountain fall upon them and the others (who are saved) are transformed into apes and pigs, until the Day of Judgement." (Al-Bukhari no. 5990)

Music is the use of instruments of Lahw, and part of this is singing and listening to it. So Allaah's Messenger (sallAllaahu `alayhi wa sallam) condemned those who seek to legalize fornication, the use of silk for men, drinking alcohol, and such entertainment instruments and listening to them. Here he accompanied music with other major sins. In the end of the Hadeeth he threatened those who do that with a punishment.

This shows that listening to music is unlawful. But a person is not sinning when he accidentally listens to music, such as a person who is walking in the street and hears music being played in stores, or in a car, as long as he does not desire to listen to it. Such a person is not sinning because he has no choice; however, he must advise and warn those who are playing the music, he must do so with wisdom and good exhortation. And should avoid as much as possible going to places where music is played, and Allaah does not place a burden on a soul greater than it can bear.

A group of scholars use authentic proofs and then follow that with narrations that have some weakness in their chains of narration, or from the view of proving the objective. There is nothing wrong in this because they mention these narrations as secondary, narrations to be reflected upon, but they depend entirely on authentic Hadeeth for proof. An example of this regarding singing and listening to it, where scholars first mention the authentic narrations and then mention narrations that are weak. Here are some examples of the weak narrations:

1) Al-Hakim At-Tirmithi related from Abu Musa Al-'Ashari that the Prophet (sallAllaahu `alayhi wa sallam) said,

ãä ÇÓÊãÚ Åáì ÕæÊ ÛäÇÁ áã íÄÐä áå Ãä íÓãÚ ÇáÑæÍÇäííä

(ÞÑÇÁ Ãåá ÇáÌäÉ)

"Whoever listens to the sound of singing will not be permitted to listen to the spirits in Paradise." (Kanzu 'Ummal no. 40660, 400666 and Qurtubi no. 14/53-54)

2) Ibn 'Asakir relates from Anas, may Allaah be pleased with him, that the Prophet (sallAllaahu `alayhi wa sallam) said,

ãä ÇÓÊãÚ ÞíäÉ ÕÈ Ýí ÃÐäíå ÇáÂäß íæã ÇáÞíÇãÉ

"Whoever listens to a female singer, molten lead will be poured into his ears on the Day of Judgement." (Dha'ifu-Jami' As-Saghir Lil-Albani no. 5410 and Ad-Dha'ifah no. 4549)

3) In Thamm Al-Malahi Ibn Abi Ad-Dunya' relates from Ibn Mas'ud a saying of the Prophet:

ÇáÛäÇÁ íäÈÊ ÇáäÝÇÞ Ýí ÇáÞáÈ ßãÇ íäÈÊ ÇáãÇÁ ÇáÈÞá

"Singing makes hypocrisy to grow in the heart like water makes herbs grow." (Al-Baihaqi 10/223 and Abu Dawud no. 4927)

4) Al-Bayhaqi related from Jabir, may Allaah be pleased with him, that the Prophet (sallAllaahu `alayhi wa sallam) said,

ÇáÛäÇÁ íäÈÊ ÇáäÝÇÞ Ýí ÇáÞáÈ ßãÇ íäÈÊ ÇáãÇÁ ÇáÒÑÚ

"Singing makes hypocrisy to grow in the heart like water makes plants grow." (Shua'bul-Iman no. 5100)

All of these Hadeeths are weak, but just because they are weak doesn't affect the ruling on singing and on listening to singing; both are unlawful because of other authentic proofs from the Qur'aan and the Sunnah. And with Allaah is the facilitation to do what is right.

Permanent Committee for Research and Verdicts

Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 7, Pages 188-189, DARUSSALAM


Junior Member
I thank you for the reply, I did not know that what you expanied, my question was maybe not very clear, I wondered if It is Haraam to play this music on an instrument?


Junior Member
Salam brothers and sisters.
I have few things granted in life and as a new revert to Islam., not having to with that I am new but I want to be correct, I know little but I want to be correct.

Wasalam, brother /Erik

Bro next time you post something could you please warn us that its music. I don't listen to music and I don't want it to touch my as a future reference could you warn people like me. :hijabi: jazakAllah khair. and jazakAllah kahir sis lilly for that info.


Junior Member
Bro next time you post something could you please warn us that its music. I don't listen to music and I don't want it to touch my as a future reference could you warn people like me. :hijabi: jazakAllah khair. and jazakAllah kahir sis lilly for that info.

Salam brother, I did not know.
As I said, I do my best to be correct and in progress of learning.
I cant edit the post but maybe a moderator can so this dont happen again.
Wasalam. /Erik


Junior Member
Salam brother, I did not know.
As I said, I do my best to be correct and in progress of learning.
I cant edit the post but maybe a moderator can so this dont happen again.
Wasalam. /Erik

walikum asalam,

sorry if I came across rude I understand you're learning. it just took me by surprise that it was music...i thought it was something else. and by the way I'm a sister not a brother.


Junior Member
walikum asalam,

sorry if I came across rude I understand you're learning. it just took me by surprise that it was music...i thought it was something else. and by the way I'm a sister not a brother.

Dear sister, you did not come across as rude to me.
Please feel free to tell me more about ´rules with music? Wasalam./Erik


Junior Member
Dear sister, you did not come across as rude to me.
Please feel free to tell me more about ´rules with music? Wasalam./Erik

Assalamu Alikum,

glad to hear I didn't offend you. InshaAllah I'll PM you the ruling about music. I have to go somewhere at the moment...sorry can't stay online.


New Member
in my humble opinion I DONT think music is forbidden...depending on the lyrics, its like drawing, they say drawing is Haram, so if we follow that logic, drawing the human body in medicine organs and animals aka haram?! Drawing is a form of writting, u write in a very artistic way and helps people understand what they can or cant see. I think that listening to music with BAD lyrics shouldnt be allowed, like F words and B...etc...same goes with drawing, if u start drawing naked women...then it becomes forbidden, I think when u push something to the extreme it becomes bad...its like food, u eat too much, its will be bad for you.
Did you know that doctors discovered that listening to music while sleeping relaxes the body and reduces back pain upto 40%!!!
Haram = HARM... mainly when u are HURTING yourself or someone else...who are u hurting by listening to music? who are u hurting when youre drawing? Music can have a very positive change on people a way to motivate some. And of course God knows best!


Music is HARAM!

Salam brothers and sisters.
I have few things granted in life and as a new revert to Islam., not having to with that I am new but I want to be correct, I know little but I want to be correct.

Wasalam, brother /Erik

W-Salam Eric,

Mary Ann Kennedy is no doubt a talented Musician, songwriter and singer in Gaelic. She used to be on BBC Scotland with a band called “Cliar”, not sure if the band is together or not?

Do you know Gaelic?

My Brother, Allah (SWT) has guided you to the right path and it is indeed a gift from Allah (SWT) and your long journey towards connecting with your Creator has begun…

You have taken the first steps and there is a long way to go, yet.

It will be hard but it is not impossible.

Your Final destination is PARADISE, Insha’Allah
Your Final goal is PARADISE, Insha’Allah

And for you to get to Paradise you will have to do certain things which are against your desires (your likes)…Sometime for us it may feel like Prison….We want to do something but we can’t or we are not allowed…

Abu Hurayra reported that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "This world is the prison of the believer and the paradise of the unbeliever." [Muslim]

The REWARD of not acting on our desires and likes/dislikes is PARADISE and lets see what PARADISE is…

Do you know how BIG the paradise is?

I will tell you about just a TREE in Paradise…

The Prophet said, "There is a tree in Paradise (which is so big and huge that) if a rider travels in its shade for one hundred years, he would not be able to cross it." (Bukhari)

Now imagine HOW BIG the whole Paradise is?

You know in this world we get old, we get weak, we get diseases, but in Paradise….

Allah's Messenger said, "The inhabitants of Paradise are hairless, beardless and have black eyes, their youth does not pass away and their garments do not wear out." (Tirmidhi)

So my brother if we listen to Mary Ann Kennedy we get pleasure for a few minutes or moments…


If we DON’T listen to Mary Ann Kennedy we may suffer for a few minutes but we will get PARADISE which has WIDTH wider then the heavens & the Earth!

"Race each other to forgiveness from your Lord and for a Garden as wide as the heavens and the earth, prepared for the godfearing." (3:133)

What a DEAL!


Junior Member
Assalamualycum Brother,

Hear I got this videos.Please see and listen carefully to this videos.

Sheik Yusuf Estes ON MUSIC IN ISLAM



I hope it will help you brother.

Take care,

Thank you, I was about to ask what the Video speak.
GlobalPeace, I thank you.
I do not know about the singer or what she sings, I do not speak Gaelic.
I posted examples of music , or type of music I played on instruments, not singing.

In my past I did many bad things I know , even I then came to a point to see it, I paid for them even in the life here with how It made me feel.

Therefor I will not do bad ever again and I need to know about this.
Allah knows that my heart is only for Allah now, Allah knows everything about my past.
Maybe I did wrong yesterday and I will do wrong tomorrow but then it is not my intention.
Allah knows this because Allah knows everything.

I can this minute stop playing music but I dont want to, I would love if I still do right if I could limit the type of music?

I tried to play this on a Violin, both the music and the (might be called singing) into one by ear.
May I do that or did I do wrong?

The sound in this Video can not be man made without help from Allah.



Asalamu Alaykum!
dude, if you call that music.....then im not partying with you.

lol umm people i think this might have been a joke if im correct i dont think it meant to offend anyone.. i thought it was a joke right brother naw333!