"Is this Jesus christ?!" LOL


ربنا اغفر لنا ذنوبنا
Staff member
Salaam `alaikum warahmatullaah!

Sheikh محمد حسان(Muhammad Hassan) is mistaken for Jesus(عليه السلام )..=)



Junior Member
This also happened with A.R. Green. I think in Australia. He mentioned that in one of his lectures.


Nothing but Muslimah

:) Really laughed at the video :) Jazakallah Khair for sharing this with us

You see, I was watching a similar story in another lecture.. Yeah it was basically from Peace TV and .. the scholar was surely an Australian.. I forgot his name..and forgot the topic of that lecture series too..

What he told was..

When he was walking some where , he saw this little kid walking with his mother and he stated screaming "Mother Jesus !! Mother.. Jesus" as soon as he saw this Scholar !!! :biggrin:
The way he was relating the story was so funny though, I will Insha Allah post it over here, if I catch any videos on you tube :)

Again.. Jazakallah Khair for sharing !!

Seeking Allah's Mercy

Qul HuwaAllahu Ahud!
Asalamoalaikom wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh,

Guys pray for Sheikh Muhammad Hassan, he's had a heart attack. Source.


Someone posted the news on Multaqa.

Jazakallah khair ukht. The video was beautiful. May Allah preserve him and grant him Shifaa.


Smile! It's Sunnah!
Salaam `alaikum warahmatullaah!

Sheikh محمد حسان(Muhammad Hassan) is mistaken for Jesus(عليه السلام )..=)


i cannot see the video attached. can you please share the link?

wasalaam :)


ربنا اغفر لنا ذنوبنا
Staff member
Asalamoalaikom wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh,

Guys pray for Sheikh Muhammad Hassan, he's had a heart attack. Source.


Someone posted the news on Multaqa.

Jazakallah khair ukht. The video was beautiful. May Allah preserve him and grant him Shifaa.

Wa`alaikum salaam warahmatullaah!

Oh Subhaanallaah!! That's terrible!:( O` Allaah cure him! O' Allaah cure him! O' Allaah, يا ذا الجلال والاكرام , ياودود يارحيم , يامشافي, Cure him and all of your ill servants !Aameen ya Rabbal `aalameen!

Jazaa'killaahu khayr for sharing this ukhty.. But this news was posted up on that site on the 23rd, I wonder how he's faring at the moment ?

oh and I'm glad you liked the video!=)