Islam as culture


Junior Member
Quran speaks about many establish scientific fact for more information watch all of this

Quran says in sorah anbiya verse 30
"Do not the unbeliever see taht the heavens and the earth was once one solid mass and then we have splitted them and created every human beings from water.then do they not believe"
Quran is the only revelation which after it was reveled it remain safe from corruption as Allah says "we have reveled this book and we will guard it from corruption ".

Ay and Quran also speaks about the creation of human beings in different stages
1400 hundreds years ago imagine who could have written that the only answer a person can give u that it is the word of God almighty
can u answer a simple question that how we came into being? dont u see that how a drop of spirm after going through different stages takes the form of a baby? Is it just random process or there someone who shapes us in whom of the mother?
Quran says in sorah waqiya "this nutfa(minute quantity of liquid) that u put then u create a baby from it or are we creators of it?"

May Allah show u the truth ,May Allah guide u .Ameen


New Member

An atheist is one who does not accept God. Unlike an agnostic who questions the concept of a divine being. Thus an atheist has understood in his mind that there can never be God. An agnostic is simply in a state of unknown i.e. ignorance and selecting not to do anything about it.

Given your question it is hard to understand why you would consider yourself an atheist. A person who denies God can not promote a religion. Please understand that I am not attempting to judge you nor am I trying to be coy. I am serious.

The heart of Islam is Allah subhana talla. The universe of Islam is submission to Allah subhana talla. The dictates of culture and society are based on fear and devotion to Allah subhana talla.

Islam is not to be taken in piecemeal. It is a totality. As long as individuals do not submit to Allah subhana talla their lives will reflect conflict and confusion. This is the simple truth.

Concerning atheist/agnost, I think it's much more likely that God doesn't exist than that he does exist. So I see religions as foundations of societies with a social influence. One is better than the other. They exist, and they have a function, therefor I denounce Christianity and promote Islam, although I say with Islam that you should be "modern" about it, as the people on this forum are. Even if you're atheist, because atheists in Western society and probably in Islamic society are much influenced by religion anyway, whether they know it or not.

About your argument that Islam should be taken in its totality or not at all, that's where I'd like to disagree, atheists don't believe and much won't because they just have another world view. Still they can take an example from Islam, and it -is- of benefit to them, and in my opinion also to the Muslims.
Take an example of the Christian/atheist society of the USA, if they would understand Islam better they would talk better with the Middle Eastern people, and conflicts like we've seen could be avoided, just to name an example.



Thank you for your response. I must say that I am not a modernist. Infact, I am and see myself as a very conservative Muslim. This is from a personal perspecritive. The deeper I delve into understanding my faith..the more I have to abide by its guidelines. It is simply because Islam is the Truth. Faith has taught me to be accepting of others. Islam is the faith of tolerance. The Prophet (swas) told us that religion had been perfected so there can be no change. Islam has been before man as it is the religion of Allah subhana talla.

In your response you did not distinguish between agnostic and atheist and in my readings and conversations there does seem to be a radical difference. You are correct social conventions are tied to religion. From our faith we act.

I am detecting that you are very socially aware and have a good heart. You seem to want good for the world. I believe that the brothers and sisters on this forum will help you.

Forgive me for being so longwinded, but it seems that we need to discuss the spritual elements of Islam. You have written about the soical needs to spread peace. But peace is a gift from Allah subhana talla. Peace is a state of being. It is a spritual state. It is beyond the confines of society. It is not hollow. Too, Islam can not be separated from the state. Thus, the bottom line is we submit to the Will of Allah subhana talla. In other words He is the Alpha and the Omega.

The world view of atheists often lies on the need for proof of existence. It limits our existence to a very physical plane. The believer does not rely on proof becasue the believer is committed to his faith. I pray you will find the time to respond.


Junior Member
Dear Multiculti,

This may come as a surprise to you but atheists are really a rare breed in the USA compared to Europe. In fact, I would assess that a lot of the problems that the USA has in her dealings with the Middle East stems from the fact that Washington is full of Born Again Christians (extremely zealous) and influential Zionists (who also control mainstream media).

As for an atheist accepting Islam in its totality.... not that hard, happens every day. Islam is a religion of logic and so many things are explained even from a scientific standpoint that no person could have had knowledge of 1400 years ago. Take just this example that Qur'an mentions that the mosquito has something dwelling on its back (I ama paraphrasing here) and low and behold it has been discovered recently that there is a microscopic organism living on the mosquito's back. Clearly this organism is so minute that it has only recently been discovered but in this alone are signs for those who think. Now, some Born Again Christians and the like would say this knowledge came from a sinister source, :astag:, but atheists would not think such a thing. Why would a religion that asks us simply to worship the One True God and turn to Him in submission five times a day be anything other than the best of goodness?

My husband told me yesterday that there is a scholar (Naik, I believe) who said it is easy to convince an atheist to accept Islam...... Islam centres around tawheed (the Oneness of Allah)..... La illaha illa Allah.... There is no god but Allah...... Atheists already have the first two words down with "La illaha...(there is no god)" is simply a matter of convincing with logic that there is One True God, Allah, and this is who we should worship and Him alone and nothing comes even close to comparing with Him.

Good luck and keep on the forum.... I wasn't sure where you were going with your post yesterday (manly men, etc) but I believe your intentions are good. Keep learning and see what happens :)


New Member
I don't know about a good heart, it may be a bit of a luxury. Mirajmom thank you too for your responses. I consider a modern Muslim as someone that doesn't treat non-Muslims much worse than Muslims, provided that the non-Muslim has good manners and behaviour. As the non-Muslim often doesn't have this, it takes some insight into how people work to know why this is, why non-Muslims are often socially underdeveloped. As I spend a lot of time with people, and have some personal experiences with these things as I know the difference between cultures firsthand, because 5 years ago I looked more like a Christian, now ppl sometimes ask if I'm a Muslim. I work in construction, so I'm with the guys all day, and it's in the Netherlands, so quite multicultural.
An example of this would be treatment by Muslims of Coptic Christians in Egypt or the Christians in Syria or the treatment of atheists.
Also I would consider a modern Muslim as holding common sense next to Islam, I think examples of this are the general modernisation in any country, and that most countries are not nearly as true to the Quran as Saudi Arabia.

Because I'm experimenting with this concept of cultural Islam, I try to follow Islamic behaviour now more or less. So submission to Allah (or the Islamic system) is useful because it is a good system, what you can't say of Christianity. And because people will think alike, you'll trust each other more, and the block to talking to others is small.

Cmelbouzaidi I agree with you on the United States, in my opinion Christianity is not a good influence, and it would be better if Americans had no religion instead of being Christians, although believing in God is not bad. Often I'm surprised of the backward opinions of Americans about Muslims and Middle Eastern policy. That's why I really like Yusuf Estes, he's an example of what Americans should do, convert to Islam. They are brainwashed now by this troubled religion Christianity, which was created mostly by this man Paulus. And the Zionists know well how to pull the strings of these sleeping sheep.
Still I'd like a peaceful solution to the Israel issue, these people never get their rest.


New Member
Quran speaks about many establish scientific fact for more information watch all of this

Quran says in sorah anbiya verse 30
"Do not the unbeliever see taht the heavens and the earth was once one solid mass and then we have splitted them and created every human beings from water.then do they not believe"
Quran is the only revelation which after it was reveled it remain safe from corruption as Allah says "we have reveled this book and we will guard it from corruption ".

Ay and Quran also speaks about the creation of human beings in different stages
1400 hundreds years ago imagine who could have written that the only answer a person can give u that it is the word of God almighty
can u answer a simple question that how we came into being? dont u see that how a drop of spirm after going through different stages takes the form of a baby? Is it just random process or there someone who shapes us in whom of the mother?
Quran says in sorah waqiya "this nutfa(minute quantity of liquid) that u put then u create a baby from it or are we creators of it?"

May Allah show u the truth ,May Allah guide u .Ameen

Thanks Danyal, Salaam Aleikum. Well there's scientific explanations for the development of people in the womb and all, but it's very admirable that Islam had such a good insight about nature such a long time ago. I've started reading the Quran that I got from an Iraqi friend, and will form my opinion about the Quran.
Science tells us that all the information that is needed for the growth of a person is already in the combined cells of the man's semen and the woman's egg. In fact every human cell has all the information about your whole body, and you could theoretically clone a person from one cell of his body, this has been done with animals already. Of course this isn't proof that God doesn't exist, it's just something people have found out about nature.
Hello Multiculti,

I'm happy to see you taking initiative and reading the Quran. God willingly, you'll find the answers you've been looking for.

You say you try to follow Islamic behavior, but one should think, who came up with the guidelines? It wasn't a magic wand that "Hoofed" & "Poofed" and fell from the sky. These behavior comes from the teaching of the Quran or we say Allah. In essense you are living by the codes of Allah but remember just like faith without action, action without faith is incompatible and destructive.

You also said:

Well there's scientific explanations for the development of people in the womb and all, but it's very admirable that Islam had such a good insight about nature such a long time ago.

It wasn't just admirable but just one of the signs that there is a Creator and we are the creation. The technology that we have today did not exist 1400 years ago nor did it exist 20 years ago. Please read the short article by Dr. Zakir Naik "Congratulating an Athiest" and let me know what you think. It's very logical the way he explains it. :SMILY259:



I will start by using the salutation Brother with you. It becomes you.

Our Prophet (swas) is our teacher. He was one with the best of manners. We walk in his path. I pray that each Muslim you have contact with will exhibit the best of manners. That is modern.
You are fortunate to be in construction. Yes, you do meet a multitude of cultures. This just makes everyone more humble. Nothing makes men bond more than hard labor.
I have two requests of you. If you please would you read the first sura in the Quran and reflect on it. And two, would you go through the motions of prayer with a Muslim. Yes. You do not have to..but I believe these two excercises will benefit you.
I pray someone will be able to discuss politics. I am unable to discuss anything of a political nature.
The brothers on this forum are dedicated to the Truth and they will have wonderful discussions with you.
Have you read Kierkegaard? I see a little of his influence on you.


Junior Member
Dear Multiculti,

I hope you are feeling welcome here on TTI forum. You really did start an interesting thread and I hope you are finding it beneficial. I think, as sister mirajmom mentioned above, it may be nice for you to go through the motions of the Islamic prayer or watch first hand how someone performs wudhu (ablutions) and does their prayers. I hope you will let us know how you are getting on with reading Qur'an.

We have many people that join TTI saying they are interested in Islam and sadly it often turns out that they are just trying to bash Islam or make us annoyed! I have to say you
come across as a very nice and polite person who is genuinely seeking answers. I hope you don't mind but my prayer for you is that you will find the beauty in Islam to accept it 100%. Allah does not need us at all, he does not want for anything but we do so need Him in this life and the Hereafter. Continue your quest for knowledge with an open mind and open heart and please keep up the posts along the way :) :hijabi:

tarek shokry

New Member
Dear Multiculti,
It is very easy for anybody to realize the existence of god
It must be easy even for the simplest man who had no chances for knowledge or education to realize that so pleeeeeez don’t be annoyed if I spoke in a very simple way

Daer sir
Look around your self, look at your room you will find doors, windows, stairs …etc
Can this room exist randomly or an explosion made it???

Of course not because we can find wisdom and arrangements that made this room suitable to live in, so some body must think and design it to live inside it

And look for your car you will find a design that make it runs so it did not came by random but there is a wisdom and ideas of some body behind it

And …….etc

Now look at your self and your body you will find amazing design

Breathing system, blood circulation system, nerves system, heart, brain, eyes, hands, legs …….etc

In our bodies as much you know as much you can find very high ideas and wisdom that can not come (or developed) randomly or comes suddenly by explosion of some thing!

The question that we MUST ask our selves and answer is:
Who made the human body amazing design?
There must be some wise one

And the second thing
Who made the human body design did not leave him alone but he design the environment which cooperate with him
So as we think the human body created from mud (dust and water) and we was babies little sized so simply how we grow up and increased in volume?
Or how we increased in mud?!!!
How can we got that mud?!!!

We but a seed in the mud (dust and irrigate it with water) then it becomes apple or vegetables that we can eat plus it gives us more other seeds
So who the amazing design of these seeds to take from dust and water and fabricate for us different foods that we like to eat and grow up?
We must know who made that system in the seed that cooperate with the human (and even animals)?
We can find around us soooooo many creations that carry the high wisdom of god and tell us that god is here

Finally if you accept this we can discuss why god is only one and could never be more than one
And also I have to tell you that god sent a message to us that he did not create the universe to play but there is a truth behind this creation that little people can know (I am not ready to discuss about that)
So he did not create us to die then its over, but there is another life we will live and god warned us that he will not accept but Islam as religion and who will not accept Islam as religion he will live very miserable life forever in the last life
So for your self and your safety you have to search is this message true or not?
And I am ready to discuss with you about that

With my best wishes for you:shake:


New Member
Thanks for the kind words friends, I will do those things, I'll see if I can find a good place for this prayer, I met some Bosnian guys a while back and they have a small mosque, maybe that's a good place. Do you have a recommendation for Kierkegaard, a book? If he lived that long ago I can probably find his literature for download on the internet.

I'm reading the Quran and it's very interesting, but it'll take some time before I've finished it.
I like spending time sitting in places drinking a tea with the local Turkish or Moroccan shoarma, and talking to the owners. I've developed some more ideas, I'm telling people they should see Islam as a basis for the social life, in West and Middle East, and that should make everything allright. I'm gonna update my friendships with some Iraqi and Iranian guys that I haven't seen for a while. Your input and support is very helpful. It's not easy to convince the Christians about all this, maybe I'll try it offline, and talking more to people face to face.. but it's a sensitive subject.

Tarek I'm a warned man, and I'll think hard if there's a God, because for sure I wouldn't want to have a horrible next life if I would be negligent in this one.

By the way if you want to add me to msn you're very welcome, it's in my profile. For now I'm reading the Quran, and also, enjoy the game of Spain-Germany in an hour :) Cheers and Salaam Aleikum


Junior Member
May Allah Guide u.I will remember u in my prayers.Inshallah(If Allah wills) Allah will guide.I want u to pray to Allah Subhanautallah He will Guide u .Ameen
And listen to the recitation of the Quran Listen to this




Kierkegaard's most notable work would be Either/Or. In simple words, he stated man by logic and reason ends up in the same place as he does with a leap of faith. That which is logical and rational is summed up as Real. The other path, the leap of faith, is summed up as Real. I can not emphasis enough that he was greatly influenced by Muslim thought. Real is Allah subhana talla. Muhammad Iqubal's Reconstruction of Thought In Islam is an excellent, slow, but excellent reading.

I know, Insha'Allah, Allah will provide with you with opportunities to pray with Muslims. The physical prayer is a metamorphisis initself.

There is a beautiful youtube video: The Two Seas if you have a moment please watch.

And please continue to respond as you wish.

your aapa.


well becoming Muslims would be a solution for us, but it's not possible if you don't believe in God. I only want to make a decision that others could also make. So for now I can't be a Muslim, or I need arguments or an example for other people that have found a solution for this problem. Because there's millions of Muslims in Islamic countries, and very few agnosts/atheists. So their solution may be good enough for Western people. But I have a hard head in it, maybe the culture itself needs to adapt to non-believers. And accept non-believers, in the Islamic life. I mean, the Chinese are doing well right, and they're mostly atheists, so there's other explanations for how everything's working.

Personally for example I believe that there's two problems that cause the degraded Western society, two main problems, Christianity and not being circumcised. Christianity puts the world on its head, it tells the men to be like women, to be sweet and soft, and walk away in a confrontation. Also to be lazy, and to follow. Because Paulus said you need only believe, works are not necessary. I have reasons to doubt the intentions of this man Paulus, who so much seems to have changed the message of the prophet Jezus. Too bad that we may never know a satisfactory amount of the truth.
Not being circumcised has a similar effect, it keeps men down, it keeps them from developing into men, and they have a dirtier mind. So there's 2 forces working against the unfortunate Western people, and the two combined makes it complicated, and keeps Christians and Muslims apart! They don't really mix, and people don't understand the reasons, and the Christian guys can't bridge the gap. This is mostly because noone knows about the circumcision.

So this is the problem of a non-believer, he can find out that his own Christian system has shortcomings, and that Islam has many solutions. Still Islam also has shortcomings, for example it may hold back science, and there seems to exist some prejudice against non-Muslims, mostly Jews. I'll have to read the Quran to know more about it though.

So if you know solutions for this problem, please let me know. Should the Middle East accept atheists into its culture (remember that more than half the world population is atheist, think of the Chinese), should atheists find a way to believe in God, should Western people have an alternative to Islam that would still improve atheists' lives and be a system with many similarities to Islam, or is there another solution. A solution to solve the Western social problems, and to bring the Western and Middle Eastern people together?

I'm not sure if more than half of the world population is atheist, where did you get your statistics from? I'm not intending to criticize you or ridicule you, I'm just curious. Logically speaking half of the world at the very least should be believers.
1/4 of the world population is Muslims, and then if you take Christians, Sikh, bahai, and Jews (all of them being monotheistic faiths), IMO, that's at the very least half of the world's population.
Take into consideration I'm not even considering the people who "believe in many goods, higher beings, spirits, etc... Ex: Hindus, Buddist, etc...

"Still Islam also has shortcomings, for example it may hold back science, and there seems to exist some prejudice against non-Muslims, mostly Jews"

The Quran repeatedly emphasis the need to seek knowledge, and repeatedly encourages the audience to question, investigate, and examine the natural world in order to witness the glory and majesty of Allah SWT.
If you look at Islamic history, you will see Islam has a rich history of priceless contribution to many modern scientific fields astronomy, medicine, mathematics, etc...

So to answer your question, No Islam does not hold back science, sadly in recent times Its followers may have been holding back science. That is very unfortunate.

"and there seems to exist some prejudice against non-Muslims, mostly Jews"

I can't speak for all Muslims, but I personally have no problem with a believing Jew as long as he is not harming me, my family, or the society I live in.
What I do have problem with is a Zionist Jew. There is a clear distinction between the two, you can be a Zionist Jew without actually being religious or anything.
I believe majority of the Muslim hold similar opinion of the Jews.
Keep in mind, that Jews and Muslims were getting along fine throughout their respective history until 1948. Many Jews served under Ottoman Turks, Islamic rulers in Spain, etc. It's not like the Musilms ever prevented the Jews from entering their temples, or persecuted their religion or drive them out of Palestine. If we willed we could have certainly done so. The jews were a small population and lived in Islamic countries. We even sheltered the Jews and let them live in our lands when the Christian Inquisition in Spain drove Muslims and Jews out of Spain.

How do the Jews repay us? By stealing lands from the Palestinians and driving nearly 800000, Muslims out of Palestine. And continuing to oppress, persecute, and kill our Muslims brothers and sisters in Palestine.
Muslims do have a legitimate reason to be angry.
Under what standard of justice is the establishment of Israel is fair to the Palestinian? I can't think of any. Like I said, Muslims have many legitimate reasons to be angry, and if you ask me, these Zionist Jews and the people who helped them in their cause are nothing but "Scum of the earth".

That being said, I do have Jewish friends, but they are not zioinist nor are they harming my Muslim brothers and sisters, so I have no problem with them.


p.s. Your openness toward Islam is very admirable. Even though you said your an atheist, nonetheless you do not seem like an arrogant person, so feel free to ask us anything about Islam :).


Hello, I'm a guy that tries to promote Islam to many people on the internet. I believe, based on my life in the Netherlands, that the West needs to change its foundation to Islam, because it would make life so much better, and would solve most of the typical current Western problems. I talk about a modern Islam though, because Islamic countries also sometimes have their problems, as you know because issues are often discussed, the society in Saudi Arabia, Iran, issues like Taliban etc. Things that put the hairs of Western people straight up, and it prevents them from seeing what good Islam would do to them.

Today I had a new thought about all this, as I have new thoughts about what I'm doing every day. As I'm an atheist myself, which is about half the people in the West, I can't be a Muslim. Because I care about people, I would want them to benefit from Islam though, the tidy behaviour, the rules you can learn from, the respectful manner, the male circumcision, the dynamic social life, etc. I'm thinking about promoting Islam not only for believers, but also as a culture that atheists can benefit from. Because they are also people, and they also need an improvement in their life, and the best I can think of, is Islam! Seriously. And it's a very good solution to all the problems that Western people have, it's sad to see it. People are unhappy, their life a disappointment.

Anyway, I would like to ask you, how do you consider people that don't believe in God, and even Christians, to benefit from Islam by like "letting it influence their culture", to make something as an Islamic culture? Thanks.

Thanks for your comments. I am very glad for your appreciation of Islam and your desire to promote it, even though you are not Muslim yourself! I actually lived for a number of years in a Muslim country when I was not a muslim myself (although was not an atheist then, I did believe in God by that time), and I benefited from it tremendously! I completed the fast of Ramadan and learned some of the prayers and was surprised at how much I learned about God just by completing those actions in the company of other Muslims. I grew to have a very deep appreciation of Islam, although I still did not feel it was the religion for myself at that time, and I also used to promote Islam to people in the "West" upon my return. It was not until several years later that I embraced Islam completely in its entirety and call myself Muslim.

I also like your user name "multiculti" as I am also one who values multi-culturalism highly. One of the reasons why I love Islam so much is that has the power to enjoin people through the good things in culture. It is only the bad habits/traditions in a culture that should be discarded. And under an Islamic rule NO PERSON should ever be oppressed for any reason whatsoever, each persons' rights should be protected. We are told in Islam that persecution is even worse than slaughter.

I also did not believe in God for many years, until I was about 17. I relied heavily on logic, scientific proofs, physical evidence . . . . I had a hard time to believe in anything I could not see for myself. But for me it was almost like a flip of a switch, when the realization that God, the Creator, DOES in fact exist came upon me. And within the fold of Islam, science and truth and reality and the existance of God, as well as miraculous occurances, are all perfectly compatable.

I do sincerely hope that one day God will bring you to a realization of His existance. Because the reality is that although any person would certainly benefit from living in a truly Islamic environment (note that what you refer to as "modern" Islam is really a reflection of what the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, originally intended the practice of Islam to be), that beneficial experience encountered during the time here in the world would be of absolutely no benefit in the hereafter, if a person persisted in their disbelief in God.

Best wishes to you, and hope to see more contributions from you.


New Member
Cool Mairo, that's interesting the things that you've been through. I'm not very much multiculti in the traditional sense of the word though, as in making much room for the rest of the world in your own country, if other countries don't do that as well. However I like the concept of making friends with people from other countries, and transcending and understanding cultural/religious differences and turning them into a profitable cooperation.
Good that you're a Muslim in the States, I hope you help converting Americans to Islam, you could use the site in my profile for helping in this if you want. Thanks for the kind words, the West should become Islamic pronto, and Insha'Allah we can all become better friends.


Junior Member
well becoming Muslims would be a solution for us, but it's not possible if you don't believe in God. I only want to make a decision that others could also make. So for now I can't be a Muslim, or I need arguments or an example for other people that have found a solution for this problem. Because there's millions of Muslims in Islamic countries, and very few agnosts/atheists. So their solution may be good enough for Western people. But I have a hard head in it, maybe the culture itself needs to adapt to non-believers. And accept non-believers, in the Islamic life. I mean, the Chinese are doing well right, and they're mostly atheists, so there's other explanations for how everything's working.

Personally for example I believe that there's two problems that cause the degraded Western society, two main problems, Christianity and not being circumcised. Christianity puts the world on its head, it tells the men to be like women, to be sweet and soft, and walk away in a confrontation. Also to be lazy, and to follow. Because Paulus said you need only believe, works are not necessary. I have reasons to doubt the intentions of this man Paulus, who so much seems to have changed the message of the prophet Jezus. Too bad that we may never know a satisfactory amount of the truth.
Not being circumcised has a similar effect, it keeps men down, it keeps them from developing into men, and they have a dirtier mind. So there's 2 forces working against the unfortunate Western people, and the two combined makes it complicated, and keeps Christians and Muslims apart! They don't really mix, and people don't understand the reasons, and the Christian guys can't bridge the gap. This is mostly because noone knows about the circumcision.

So this is the problem of a non-believer, he can find out that his own Christian system has shortcomings, and that Islam has many solutions. Still Islam also has shortcomings, for example it may hold back science, and there seems to exist some prejudice against non-Muslims, mostly Jews. I'll have to read the Quran to know more about it though.

So if you know solutions for this problem, please let me know. Should the Middle East accept atheists into its culture (remember that more than half the world population is atheist, think of the Chinese), should atheists find a way to believe in God, should Western people have an alternative to Islam that would still improve atheists' lives and be a system with many similarities to Islam, or is there another solution. A solution to solve the Western social problems, and to bring the Western and Middle Eastern people together?

i guess brother u have very little knowledge about the religion islam.
if u have not come accross a single compatiability between quran and modern science,that does not mean ISLAM HOLDS BACK SCIENCE .infact islam is far ahead.
the scientific established fact which we have known merely a few centuries ago,QURAN ALREADY MENTIONED IT 1400 HUNDRED YEARS AGO.if u study the quran in detail with referance to context u will learn science is nothing new to quran.
and secondly islam is a peace loving religion.its unislamic to have prejudice 4 any one .TO KNOW ANY RELIGION WE HAVE TO SEE WHAT THE RELIGIOUS SCRIPTURES OF THAT PARTICULAR RELIGION SAY,DONT COME TO CONCLUSIONS BY MERELY SEEING THE FOLLOWERS.and if u want to see any follower,the best example is OUR BELOVED PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PBUH).

nori suja'i

Junior Member
dear multiculti,
Islam is not a culture its a faith that u must obey and practise what God asked u to do and avoid the things that God forbade. Wassalaam


New Member
Yes I know Islam is not a culture and that cultures can be based on Islam.

Guys I've done some more thinking, maybe you can help me in this. I'm looking for what the non-believers can best do in an Islamizing society.

If you believe in God, you can be a Muslim. That's good. But if you don't believe in God, you're an atheist or agnost. So you are excluded from being a Muslim, from joining the Ummah, from being completely part of the society, you will be left out. You can't decide that you're going to believe in God, you do or don't. You can only have an experience which makes you a believer.

So I'm looking for what an atheist can do, he can do everything a Muslim does, and live a very righteous life, and be very clean and good to others, etc. Still he will not be a Muslim. As half the people in the West doesn't believe, it's important. Can you give it a name, like not a Muslim, but a follower of Islam? Something so that there's not a big split between people who believe and people who don't. This is what I'm currently thinking about, I'm curious if you have something of a solution for it, thanks.